libsigrokcxx  0.4.0
C++ bindings for libsigrok
1 /*
2  * This file is part of the libsigrok project.
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Martin Ling <>
5  *
6  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
18  */
20 /**
22 @mainpage API Reference
24 Introduction
25 ------------
27 The libsigrokcxx API provides an object-oriented C++ interface to the
28 functionality in libsigrok, including automatic memory and resource management.
30 It is built on top of the public libsigrok C API, and is designed to be used as
31 a standalone alternative API. Programs should not mix usage of the C and C++
32 APIs; the C++ interface code needs to have full control of all C API calls for
33 resources to be managed correctly.
35 Memory management
36 -----------------
38 All runtime objects created through the C++ API are passed and accessed via
39 shared pointers, using the C++11 std::shared_ptr implementation. This means
40 that a reference count is kept for each object.
42 Shared pointers can be copied and assigned in a user's program, automatically
43 updating their reference count and deleting objects when they are no longer in
44 use. The C++ interface code also keeps track of internal dependencies between
45 libsigrok resources, and ensures that objects are not prematurely deleted when
46 their resources are in use by other objects.
48 This means that management of libsigrokcxx objects and their underlying
49 libsigrok resources can be treated as fully automatic. As long as all shared
50 pointers to objects are deleted or reassigned when no longer in use, all
51 underlying resources will be released at the right time.
53 Getting started
54 ---------------
56 Usage of the C++ API needs to begin with a call to sigrok::Context::create().
57 This will create the global libsigrok context and returns a shared pointer to
58 the sigrok::Context object. Methods on this object provide access to the
59 hardware drivers, input and output formats supported by the library, as well
60 as means of creating other objects such as sessions and triggers.
62 Error handling
63 --------------
65 When any libsigrok C API call returns an error, a sigrok::Error exception is
66 raised, which provides access to the error code and description.
68 */
73 #include <libsigrok/libsigrok.h>
75 /* Suppress warnings due to glibmm's use of std::auto_ptr<> in a public
76  * header file. To be removed once glibmm is fixed. */
78 #include <glibmm.h>
81 #include <stdexcept>
82 #include <memory>
83 #include <vector>
84 #include <map>
85 #include <set>
87 namespace sigrok
88 {
90 using namespace std;
92 /* Forward declarations */
93 class SR_API Error;
94 class SR_API Context;
95 class SR_API Driver;
96 class SR_API Device;
97 class SR_API HardwareDevice;
98 class SR_API Channel;
99 class SR_API Session;
100 class SR_API ConfigKey;
101 class SR_API Capability;
102 class SR_API InputFormat;
103 class SR_API OutputFormat;
104 class SR_API OutputFlag;
105 class SR_API LogLevel;
106 class SR_API ChannelGroup;
107 class SR_API Trigger;
108 class SR_API TriggerStage;
109 class SR_API TriggerMatch;
110 class SR_API TriggerMatchType;
111 class SR_API ChannelType;
112 class SR_API Packet;
113 class SR_API PacketPayload;
114 class SR_API PacketType;
115 class SR_API Quantity;
116 class SR_API Unit;
117 class SR_API QuantityFlag;
118 class SR_API Input;
119 class SR_API InputDevice;
120 class SR_API Output;
121 class SR_API DataType;
122 class SR_API Option;
123 class SR_API UserDevice;
125 /** Exception thrown when an error code is returned by any libsigrok call. */
126 class SR_API Error: public exception
127 {
128 public:
129  explicit Error(int result);
130  ~Error() noexcept;
131  const int result;
132  const char *what() const noexcept;
133 };
135 /* Base template for classes whose resources are owned by a parent object. */
136 template <class Class, class Parent>
137 class SR_API ParentOwned
138 {
139 private:
140  /* Weak pointer for shared_from_this() implementation. */
141  weak_ptr<Class> _weak_this;
143  static void reset_parent(Class *object)
144  {
145  if (!object->_parent)
146  throw Error(SR_ERR_BUG);
147  object->_parent.reset();
148  }
150 protected:
151  /* Parent object which owns this child object's underlying structure.
153  This shared pointer will be null when this child is unused, but
154  will be assigned to point to the parent before any shared pointer
155  to this child is handed out to the user.
157  When the reference count of this child falls to zero, this shared
158  pointer to its parent is reset by a custom deleter on the child's
159  shared pointer.
