
From sigrok
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This page describes how to build/install the sigrok subprojects on Linux.


Distribution packages

Many Linux distributions ship with sigrok packages, see Downloads.

If the sigrok packages in your distro are rather old, you can also use the AppImage we provide (see below).


We provide AppImages (see for details) for sigrok-cli and PulseView which make it very easy and convenient to use sigrok on somewhat recent Linux distributions (most distros newer than Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) from around 2014 should work fine).

After downloading the AppImage (see Downloads) you can run it by simply making it executable and executing it, for example:

$ chmod u+x PulseView-NIGHTLY-x86_64.AppImage
$ ./PulseView-NIGHTLY-x86_64.AppImage

You might need to install the libsigrok udev rules files to be able to access some devices, see Building#Cannot_access_USB_.2F_serial_.2F_other_device for details.

Building (script, recommended)

The most convenient method to build all of the sigrok subprojects from source is to use the sigrok-cross-linux script from the sigrok-util repo. Despite the name, this script also does native builds out of the box.

The script assumes that you have installed all requirements of all sigrok subprojects, please check Building#Build_requirements for details.

$ git clone git://
$ cd sigrok-util/cross-compile/linux
$ ./sigrok-cross-linux

This will download the current git version of all required sigrok subprojects and build them, installing the results in $HOME/sr. You may want to check out the README and/or adapt the script to your needs (e.g. if you want to install elsewhere).

You can use the files from $HOME/sr using (for example) the LD_LIBRARY_PATH method.

Building (manually)

IMPORTANT: The following sections on installing build requirements are distro-specific examples and may or may not be out of date, depending on which distro you use. Please check the official build requirements list in the wiki or the README/INSTALL file (of the subproject you want to build) for the full list of requirements.


Installing the requirements


$ sudo apt-get install git-core gcc make autoconf automake libtool


$ sudo pacman -S git gcc make autoconf automake libtool


$ git clone git://
$ cd libserialport
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Installing the requirements


$ sudo apt-get install git-core gcc g++ make autoconf autoconf-archive \
  automake libtool pkg-config libglib2.0-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libzip-dev \
  libusb-1.0-0-dev libftdi1-dev check doxygen python-numpy \
  python-dev python-gi-dev python-setuptools swig default-jdk

Fedora (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)

$ sudo yum install git gcc make autoconf autoconf-archive automake libtool pkgconfig \
   glib2-devel libzip-devel libusb1-devel libftdi-devel check-devel doxygen
For C++ bindings, add sudo yum install glibmm24-devel.
For Python bindings, add sudo yum install python-devel numpy pygobject3-devel swig.
For Fedora 23, you need as well: redhat-rpm-config and note that libusb1-devel is now libusbx-devel.


$ sudo pacman -S git gcc make autoconf autoconf-archive automake libtool \
  pkg-config glib2 glibmm libzip libusb libftdi check doxygen python-numpy \
  python-setuptools swig jdk8-openjdk


$ git clone git://
$ cd libsigrok
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Device access

Please read this FAQ entry for any extra steps you may need to take to get your specific device working.

Please see Building#FAQ if you are sure that you installed all requirements properly but still encounter some issues.


Installing the requirements


$ sudo apt-get install git-core gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libglib2.0-dev python3-dev

Fedora (18, 19, 20)

$ sudo yum install git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel python3-devel check-devel


$ sudo pacman -S git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2 python check


$ git clone git://
$ cd libsigrokdecode
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Installing the requirements


$ sudo apt-get install git-core gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libglib2.0-dev

Fedora (18, 19)

$ sudo yum install git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel


$ sudo zypper install git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel


$ sudo pacman -S git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2


$ git clone git://
$ cd sigrok-cli
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Installing the requirements


$ sudo apt-get install git-core g++ make cmake libtool pkg-config \
  libglib2.0-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-serialization-dev \
  libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libqt5svg5-dev qtbase5-dev

Fedora (18, 19, 23, 27)

$ sudo yum install git gcc cmake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel \
  boost-devel qt5-devel


$ sudo pacman -S git gcc make cmake libtool pkgconfig glib2 boost qt5 \
  qt5-base qt5-svg


$ git clone git://
$ cd pulseview
$ cmake .
$ make
$ sudo make install


See PulseView#Building for more tips and FAQs.


Make sure to also see the Building FAQ for subjects that are not specific to Linux.

Cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

See here.

TEST FAILED: .../lib/python2.7/site-packages/ does NOT support .pth files

See here.

Cannot access USB / serial / other device

See here.

Required library not found

See here.