User talk:Bert

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Mir ist aufgefallen, dass diese Seite über 2000 Einträge hat. Es scheint für die Bilder der DMMs etc. noch keine Kategorien zu geben. --Manorainjan (talk) 20:49, 15 August 2014 (UTC)

English, please. Bert Vermeulen (talk) 10:27, 16 August 2014 (UTC)
I was initially trying to put my freshly uploaded pics in an approbate category. So I was looking into the categorisation of another picture and did not find any category there. So next I went there (link above) and saw uncategorised pics. Are there no categories for files?--Manorainjan (talk) 11:58, 16 August 2014 (UTC)



Amongst other things I was wondering if there where templates to use. Are these only the uncategorised or are there no categorized templates?--Manorainjan (talk) 11:55, 16 August 2014 (UTC)

No, we don't need categories for templates of images. The images tend to be very specific to one page, and rarely used anywhere else. The templates even more so. This is not wikipedia, after all. Bert Vermeulen (talk) 13:14, 16 August 2014 (UTC)

Maybe You can create a page like this: Add a Wikki, link it in the Tools section down at the left, which describes how to add a meter page and which templates to be used and so on?--Manorainjan (talk) 15:04, 16 August 2014 (UTC)