161  This strategy ensures that the destructors for both the child and
162  the parent are called at the correct time, i.e. only when all
163  references to both the parent and all its children are gone. */
164  shared_ptr<Parent> _parent;
166  ParentOwned() {}
168  /* Note, this implementation will create a new smart_ptr if none exists. */
169  shared_ptr<Class> shared_from_this()
170  {
171  shared_ptr<Class> shared = _weak_this.lock();
173  if (!shared)
174  {
175  shared.reset(static_cast<Class *>(this), &reset_parent);
176  _weak_this = shared;
177  }
179  return shared;
180  }
182  shared_ptr<Class> share_owned_by(shared_ptr<Parent> parent)
183  {
184  if (!parent)
185  throw Error(SR_ERR_BUG);
186  this->_parent = parent;
187  return shared_from_this();
188  }
190 public:
191  /* Get parent object that owns this object. */
192  shared_ptr<Parent> parent()
193  {
194  return _parent;
195  }
196 };
198 /* Base template for classes whose resources are owned by the user. */
199 template <class Class>
200 class SR_API UserOwned : public enable_shared_from_this<Class>
201 {
202 protected:
203  UserOwned() {}
205  shared_ptr<Class> shared_from_this()
206  {
207  auto shared = enable_shared_from_this<Class>::shared_from_this();
208  if (!shared)
209  throw Error(SR_ERR_BUG);
210  return shared;
211  }
212 };
214 /** Type of log callback */
215 typedef function<void(const LogLevel *, string message)> LogCallbackFunction;
217 /** Resource reader delegate. */
218 class SR_API ResourceReader
219 {
220 public:
221  ResourceReader() {}
222  virtual ~ResourceReader();
223 private:
224  /** Resource open hook. */
225  virtual void open(struct sr_resource *res, string name) = 0;
226  /** Resource close hook. */
227  virtual void close(struct sr_resource *res) = 0;
228  /** Resource read hook. */
229  virtual size_t read(const struct sr_resource *res, void *buf, size_t count) = 0;
231  static SR_PRIV int open_callback(struct sr_resource *res,
232  const char *name, void *cb_data) noexcept;
233  static SR_PRIV int close_callback(struct sr_resource *res,
234  void *cb_data) noexcept;
235  static SR_PRIV gssize read_callback(const struct sr_resource *res,
236  void *buf, size_t count, void *cb_data) noexcept;
237  friend class Context;
238 };
240 /** The global libsigrok context */
241 class SR_API Context : public UserOwned<Context>
242 {
243 public:
244  /** Create new context */
245  static shared_ptr<Context> create();
246  /** libsigrok package version. */
247  static string package_version();
248  /** libsigrok library version. */
249  static string lib_version();
250  /** Available hardware drivers, indexed by name. */
251  map<string, shared_ptr<Driver> > drivers();
252  /** Available input formats, indexed by name. */
253  map<string, shared_ptr<InputFormat> > input_formats();
254  /** Available output formats, indexed by name. */
255  map<string, shared_ptr<OutputFormat> > output_formats();
256  /** Current log level. */
257  const LogLevel *log_level() const;
258  /** Set the log level.
259  * @param level LogLevel to use. */
260  void set_log_level(const LogLevel *level);
261  /** Set the log callback.
262  * @param callback Callback of the form callback(LogLevel, string). */
263  void set_log_callback(LogCallbackFunction callback);
264  /** Set the log callback to the default handler. */
265  void set_log_callback_default();
266  /** Install a delegate for reading resource files.
267  * @param reader The resource reader delegate, or nullptr to unset. */
268  void set_resource_reader(ResourceReader *reader);
269  /** Create a new session. */
270  shared_ptr<Session> create_session();
271  /** Create a new user device. */
272  shared_ptr<UserDevice> create_user_device(
273  string vendor, string model, string version);
274  /** Create a header packet. */
275  shared_ptr<Packet> create_header_packet(Glib::TimeVal start_time);
276  /** Create a meta packet. */
277  shared_ptr<Packet> create_meta_packet(
278  map<const ConfigKey *, Glib::VariantBase> config);
279  /** Create a logic packet. */
280  shared_ptr<Packet> create_logic_packet(
281  void *data_pointer, size_t data_length, unsigned int unit_size);
282  /** Create an analog packet. */
283  shared_ptr<Packet> create_analog_packet(
284  vector<shared_ptr<Channel> > channels,
285  float *data_pointer, unsigned int num_samples, const Quantity *mq,
286  const Unit *unit, vector<const QuantityFlag *> mqflags);
287  /** Load a saved session.
