KERN scale series

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KERN scale
Kern ew-6200-2nm mugshot.png
Status supported
Source code kern-scale
Connectivity RS-232
Measurements mass

The KERN scale is a series of weighing scales with RS-232 connectivity.


Device Max. weight Readout Protocol Comments
KERN EW 220-3NM 220 g 0.001 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EW 420-3NM 420 g 0.001 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EW 620-3NM 620 g 0.001 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EW 820-2NM 820 g 0.01 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EW 2200-2NM 2200 g 0.01 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EW 4200-2NM 4200 g 0.01 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EW 6200-2NM 6200 g 0.01 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EW 12000-1NM 12000 g 0.1 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EG 220-3NM 220 g 0.001 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EG 420-3NM 420 g 0.001 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EG 620-3NM 620 g 0.001 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EG 2200-2NM 2200 g 0.01 g 14/15-byte ASCII
KERN EG 4200-2NM 4200 g 0.01 g 14/15-byte ASCII


The devices use a simple ASCII-based protocol over an RS-232 cable.

The default settings are (device-dependent), e.g., 1200 8N2, but the devices usually have a menu where the user can change the baud rate, parity settings, and so on.

There are two different packet lengths (also user-configurable via the menu): 14-byte packets and 15-byte packets.

See e.g. the KERN EW/EG-N/EWB series user manual for more protocol details.
