Sat Jul 27 2024 05:36:57 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
304 PulseVie Protocol nobody CONF --- Allow decoding only sampleranges/data the user selected 2014-02-01
754 PulseVie Protocol nobody CONF --- Wishlist: PV should allow for decoded data to be overlaid over a signal 2016-02-16
889 PulseVie Protocol nobody CONF --- PV should allow viewing/saving PD binary output 2017-02-05
1172 PulseVie Protocol nobody CONF --- Add facility to abort a decoder stack run? 2018-09-26
1459 PulseVie Protocol nobody CONF --- PV should have an in-place PD editor 2020-11-10
1629 PulseVie Protocol nobody CONF --- Protocol decoding only done for first frame 2020-12-06
1840 PulseVie Protocol nobody CONF --- Request: use the output of a decoder as input for a math channel 2023-04-15
7 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Protocol decoding" component of the "PulseView" product