Pico Technology PicoScope 2205

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PicoScope 2205.

The Pico Technology PicoScope 2205 is a 2-channel USB-based PC oscilloscope (and spectrum analyzer and data logger and logic analyzer). It supports a bandwidth of 25MHz. The max. sampling rate (one-shot) is 200 MS/s (one channel mode) or 100 MS/s (two channel mode). The max. sampling rate for repetitive signals is 4 GS/s, the max. sampling rate in continuous streaming mode is 5 MS/s.

See Pico Technology PicoScope 2205/Info for more details (such as lsusb -vvv output) about the device. The manufacturer provides a User Guide and a Programmer's Guide for the whole 2200 series. There is also a more recent Programmer's Guide for the "A API", which is not applicable to the current PicoScope 2205.


  • Xilinx Spartan XC3S250E
  • Cypress CY7C68013A-56PVXC
  • Analog Devices AD9288
  • Analog Devices AD8132
  • Meder Electronics SIL05-1A72-71D
  • Maxim MAX889S
  • HC4052


See also the flickr set of the PicoScope 2203 which is very similar to the PicoScope 2205.



Start acquisition

Sample format

End acquisition


Voltage ranges