288  * @param filename File name string. */
289  shared_ptr<Session> load_session(string filename);
290  /** Create a new trigger.
291  * @param name Name string for new trigger. */
292  shared_ptr<Trigger> create_trigger(string name);
293  /** Open an input file.
294  * @param filename File name string. */
295  shared_ptr<Input> open_file(string filename);
296  /** Open an input stream based on header data.
297  * @param header Initial data from stream. */
298  shared_ptr<Input> open_stream(string header);
299  map<string, string> serials(shared_ptr<Driver> driver) const;
300 private:
301  struct sr_context *_structure;
302  map<string, unique_ptr<Driver> > _drivers;
303  map<string, unique_ptr<InputFormat> > _input_formats;
304  map<string, unique_ptr<OutputFormat> > _output_formats;
305  Session *_session;
306  LogCallbackFunction _log_callback;
307  Context();
308  ~Context();
309  friend class Session;
310  friend class Driver;
311  friend struct std::default_delete<Context>;
312 };
314 /** An object that can be configured. */
315 class SR_API Configurable
316 {
317 public:
318  /** Supported configuration keys. */
319  set<const ConfigKey *> config_keys() const;
320  /** Read configuration for the given key.
321  * @param key ConfigKey to read. */
322  Glib::VariantBase config_get(const ConfigKey *key) const;
323  /** Set configuration for the given key to a specified value.
324  * @param key ConfigKey to set.
325  * @param value Value to set. */
326  void config_set(const ConfigKey *key, const Glib::VariantBase &value);
327  /** Enumerate available values for the given configuration key.
328  * @param key ConfigKey to enumerate values for. */
329  Glib::VariantContainerBase config_list(const ConfigKey *key) const;
330  /** Enumerate configuration capabilities for the given configuration key.
331  * @param key ConfigKey to enumerate capabilities for. */
332  set<const Capability *> config_capabilities(const ConfigKey *key) const;
333  /** Check whether a configuration capability is supported for a given key.
334  * @param key ConfigKey to check.
335  * @param capability Capability to check for. */
336  bool config_check(const ConfigKey *key, const Capability *capability) const;
337 protected:
338  Configurable(
339  struct sr_dev_driver *driver,
340  struct sr_dev_inst *sdi,
341  struct sr_channel_group *channel_group);
342  virtual ~Configurable();
343  struct sr_dev_driver *config_driver;
344  struct sr_dev_inst *config_sdi;
345  struct sr_channel_group *config_channel_group;
346 };
348 /** A hardware driver provided by the library */
349 class SR_API Driver : public ParentOwned<Driver, Context>, public Configurable
350 {
351 public:
352  /** Name of this driver. */
353  string name() const;
354  /** Long name for this driver. */
355  string long_name() const;
356  /** Scan options supported by this driver. */
357  set<const ConfigKey *> scan_options() const;
358  /** Scan for devices and return a list of devices found.
