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This page describes how to build/install the sigrok subprojects on Linux.

Distribution packages

See Downloads.



Installing the requirements:

Example on Debian/Ubuntu (please check your respective distro's package manager tool if you use other distros):

$ sudo apt-get install git-core gcc make autoconf automake libtool


$ git clone git://
$ cd libserialport
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Installing the requirements:

Example on Debian/Ubuntu (please check your respective distro's package manager tool if you use other distros):

$ sudo apt-get install git-core gcc g++ make autoconf autoconf-archive \
  automake libtool pkg-config libglib2.0-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libzip-dev \
  libusb-1.0-0-dev libftdi-dev check doxygen \
  python-dev python-gi-dev python-setuptools swig default-jdk

Fedora (18, 19):

$ sudo yum install git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel \
  libzip-devel libusb1-devel libftdi-devel check-devel

OpenSuSE (12.2):

$ zypper install git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkg-config glib2-devel \
  libzip-devel libusb-1_0-devel libftdi1-devel check python3-devel


$ git clone git://
$ cd libsigrok
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Installing the requirements:

Example on Debian/Ubuntu (please check your respective distro's package manager tool if you use other distros):

$ sudo apt-get install git-core gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libglib2.0-dev python3-dev

Fedora (18, 19, 20):

$ sudo yum install git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel python3-devel check-devel


$ git clone git://
$ cd libsigrokdecode
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Installing the requirements:

Example on Debian/Ubuntu (please check your respective distro's package manager tool if you use other distros):

$ sudo apt-get install git-core gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libglib2.0-dev

Fedora (18, 19):

$ sudo yum install git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel

OpenSuse (13.1):

$ zypper install git gcc make autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel


$ git clone git://
$ cd sigrok-cli
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Installing the requirements:

Example on Debian/Ubuntu (please check your respective distro's package manager tool if you use other distros):

$ sudo apt-get install git-core g++ make cmake libtool pkg-config \
  libglib2.0-dev libqt4-dev libboost-test-dev \
  libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev

Fedora (18, 19):

$ sudo yum install git gcc cmake libtool pkgconfig glib2-devel \
  boost-devel qt-devel boost-devel


$ git clone git://
$ cd pulseview
$ cmake .
$ make
$ sudo make install

Common problems

libsigrok's outputs the following warning:

--- Warning: AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11 macro not found.
--- You won't be able to build the language bindings!

That means that the m4 macro used to detect C++11 support was not found. Use the package manager of your distribution to install the package that included the macro. Most distributions package this file in a package called autoconf-archive or similar.

libsigrok's outputs the following warning:

--- Warning: AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11 macro is too old.
--- (found version <version>, at least 4 is required)
--- You won't be able to build the language bindings!

That means that the version of the macro included with your distribution is too old. You can:

  • Download the latest version of the macro from here, and use the ACLOCAL_PATH environment variable to point aclocal to the file:
$ ACLOCAL_PATH=/path/to/directory/containing/macro ./
  • Download the latest version of the macro and overwrite the file included with your distribution, most often located in /usr/share/aclocal/.

If you get this error:

sigrok-cli: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Then you have to rebuild the links to your shared libraries:

$ sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib