Rohde&Schwarz HMP 4000 series

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Rohde&Schwarz HMP 4000
Rs hmp4040 mugshot.png
Status supported
Source code scpi-pps
Channels 3 / 4
Voltage/current (CH1) 0-32V / 0-10A
Voltage/current (CH2) 0-32V / 0-10A
Voltage/current (CH3) 0-32V / 0-10A
Voltage/current (CH4) 0-32V / 0-10A
Connectivity USB CDC, USB TMC, LAN

The Rohde&Schwarz HMP 4000 series consists of the HMP 4030 (3 channels) and HMP 4040 (4 channels) models. Each channel provides up to 32V and up to 10A, with a maximum of 160W per channel, and a maximum of 384W for the total supply. The isolated channels can get connected in series or parallel to get higher voltages or currents (up to 128V or 40A).

The device ships with USB (CDC and TMC) and LAN by default, see the HO732 interface. GPIB is available as an option.

The HMP 2000 series provides models with fewer channels and lower capabilities.



 $ sigrok-cli -d scpi-pps --scan
 The following devices were found:
 scpi-pps - ROHDE&SCHWARZ HMP4040 HW50020003/SW2.62 [S/N: 104xxx] with 8 channels: V1 I1 V2 I2 V3 I3 V4 I4
 $ sigrok-cli -d scpi-pps --show
 Driver functions:
     Power supply
 Scan options:
 scpi-pps - ROHDE&SCHWARZ HMP4040 HW50020003/SW2.62 [S/N: 104xxx] with 8 channels: V1 I1 V2 I2 V3 I3 V4 I4
 Channel groups:
     1: channels V1 I1
     2: channels V2 I2
     3: channels V3 I3
     4: channels V4 I4
 Supported configuration options across all channel groups:
     continuous: on, off
     limit_samples: 0 (current)
     limit_time: 0 (current)