359  * @param options Mapping of (ConfigKey, value) pairs. */
360  vector<shared_ptr<HardwareDevice> > scan(map<const ConfigKey *, Glib::VariantBase>
361  options = map<const ConfigKey *, Glib::VariantBase>());
362 private:
363  struct sr_dev_driver *_structure;
364  bool _initialized;
365  vector<HardwareDevice *> _devices;
366  explicit Driver(struct sr_dev_driver *structure);
367  ~Driver();
368  friend class Context;
369  friend class HardwareDevice;
370  friend class ChannelGroup;
371  friend struct std::default_delete<Driver>;
372 };
374 /** A generic device, either hardware or virtual */
375 class SR_API Device : public Configurable
376 {
377 public:
378  /** Vendor name for this device. */
379  string vendor() const;
380  /** Model name for this device. */
381  string model() const;
382  /** Version string for this device. */
383  string version() const;
384  /** Serial number for this device. */
385  string serial_number() const;
386  /** Connection ID for this device. */
387  string connection_id() const;
388  /** List of the channels available on this device. */
389  vector<shared_ptr<Channel> > channels();
390  /** Channel groups available on this device, indexed by name. */
391  map<string, shared_ptr<ChannelGroup> > channel_groups();
392  /** Open device. */
393  void open();
394  /** Close device. */
395  void close();
396 protected:
397  explicit Device(struct sr_dev_inst *structure);
398  ~Device();
399  virtual shared_ptr<Device> get_shared_from_this() = 0;
400  shared_ptr<Channel> get_channel(struct sr_channel *ptr);
402  struct sr_dev_inst *_structure;
403  map<struct sr_channel *, unique_ptr<Channel> > _channels;
404 private:
405  map<string, unique_ptr<ChannelGroup> > _channel_groups;
407  friend class Session;
408  friend class Channel;
409  friend class ChannelGroup;
410  friend class Output;
411  friend class Analog;
412  friend struct std::default_delete<Device>;
413 };
415 /** A real hardware device, connected via a driver */
416 class SR_API HardwareDevice :
417  public UserOwned<HardwareDevice>,
418  public Device
419 {
420 public:
421  /** Driver providing this device. */
422  shared_ptr<Driver> driver();
423 private:
424  HardwareDevice(shared_ptr<Driver> driver, struct sr_dev_inst *structure);
425  ~HardwareDevice();
426  shared_ptr<Device> get_shared_from_this();
427  shared_ptr<Driver> _driver;
429  friend class Driver;
430  friend class ChannelGroup;
431  friend struct std::default_delete<HardwareDevice>;
432 };
434 /** A virtual device, created by the user */
435 class SR_API UserDevice :
436  public UserOwned<UserDevice>,
437  public Device
438 {
439 public:
440  /** Add a new channel to this device. */
441  shared_ptr<Channel> add_channel(unsigned int index, const ChannelType *type, string name);
442 private:
443  UserDevice(string vendor, string model, string version);
444  ~UserDevice();
445  shared_ptr<Device> get_shared_from_this();
447  friend class Context;
448  friend struct std::default_delete<UserDevice>;
449 };
451 /** A channel on a device */
452 class SR_API Channel :
453  public ParentOwned<Channel, Device>
454 {
455 public:
456  /** Current name of this channel. */
457  string name() const;
458  /** Set the name of this channel. *
459  * @param name Name string to set. */
460  void set_name(string name);
461  /** Type of this channel. */
462  const ChannelType *type() const;
463  /** Enabled status of this channel. */
464  bool enabled() const;
465  /** Set the enabled status of this channel.
466  * @param value Boolean value to set. */
467  void set_enabled(bool value);
468  /** Get the index number of this channel. */
469  unsigned int index() const;
470 private:
471  explicit Channel(struct sr_channel *structure);
472  ~Channel();
473  struct sr_channel *_structure;
474  const ChannelType * const _type;
475  friend class Device;
476  friend class UserDevice;
477  friend class ChannelGroup;
478  friend class Session;
479  friend class TriggerStage;
480  friend class Context;
481  friend struct std::default_delete<Channel>;
482 };
484 /** A group of channels on a device, which share some configuration */
485 class SR_API ChannelGroup :
486  public ParentOwned<ChannelGroup, Device>,
487  public Configurable
488 {
489 public:
490  /** Name of this channel group. */
491  string name() const;
492  /** List of the channels in this group. */
493  vector<shared_ptr<Channel> > channels();
494 private:
495  ChannelGroup(const Device *device, struct sr_channel_group *structure);
496  ~ChannelGroup();
497  vector<Channel *> _channels;
498  friend class Device;
499  friend struct std::default_delete<ChannelGroup>;
500 };
502 /** A trigger configuration */
503 class SR_API Trigger : public UserOwned<Trigger>
504 {
505 public:
506  /** Name of this trigger configuration. */
507  string name() const;
508  /** List of the stages in this trigger. */
509  vector<shared_ptr<TriggerStage> > stages();
510  /** Add a new stage to this trigger. */
511  shared_ptr<TriggerStage> add_stage();
512 private:
513  Trigger(shared_ptr<Context> context, string name);
514  ~Trigger();
515  struct sr_trigger *_structure;
516  shared_ptr<Context> _context;
517  vector<unique_ptr<TriggerStage> > _stages;
518  friend class Context;
519  friend class Session;
520  friend struct std::default_delete<Trigger>;
521 };
523 /** A stage in a trigger configuration */
524 class SR_API TriggerStage :
525  public ParentOwned<TriggerStage, Trigger>
526 {
527 public:
528  /** Index number of this stage. */
529  int number() const;
530  /** List of match conditions on this stage. */
531  vector<shared_ptr<TriggerMatch> > matches();
532  /** Add a new match condition to this stage.
