HowTo SSH Keys

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Generate and deploy SSH Keys to Github

Generate the keys

  1. Generate key
     $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  2. Name the file id_github_sigrokorg and store it somewhere in your home directory (e.g. /home/frank/.ssh)
  3. Don't enter a password
  4. You now have two files: id_github_sigrokorg (the private key) and (the public key)

Add public key to the destination repository (e.g. libsigrokflow)

  1. Go the the Github page of the repository in question (e.g.
  2. Click on "Settings" (repository settings)
    Destination settings.png
  3. Click on "Deploy keys"
    Destination deploy keys.png
  4. Click on "Add deploy key"
    Destination add key.png
  5. Enter a title, e.g. "Deploy key for sigrok-sync"
  6. Paste the content of the public key into the "key" text area
  7. Select "Allow write access"
    Destination add public key.png

Add private key to the source repository (sigrok-sync)

  1. Go the the Github page of the sigrok-sync repository
  2. Click on "Settings" (repository settings)
    Source settings.png
  3. Click on "Secrets" and then on "Actions"
    Source secrets.png
  4. Click on "New repository secret"
    Source add secret.png
  5. Enter a name (Name is used in the Github workflow): SSH_SYNCY_KEY
  6. Paste the content of the private key into the "value" text area
    Source add private key.png