The MHS-5200A-06M/12M/20M/25M is a Dual-Channel standalone function generator. It can be controlled with the push-buttons and the rotary encoder on the front panel, or via a USB interface.
Amplitude and offset voltage can be controlled programmatically.
This device can be bought on ebay or aliexpress from various sellers for 50-90€.
Hardware (Q3 2016 model)
- FPGA: Lattice MACH XO2 1200HC TQFP-100
- Clock: unknown
- STM8S005K6 8-bit MCU with 32 Kbytes Flash, 16 MHz CPU, integrated 128 byte EEPROM STM8S005K6 product page
- Output Stage:
- R2R-Ladder 12bit DAC
- Signal/DC-Offset sum: AD8017 Op-Amp
- Variable Gain Amplifier: AD603A
- Power Amplifier: AD812A
- Output switch relais: 0db/-20db/off
- 24LC512 I2C EEPROM, 512Kb (64K x 8) for Arbitrary Waveform Data
- 74AHC14D Hex inverting Schmitt trigger
According to the specs, the hardware should run at 200MS/s, but measurement shows it only runs at ~175MS/s.
The generator has an internal PL2303 USB-to-serial converter. The VID/PID is 067b:2303. Communication parameters are 57600 bps, 8N1.
The generator uses a plain text protocol for communication.
Each command (set or read) starts with ':' and has to be terminated with a newline, ASCII code 0x0a (but CRLF, i.e. 0x0d 0x0a, is also accepted).
Set commands are acknowledged with an 'ok' response, read commands echo the request followed by the parameter value.