533  * @param channel Channel to match on.
534  * @param type TriggerMatchType to apply. */
535  void add_match(shared_ptr<Channel> channel, const TriggerMatchType *type);
536  /** Add a new match condition to this stage.
537  * @param channel Channel to match on.
538  * @param type TriggerMatchType to apply.
539  * @param value Threshold value. */
540  void add_match(shared_ptr<Channel> channel, const TriggerMatchType *type, float value);
541 private:
542  struct sr_trigger_stage *_structure;
543  vector<unique_ptr<TriggerMatch> > _matches;
544  explicit TriggerStage(struct sr_trigger_stage *structure);
545  ~TriggerStage();
546  friend class Trigger;
547  friend struct std::default_delete<TriggerStage>;
548 };
550 /** A match condition in a trigger configuration */
551 class SR_API TriggerMatch :
552  public ParentOwned<TriggerMatch, TriggerStage>
553 {
554 public:
555  /** Channel this condition matches on. */
556  shared_ptr<Channel> channel();
557  /** Type of match. */
558  const TriggerMatchType *type() const;
559  /** Threshold value. */
560  float value() const;
561 private:
562  TriggerMatch(struct sr_trigger_match *structure, shared_ptr<Channel> channel);
563  ~TriggerMatch();
564  struct sr_trigger_match *_structure;
565  shared_ptr<Channel> _channel;
566  friend class TriggerStage;
567  friend struct std::default_delete<TriggerMatch>;
568 };
570 /** Type of session stopped callback */
571 typedef function<void()> SessionStoppedCallback;
573 /** Type of datafeed callback */
574 typedef function<void(shared_ptr<Device>, shared_ptr<Packet>)>
575  DatafeedCallbackFunction;
577 /* Data required for C callback function to call a C++ datafeed callback */
578 class SR_PRIV DatafeedCallbackData
579 {
580 public:
581  void run(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi,
582  const struct sr_datafeed_packet *pkt);
583 private:
584  DatafeedCallbackFunction _callback;
585  DatafeedCallbackData(Session *session,
586  DatafeedCallbackFunction callback);
587  Session *_session;
588  friend class Session;
589 };
591 /** A virtual device associated with a stored session */
592 class SR_API SessionDevice :
593  public ParentOwned<SessionDevice, Session>,
594  public Device
595 {
596 private:
597  explicit SessionDevice(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi);
598  ~SessionDevice();
599  shared_ptr<Device> get_shared_from_this();
601  friend class Session;
602  friend struct std::default_delete<SessionDevice>;
603 };
605 /** A sigrok session */
606 class SR_API Session : public UserOwned<Session>
607 {
608 public:
609  /** Add a device to this session.
610  * @param device Device to add. */
611  void add_device(shared_ptr<Device> device);
612  /** List devices attached to this session. */
613  vector<shared_ptr<Device> > devices();
614  /** Remove all devices from this session. */
615  void remove_devices();
616  /** Add a datafeed callback to this session.
617  * @param callback Callback of the form callback(Device, Packet). */
618  void add_datafeed_callback(DatafeedCallbackFunction callback);
619  /** Remove all datafeed callbacks from this session. */
620  void remove_datafeed_callbacks();
621  /** Start the session. */
622  void start();
623  /** Run the session event loop. */
624  void run();
625  /** Stop the session. */
626  void stop();
627  /** Return whether the session is running. */
628  bool is_running() const;
629  /** Set callback to be invoked on session stop. */
630  void set_stopped_callback(SessionStoppedCallback callback);
631  /** Get current trigger setting. */
632  shared_ptr<Trigger> trigger();
633  /** Get the context. */
634  shared_ptr<Context> context();
635  /** Set trigger setting.
