]> sigrok.org Git - libsigrokdecode.git/blame_incremental - tests/pdtest
pdtest/runtc: Add support for binary output types.
[libsigrokdecode.git] / tests / pdtest
... / ...
1#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
3import os
4import sys
5from getopt import getopt
6from tempfile import mkstemp
7from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
8from difflib import Differ
9from hashlib import md5
10from shutil import copy
12DEBUG = 0
13VERBOSE = False
16class E_syntax(Exception):
17 pass
18class E_badline(Exception):
19 pass
21def INFO(msg, end='\n'):
22 if VERBOSE:
23 print(msg, end=end)
24 sys.stdout.flush()
27def DBG(msg):
28 if DEBUG:
29 print(msg)
32def ERR(msg):
33 print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
36def usage(msg=None):
37 if msg:
38 print(msg.strip() + '\n')
39 print("""Usage: testpd [-dvarslR] [test, ...]
40 -d Turn on debugging
41 -v Verbose
42 -a All tests
43 -l List all tests
44 -s Show test(s)
45 -r Run test(s)
46 -f Fix failed test(s)
47 -R <directory> Save test reports to <directory>
48 <test> Protocol decoder name ("i2c") and optionally test name ("i2c/icc")""")
49 sys.exit()
52def check_tclist(tc):
53 if 'pdlist' not in tc or not tc['pdlist']:
54 return("No protocol decoders")
55 if 'input' not in tc or not tc['input']:
56 return("No input")
57 if 'output' not in tc or not tc['output']:
58 return("No output")
59 for op in tc['output']:
60 if 'match' not in op:
61 return("No match in output")
63 return None
66def parse_testfile(path, pd, tc, op_type, op_class):
67 DBG("Opening '%s'" % path)
68 tclist = []
69 for line in open(path).read().split('\n'):
70 try:
71 line = line.strip()
72 if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "#":
73 continue
74 f = line.split()
75 if not tclist and f[0] != "test":
76 # That can't be good.
77 raise E_badline
78 key = f.pop(0)
79 if key == 'test':
80 if len(f) != 1:
81 raise E_syntax
82 # new testcase
83 tclist.append({
84 'pd': pd,
85 'name': f[0],
86 'pdlist': [],
87 'output': [],
88 })
89 elif key == 'protocol-decoder':
90 if len(f) < 1:
91 raise E_syntax
92 pd_spec = {
93 'name': f.pop(0),
94 'probes': [],
95 'options': [],
96 }
97 while len(f):
98 if len(f) == 1:
99 # Always needs <key> <value>
100 raise E_syntax
101 a, b = f[:2]
102 f = f[2:]
103 if '=' not in b:
104 raise E_syntax
105 opt, val = b.split('=')
106 if a == 'probe':
107 try:
108 val = int(val)
109 except:
110 raise E_syntax
111 pd_spec['probes'].append([opt, val])
112 elif a == 'option':
113 pd_spec['options'].append([opt, val])
114 else:
115 raise E_syntax
116 tclist[-1]['pdlist'].append(pd_spec)
117 elif key == 'stack':
118 if len(f) < 2:
119 raise E_syntax
120 tclist[-1]['stack'] = f
121 elif key == 'input':
122 if len(f) != 1:
123 raise E_syntax
124 tclist[-1]['input'] = f[0]
125 elif key == 'output':
126 op_spec = {
127 'pd': f.pop(0),
128 'type': f.pop(0),
129 }
130 while len(f):
131 if len(f) == 1:
132 # Always needs <key> <value>
133 raise E_syntax
134 a, b = f[:2]
135 f = f[2:]
136 if a == 'class':
137 op_spec['class'] = b
138 elif a == 'match':
139 op_spec['match'] = b
140 else:
141 raise E_syntax
142 tclist[-1]['output'].append(op_spec)
143 else:
144 raise E_badline
145 except E_badline as e:
146 ERR("Invalid syntax in %s: line '%s'" % (path, line))
147 return []
148 except E_syntax as e:
149 ERR("Unable to parse %s: unknown line '%s'" % (path, line))
150 return []
152 # If a specific testcase was requested, keep only that one.
