libsigrokcxx  0.4.0
C++ bindings for libsigrok
Public Member Functions | List of all members
sigrok::TriggerMatch Class Reference

A match condition in a trigger configuration. More...

#include <libsigrokcxx/libsigrokcxx.hpp>

Inherits sigrok::ParentOwned< Class, Parent >.

Public Member Functions

shared_ptr< Channelchannel ()
 Channel this condition matches on. More...
const TriggerMatchTypetype () const
 Type of match. More...
float value () const
 Threshold value. More...

Detailed Description

A match condition in a trigger configuration.

Definition at line 551 of file libsigrokcxx.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

shared_ptr<Channel> sigrok::TriggerMatch::channel ( )

Channel this condition matches on.

const TriggerMatchType* sigrok::TriggerMatch::type ( ) const

Type of match.

float sigrok::TriggerMatch::value ( ) const

Threshold value.

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