636  * @param trigger Trigger object to use. */
637  void set_trigger(shared_ptr<Trigger> trigger);
638  /** Get filename this session was loaded from. */
639  string filename() const;
640 private:
641  explicit Session(shared_ptr<Context> context);
642  Session(shared_ptr<Context> context, string filename);
643  ~Session();
644  shared_ptr<Device> get_device(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi);
645  struct sr_session *_structure;
646  const shared_ptr<Context> _context;
647  map<const struct sr_dev_inst *, unique_ptr<SessionDevice> > _owned_devices;
648  map<const struct sr_dev_inst *, shared_ptr<Device> > _other_devices;
649  vector<unique_ptr<DatafeedCallbackData> > _datafeed_callbacks;
650  SessionStoppedCallback _stopped_callback;
651  string _filename;
652  shared_ptr<Trigger> _trigger;
654  friend class Context;
655  friend class DatafeedCallbackData;
656  friend class SessionDevice;
657  friend struct std::default_delete<Session>;
658 };
660 /** A packet on the session datafeed */
661 class SR_API Packet : public UserOwned<Packet>
662 {
663 public:
664  /** Type of this packet. */
665  const PacketType *type() const;
666  /** Payload of this packet. */
667  shared_ptr<PacketPayload> payload();
668 private:
669  Packet(shared_ptr<Device> device,
670  const struct sr_datafeed_packet *structure);
671  ~Packet();
672  const struct sr_datafeed_packet *_structure;
673  shared_ptr<Device> _device;
674  unique_ptr<PacketPayload> _payload;
676  friend class Session;
677  friend class Output;
678  friend class DatafeedCallbackData;
679  friend class Header;
680  friend class Meta;
681  friend class Logic;
682  friend class Analog;
683  friend class Context;
684  friend struct std::default_delete<Packet>;
685 };
687 /** Abstract base class for datafeed packet payloads */
688 class SR_API PacketPayload
689 {
690 protected:
691  PacketPayload();
692  virtual ~PacketPayload() = 0;
693 private:
694  virtual shared_ptr<PacketPayload> share_owned_by(shared_ptr<Packet> parent) = 0;
696  friend class Packet;
697  friend class Output;
698  friend struct std::default_delete<PacketPayload>;
699 };
701 /** Payload of a datafeed header packet */
702 class SR_API Header :
703  public ParentOwned<Header, Packet>,
704  public PacketPayload
705 {
706 public:
707  /* Feed version number. */
708  int feed_version() const;
709  /* Start time of this session. */
710  Glib::TimeVal start_time() const;
711 private:
712  explicit Header(const struct sr_datafeed_header *structure);
713  ~Header();
714  shared_ptr<PacketPayload> share_owned_by(shared_ptr<Packet> parent);
716  const struct sr_datafeed_header *_structure;
718  friend class Packet;
719 };
721 /** Payload of a datafeed metadata packet */
722 class SR_API Meta :
723  public ParentOwned<Meta, Packet>,
724  public PacketPayload
725 {
726 public:
727  /* Mapping of (ConfigKey, value) pairs. */
728  map<const ConfigKey *, Glib::VariantBase> config() const;
729 private:
730  explicit Meta(const struct sr_datafeed_meta *structure);
731  ~Meta();
732  shared_ptr<PacketPayload> share_owned_by(shared_ptr<Packet> parent);
734  const struct sr_datafeed_meta *_structure;
735  map<const ConfigKey *, Glib::VariantBase> _config;
737  friend class Packet;
738 };
740 /** Payload of a datafeed packet with logic data */
741 class SR_API Logic :
742  public ParentOwned<Logic, Packet>,
743  public PacketPayload
744 {
745 public:
746  /* Pointer to data. */
747  void *data_pointer();
748  /* Data length in bytes. */
749  size_t data_length() const;
750  /* Size of each sample in bytes. */
751  unsigned int unit_size() const;
752 private:
753  explicit Logic(const struct sr_datafeed_logic *structure);
754  ~Logic();
755  shared_ptr<PacketPayload> share_owned_by(shared_ptr<Packet> parent);
757  const struct sr_datafeed_logic *_structure;
759  friend class Packet;
760 };
762 /** Payload of a datafeed packet with analog data */
763 class SR_API Analog :
764  public ParentOwned<Analog, Packet>,
765  public PacketPayload
766 {
767 public:
768  /** Pointer to data. */
769  void *data_pointer();
770  /** Number of samples in this packet. */
771  unsigned int num_samples() const;
772  /** Channels for which this packet contains data. */
773  vector<shared_ptr<Channel> > channels();
774  /** Measured quantity of the samples in this packet. */
775  const Quantity *mq() const;
776  /** Unit of the samples in this packet. */
777  const Unit *unit() const;
778  /** Measurement flags associated with the samples in this packet. */
779  vector<const QuantityFlag *> mq_flags() const;
780 private:
781  explicit Analog(const struct sr_datafeed_analog *structure);
782  ~Analog();
783  shared_ptr<PacketPayload> share_owned_by(shared_ptr<Packet> parent);
785  const struct sr_datafeed_analog *_structure;
787  friend class Packet;
788 };
790 /** An input format supported by the library */
791 class SR_API InputFormat :
792  public ParentOwned<InputFormat, Context>
793 {
794 public:
795  /** Name of this input format. */
796  string name() const;
797  /** Description of this input format. */
798  string description() const;
799  /** A list of preferred file name extensions for this file format.