153 if tc is not None:
154 target_tc = None
155 for t in tclist:
156 if t['name'] == tc:
157 target_tc = t
158 break
159 # ...and a specific output type
160 if op_type is not None:
161 target_oplist = []
162 for op in target_tc['output']:
163 if op['type'] == op_type:
164 # ...and a specific output class
165 if op_class is None or ('class' in op and op['class'] == op_class):
166 target_oplist.append(op)
167 DBG("match on [%s]" % str(op))
168 target_tc['output'] = target_oplist
169 if target_tc is None:
170 tclist = []
171 else:
172 tclist = [target_tc]
173 for t in tclist:
174 error = check_tclist(t)
175 if error:
176 ERR("Error in %s: %s" % (path, error))
177 return []
179 return tclist
182def get_tests(testnames):
183 tests = []
184 for testspec in testnames:
185 # Optional testspec in the form i2c/rtc
186 tc = op_type = op_class = None
187 ts = testspec.strip("/").split("/")
188 pd = ts.pop(0)
189 if ts:
190 tc = ts.pop(0)
191 if ts:
192 op_type = ts.pop(0)
193 if ts:
194 op_class = ts.pop(0)
195 path = os.path.join(decoders_dir, pd)
196 if not os.path.isdir(path):
197 # User specified non-existent PD
198 raise Exception("%s not found." % path)
199 path = os.path.join(decoders_dir, pd, "test/test.conf")
200 if not os.path.exists(path):
201 # PD doesn't have any tests yet
202 continue
203 tests.append(parse_testfile(path, pd, tc, op_type, op_class))
205 return tests
208def diff_textfiles(f1, f2):
209 t1 = open(f1).readlines()
210 t2 = open(f2).readlines()
211 diff = []
212 d = Differ()
213 for line in d.compare(t1, t2):
214 if line[:2] in ('- ', '+ '):
215 diff.append(line.strip())
217 return diff
220def compare_binfiles(f1, f2):
221 h1 = md5()
222 h1.update(open(f1, 'rb').read())
223 h2 = md5()
224 h2.update(open(f2, 'rb').read())
225 if h1.digest() == h2.digest():
226 result = None
227 else:
228 result = ["Binary output does not match."]
230 return result
233def run_tests(tests, fix=False):
234 errors = 0
235 results = []
236 cmd = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'runtc')
237 for tclist in tests:
238 for tc in tclist:
239 args = [cmd]
240 if DEBUG > 1:
241 args.append('-d')
242 for pd in tc['pdlist']:
243 args.extend(['-P', pd['name']])
244 for label, probe in pd['probes']:
245 args.extend(['-p', "%s=%d" % (label, probe)])
246 for option, value in pd['options']:
247 args.extend(['-o', "%s=%s" % (option, value)])
248 args.extend(['-i', os.path.join(dumps_dir, tc['input'])])
249 for op in tc['output']:
250 name = "%s/%s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name'], op['type'])
251 opargs = ['-O', "%s:%s" % (op['pd'], op['type'])]
252 if 'class' in op:
253 opargs[-1] += ":%s" % op['class']
254 name += "/%s" % op['class']
255 if VERBOSE:
256 dots = '.' * (60 - len(name) - 2)
257 INFO("%s %s " % (name, dots), end='')
258 results.append({
259 'testcase': name,
260 })
261 try:
262 fd, outfile = mkstemp()
263 os.close(fd)
264 opargs.extend(['-f', outfile])
265 DBG("Running %s" % (' '.join(args + opargs)))
266 p = Popen(args + opargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
267 stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
268 if stdout:
269 results[-1]['statistics'] = stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
270 if stderr:
271 results[-1]['error'] = stderr.decode('utf-8').strip()
272 errors += 1
273 elif p.returncode != 0:
274 # runtc indicated an error, but didn't output a
275 # message on stderr about it
276 results[-1]['error'] = "Unknown error: runtc %d" % p.returncode
277 if 'error' not in results[-1]:
278 match = os.path.join(decoders_dir, op['pd'], 'test', op['match'])
279 try:
280 diff = diff_error = None
281 if op['type'] == 'annotation':
282 diff = diff_textfiles(match, outfile)
283 elif op['type'] == 'binary':
284 diff = compare_binfiles(match, outfile)
285 else:
286 diff = ["Unsupported output type '%s'." % op['type']]
287 except Exception as e:
288 diff_error = e
289 if fix:
290 if diff or diff_error:
291 copy(outfile, match)
292 DBG("Wrote %s" % match)
293 else:
294 if diff:
295 results[-1]['diff'] = diff
296 elif diff_error is not None:
297 raise diff_error
298 except Exception as e:
299 results[-1]['error'] = str(e)
300 finally:
301 os.unlink(outfile)
302 if VERBOSE:
303 if 'diff' in results[-1]:
304 INFO("Output mismatch")
305 elif 'error' in results[-1]:
306 error = results[-1]['error']
307 if len(error) > 20:
308 error = error[:17] + '...'
