Logic analyzer comparison

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This is an alphabetically ordered table of various logic analyzer products (commercial and non-commercial) with a short overview of their capabilities. We list all kinds of devices here, not only those supported by sigrok.

You should not use the information here as the sole source for any buying decisions, this is just meant for informational purposes. Please carefully check the vendor websites if you intend to buy any hardware.

Logic analyzer Channels Analog Channels Samplerates/MHz Voltages/V Architecture/chip Memory Compression Vendor software Protocol decoders Price
ASIX SIGMA 4/8/16 200/100/50 TTL1 Spartan-3 + SDRAM 256Mbit (56/28/14Msmp/ch) RLE I2C, SPI, UART €298.-
Braintechnology USB-LPS 8/16 0.12-24/0.12-122 3.3/5 Cypress FX2 none none Windows I2C, SPI, UART €129.-
CWAV USBee SX 8 1-24 Cypress FX2 none none Windows I2C, SPI, UART $139.-
Intronix Logicport 34
Inovaflex LogicMaid
Link Instruments MSO-19 8 1 200MSa/s Digital: 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.0, 3.3, 5.0V Analog: +- 20V Max 1KSa/ch none Windows I2C, SPI $249
NCI GoLogic (various) 36/72 250,500 w/o RLE cfg. Virtex-II + SRAM 4/2Msmp/ch RLE custom I2C, SPI, UART (SDK) $2995-$5500
Prologix GPIB-USB/Ethernet controller (S) (various)
Parallax USB-Oscilloscope
Saleae Logic 8 0.2-24 Cypress FX2 none none Windows (Linux/Mac planned) I2C, SPI, UART €129.-
TechTools DigiView DV1-100 (various)
Non-commercial / semi-commercial / hobby projects
Buspirate 5
ikalogic SCANALOGIC2 (beta)
miniLA 32 100 3.3/5 Xilinx XC95288XL CPLD 128Kb/channel
Openbench Logic Sniffer 32 200Msps 0-5.5 Xilinx FPGA 4K/ch @ 32bit RLE Java (open, multiple OS) I2C, UART $45.-
Sump 32 200Msps 3.3 Xilinx XC3S200-4 FPGA 256K/channel Java (open, multiple OS) I2C, SPI
cheapla FPGA
JWA Systems parallel port LA

1 Changeable by replacing input buffers.
2 External clock up to 16MHz supported.