800  * @note This list is a recommendation only. */
801  vector<string> extensions() const;
802  /** Options supported by this input format. */
803  map<string, shared_ptr<Option> > options();
804  /** Create an input using this input format.
805  * @param options Mapping of (option name, value) pairs. */
806  shared_ptr<Input> create_input(map<string, Glib::VariantBase>
807  options = map<string, Glib::VariantBase>());
808 private:
809  explicit InputFormat(const struct sr_input_module *structure);
810  ~InputFormat();
812  const struct sr_input_module *_structure;
814  friend class Context;
815  friend class InputDevice;
816  friend struct std::default_delete<InputFormat>;
817 };
819 /** An input instance (an input format applied to a file or stream) */
820 class SR_API Input : public UserOwned<Input>
821 {
822 public:
823  /** Virtual device associated with this input. */
824  shared_ptr<InputDevice> device();
825  /** Send next stream data.
826  * @param data Next stream data.
827  * @param length Length of data. */
828  void send(void *data, size_t length);
829  /** Signal end of input data. */
830  void end();
831 private:
832  Input(shared_ptr<Context> context, const struct sr_input *structure);
833  ~Input();
834  const struct sr_input *_structure;
835  shared_ptr<Context> _context;
836  unique_ptr<InputDevice> _device;
838  friend class Context;
839  friend class InputFormat;
840  friend struct std::default_delete<Input>;
841 };
843 /** A virtual device associated with an input */
844 class SR_API InputDevice :
845  public ParentOwned<InputDevice, Input>,
846  public Device
847 {
848 private:
849  InputDevice(shared_ptr<Input> input, struct sr_dev_inst *sdi);
850  ~InputDevice();
851  shared_ptr<Device> get_shared_from_this();
852  shared_ptr<Input> _input;
853  friend class Input;
854  friend struct std::default_delete<InputDevice>;
855 };
857 /** An option used by an output format */
858 class SR_API Option : public UserOwned<Option>
859 {
860 public:
861  /** Short name of this option suitable for command line usage. */
862  string id() const;
863  /** Short name of this option suitable for GUI usage. */
864  string name() const;
865  /** Description of this option in a sentence. */
866  string description() const;
867  /** Default value for this option. */
868  Glib::VariantBase default_value() const;
869  /** Possible values for this option, if a limited set. */
870  vector<Glib::VariantBase> values() const;
871 private:
872  Option(const struct sr_option *structure,
873  shared_ptr<const struct sr_option *> structure_array);
874  ~Option();
875  const struct sr_option *_structure;
876  shared_ptr<const struct sr_option *> _structure_array;
878  friend class InputFormat;
879  friend class OutputFormat;
880  friend struct std::default_delete<Option>;
881 };
883 /** An output format supported by the library */
884 class SR_API OutputFormat :
885  public ParentOwned<OutputFormat, Context>
886 {
887 public:
888  /** Name of this output format. */
889  string name() const;
890  /** Description of this output format. */
891  string description() const;
892  /** A list of preferred file name extensions for this file format.
893  * @note This list is a recommendation only. */
894  vector<string> extensions() const;
895  /** Options supported by this output format. */
896  map<string, shared_ptr<Option> > options();
897  /** Create an output using this format.
898  * @param device Device to output for.
899  * @param options Mapping of (option name, value) pairs. */
900  shared_ptr<Output> create_output(shared_ptr<Device> device,
901  map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options = map<string, Glib::VariantBase>());
902  /** Create an output using this format.
903  * @param filename Name of destination file.