309 INFO(error)
310 else:
311 INFO("OK")
312 gen_report(results[-1])
314 return results, errors
317def gen_report(result):
318 out = []
319 if 'error' in result:
320 out.append("Error:")
321 out.append(result['error'])
322 out.append('')
323 if 'diff' in result:
324 out.append("Test output mismatch:")
325 out.extend(result['diff'])
326 out.append('')
327 if 'statistics' in result:
328 out.extend(["Statistics:", result['statistics']])
329 out.append('')
331 if out:
332 text = "Testcase: %s\n" % result['testcase']
333 text += '\n'.join(out)
334 else:
335 return
337 if report_dir:
338 filename = result['testcase'].replace('/', '_')
339 open(os.path.join(report_dir, filename), 'w').write(text)
340 else:
341 print(text)
344def show_tests(tests):
345 for tclist in tests:
346 for tc in tclist:
347 print("Testcase: %s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name']))
348 for pd in tc['pdlist']:
349 print(" Protocol decoder: %s" % pd['name'])
350 for label, probe in pd['probes']:
351 print(" Probe %s=%d" % (label, probe))
352 for option, value in pd['options']:
353 print(" Option %s=%d" % (option, value))
354 if 'stack' in tc:
355 print(" Stack: %s" % ' '.join(tc['stack']))
356 print(" Input: %s" % tc['input'])
357 for op in tc['output']:
358 print(" Output:\n Protocol decoder: %s" % op['pd'])
359 print(" Type: %s" % op['type'])
360 if 'class' in op:
361 print(" Class: %s" % op['class'])
362 print(" Match: %s" % op['match'])
363 print()
366def list_tests(tests):
367 for tclist in tests:
368 for tc in tclist:
369 for op in tc['output']:
370 line = "%s/%s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name'], op['type'])
371 if 'class' in op:
372 line += "/%s" % op['class']
373 print(line)
377# main
380# project root
381tests_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
382base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, tests_dir, os.path.pardir))
383dumps_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, os.path.pardir, 'sigrok-dumps'))
384decoders_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, 'decoders'))
386if len(sys.argv) == 1:
387 usage()
389opt_all = opt_run = opt_show = opt_list = opt_fix = False
390report_dir = None
391opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dvarslfRS:")
392for opt, arg in opts:
393 if opt == '-d':
394 DEBUG += 1
395 if opt == '-v':
396 VERBOSE = True
397 elif opt == '-a':
398 opt_all = True
399 elif opt == '-r':
400 opt_run = True
401 elif opt == '-s':
402 opt_show = True
403 elif opt == '-l':
404 opt_list = True
405 elif opt == '-f':
406 opt_fix = True
407 elif opt == '-R':
408 report_dir = arg
409 elif opt == '-S':
410 dumps_dir = arg
412if opt_run and opt_show:
413 usage("Use either -s or -r, not both.")
414if args and opt_all:
415 usage("Specify either -a or tests, not both.")
416if report_dir is not None and not os.path.isdir(report_dir):
417 usage("%s is not a directory" % report_dir)
419ret = 0
421 if args:
422 testlist = get_tests(args)
423 elif opt_all:
424 testlist = get_tests(os.listdir(decoders_dir))
425 else:
426 usage("Specify either -a or tests.")
428 if opt_run:
429 if not os.path.isdir(dumps_dir):
430 ERR("Could not find sigrok-dumps repository at %s" % dumps_dir)
431 sys.exit(1)
432 results, errors = run_tests(testlist)
433 ret = errors
434 elif opt_show:
435 show_tests(testlist)
436 elif opt_list:
437 list_tests(testlist)
438 elif opt_fix:
439 run_tests(testlist, fix=True)
440 else:
441 usage()
442except Exception as e:
443 print("Error: %s" % str(e))
444 if DEBUG:
445 raise