Sat Jul 27 2024 05:14:13 CEST
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24 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1826 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Analog channels with amplitudes greater than 1000V are not displayed correctly 2023-01-28
1291 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Cursor and vertical marker line snapping should have a way to snap by sample points (not just edges) 2018-09-29
439 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- decode font is not consistently displayed at some zoom levels 2014-10-03
1432 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- failed file re-load clears display but prints no longer available values 2019-10-19
1424 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- file with 8 channel data but 16 declared traces results in random data display 2019-10-02
1315 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- only part of the wave form shown for analog trace 2018-10-28
995 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Painting of analog traces is semi-broken 2017-07-10
1835 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- PV Crashes while viewing Binary output when decoder is removed 2023-08-13
1113 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- PV missing lots of data display functions 2018-05-30
768 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Rendering is slow at intermediate zoom levels 2016-04-17
1842 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Request: add confirmation before starting capture when there's already captured data 2023-04-16
1857 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Signal in log, but not graph 2023-06-03
885 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- ss=es annotations are drawn in an odd way when close in proximity 2017-01-26
647 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Sticky scrolling is inconvenient when triggers are active 2015-09-04
511 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- The view is sometimes not redrawn when necessary 2015-06-28
1887 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Trace timeline shows msa units, not ms 2023-10-06
1445 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Traces may not be positioned correctly when using -c 2019-11-24
1587 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- unexpected text selection for decoder output (zoom levels) 2020-08-16
1293 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Vertical marker under cursor position should also snap to edges/samples 2018-09-29
1240 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Wishlist: Add setting to take over device display config on connect/run 2018-07-01
691 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Wishlist: configurable default channel colors with presets 2018-12-07
1100 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Wishlist: PV should prevent the user from zooming into empty space 2018-04-28
697 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- Wishlist: show pulse width time as mouse rollover 2019-05-20
1770 PulseVie Data dis nobody CONF --- [Feature request] Rolling mode for data (always keep last N samples) 2022-01-27
24 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Data display" component of the "PulseView" product