904  * @param device Device to output for.
905  * @param options Mapping of (option name, value) pairs. */
906  shared_ptr<Output> create_output(string filename,
907  shared_ptr<Device> device,
908  map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options = map<string, Glib::VariantBase>());
909  /**
910  * Checks whether a given flag is set.
911  * @param flag Flag to check
912  * @return true if flag is set for this module
913  * @see sr_output_flags
914  */
915  bool test_flag(const OutputFlag *flag) const;
916 private:
917  explicit OutputFormat(const struct sr_output_module *structure);
918  ~OutputFormat();
920  const struct sr_output_module *_structure;
922  friend class Context;
923  friend class Output;
924  friend struct std::default_delete<OutputFormat>;
925 };
927 /** An output instance (an output format applied to a device) */
928 class SR_API Output : public UserOwned<Output>
929 {
930 public:
931  /** Update output with data from the given packet.
932  * @param packet Packet to handle. */
933  string receive(shared_ptr<Packet> packet);
934 private:
935  Output(shared_ptr<OutputFormat> format, shared_ptr<Device> device);
936  Output(shared_ptr<OutputFormat> format,
937  shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options);
938  Output(string filename, shared_ptr<OutputFormat> format,
939  shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options);
940  ~Output();
942  const struct sr_output *_structure;
943  const shared_ptr<OutputFormat> _format;
944  const shared_ptr<Device> _device;
945  const map<string, Glib::VariantBase> _options;
947  friend class OutputFormat;
948  friend struct std::default_delete<Output>;
949 };
951 /** Base class for objects which wrap an enumeration value from libsigrok */
952 template <class Class, typename Enum> class SR_API EnumValue
953 {
954 public:
955  /** The integer constant associated with this value. */
956  int id() const
957  {
958  return static_cast<int>(_id);
959  }
960  /** The name associated with this value. */
961  string name() const
962  {
963  return _name;
964  }
965  /** Get value associated with a given integer constant. */
966  static const Class *get(int id)
967  {
968  const auto pos = _values.find(static_cast<Enum>(id));
969  if (pos == _values.end())
970  throw Error(SR_ERR_ARG);
971  return pos->second;
972  }
973  /** Get possible values. */
974  static std::vector<const Class *> values()
975  {
976  std::vector<const Class *> result;
977  for (auto entry : _values)
978  result.push_back(entry.second);
979  return result;
980  }
981 protected:
982  EnumValue(Enum id, const char name[]) : _id(id), _name(name)
983  {
984  }
985  ~EnumValue()
986  {
987  }
988 private:
989  static const std::map<const Enum, const Class * const> _values;
990  const Enum _id;
991  const string _name;
992 };
994 }
996 #include <libsigrokcxx/enums.hpp>
998 #endif
Flag applied to output modules.
Definition: enums.hpp:433
An option used by an output format.
A generic device, either hardware or virtual.
A virtual device, created by the user.
Abstract base class for datafeed packet payloads.
Payload of a datafeed header packet.
A channel on a device.
Payload of a datafeed packet with analog data.
A match condition in a trigger configuration.
An output instance (an output format applied to a device)
Payload of a datafeed metadata packet.
STL namespace.
An input format supported by the library.
Configuration key.
Definition: enums.hpp:484
Unit of measurement.
Definition: enums.hpp:204
A packet on the session datafeed.
static std::vector< const Class * > values()
Get possible values.
A real hardware device, connected via a driver.
Base class for objects which wrap an enumeration value from libsigrok.
Measured quantity.
Definition: enums.hpp:105
A virtual device associated with an input.
int id() const
The integer constant associated with this value.
A trigger configuration.
Channel type.
Definition: enums.hpp:447
A sigrok session.
Log verbosity level.
Definition: enums.hpp:5
A stage in a trigger configuration.
An output format supported by the library.
Exception thrown when an error code is returned by any libsigrok call.
A hardware driver provided by the library.
A virtual device associated with a stored session.
The global libsigrok context.
Resource reader delegate.
string name() const
The name associated with this value.
Type of datafeed packet.
Definition: enums.hpp:67
An input instance (an input format applied to a file or stream)
A group of channels on a device, which share some configuration.
Configuration capability.
Definition: enums.hpp:464
Payload of a datafeed packet with logic data.
Trigger match type.
Definition: enums.hpp:408
An object that can be configured.