]> sigrok.org Git - libsigrokdecode.git/blame_incremental - tests/pdtest
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[libsigrokdecode.git] / tests / pdtest
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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
5## Copyright (C) 2013 Bert Vermeulen <bert@biot.com>
7## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10## (at your option) any later version.
12## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15## GNU General Public License for more details.
17## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18## along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21import os
22import sys
23from getopt import getopt
24from tempfile import mkstemp
25from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
26from difflib import Differ
27from hashlib import md5
28from shutil import copy
30DEBUG = 0
31VERBOSE = False
34class E_syntax(Exception):
35 pass
36class E_badline(Exception):
37 pass
39def INFO(msg, end='\n'):
40 if VERBOSE:
41 print(msg, end=end)
42 sys.stdout.flush()
45def DBG(msg):
46 if DEBUG:
47 print(msg)
50def ERR(msg):
51 print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
54def usage(msg=None):
55 if msg:
56 print(msg.strip() + '\n')
57 print("""Usage: testpd [-dvarslR] [test, ...]
58 -d Turn on debugging
59 -v Verbose
60 -a All tests
61 -l List all tests
62 -s Show test(s)
63 -r Run test(s)
64 -f Fix failed test(s)
65 -c Report decoder code coverage
66 -R <directory> Save test reports to <directory>
67 <test> Protocol decoder name ("i2c") and optionally test name ("i2c/icc")""")
68 sys.exit()
71def check_tclist(tc):
72 if 'pdlist' not in tc or not tc['pdlist']:
73 return("No protocol decoders")
74 if 'input' not in tc or not tc['input']:
75 return("No input")
76 if 'output' not in tc or not tc['output']:
77 return("No output")
78 for op in tc['output']:
79 if 'match' not in op:
80 return("No match in output")
82 return None
85def parse_testfile(path, pd, tc, op_type, op_class):
86 DBG("Opening '%s'" % path)
87 tclist = []
88 for line in open(path).read().split('\n'):
89 try:
90 line = line.strip()
91 if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "#":
92 continue
93 f = line.split()
94 if not tclist and f[0] != "test":
95 # That can't be good.
96 raise E_badline
97 key = f.pop(0)
98 if key == 'test':
99 if len(f) != 1:
100 raise E_syntax
101 # new testcase
102 tclist.append({
103 'pd': pd,
104 'name': f[0],
105 'pdlist': [],
106 'output': [],
107 })
108 elif key == 'protocol-decoder':
109 if len(f) < 1:
110 raise E_syntax
111 pd_spec = {
112 'name': f.pop(0),
113 'channels': [],
114 'options': [],
115 }
116 while len(f):
117 if len(f) == 1:
118 # Always needs <key> <value>
119 raise E_syntax
120 a, b = f[:2]
121 f = f[2:]
122 if '=' not in b:
123 raise E_syntax
124 opt, val = b.split('=')
125 if a == 'channel':
126 try:
127 val = int(val)
128 except:
129 raise E_syntax
130 pd_spec['channels'].append([opt, val])
131 elif a == 'option':
132 pd_spec['options'].append([opt, val])
133 else:
134 raise E_syntax
135 tclist[-1]['pdlist'].append(pd_spec)
136 elif key == 'stack':
137 if len(f) < 2:
138 raise E_syntax
139 tclist[-1]['stack'] = f
140 elif key == 'input':
141 if len(f) != 1:
142 raise E_syntax
143 tclist[-1]['input'] = f[0]
144 elif key == 'output':
145 op_spec = {
146 'pd': f.pop(0),
147 'type': f.pop(0),
148 }
149 while len(f):
150 if len(f) == 1:
151 # Always needs <key> <value>
152 raise E_syntax
153 a, b = f[:2]
154 f = f[2:]
155 if a == 'class':
156 op_spec['class'] = b
157 elif a == 'match':
158 op_spec['match'] = b
159 else:
160 raise E_syntax
161 tclist[-1]['output'].append(op_spec)
162 else:
163 raise E_badline
164 except E_badline as e:
165 ERR("Invalid syntax in %s: line '%s'" % (path, line))
166 return []
167 except E_syntax as e:
168 ERR("Unable to parse %s: unknown line '%s'" % (path, line))
169 return []
171 # If a specific testcase was requested, keep only that one.
172 if tc is not None:
173 target_tc = None
174 for t in tclist:
175 if t['name'] == tc:
176 target_tc = t
177 break
178 # ...and a specific output type
179 if op_type is not None:
180 target_oplist = []
181 for op in target_tc['output']:
182 if op['type'] == op_type:
183 # ...and a specific output class
184 if op_class is None or ('class' in op and op['class'] == op_class):
185 target_oplist.append(op)
186 DBG("match on [%s]" % str(op))
187 target_tc['output'] = target_oplist
188 if target_tc is None:
189 tclist = []
190 else:
191 tclist = [target_tc]
192 for t in tclist:
193 error = check_tclist(t)
194 if error:
195 ERR("Error in %s: %s" % (path, error))
196 return []
198 return tclist
201def get_tests(testnames):
202 tests = {}
203 for testspec in testnames:
204 # Optional testspec in the form pd/testcase/type/class
205 tc = op_type = op_class = None
206 ts = testspec.strip("/").split("/")
207 pd = ts.pop(0)
208 tests[pd] = []
209 if ts:
210 tc = ts.pop(0)
211 if ts:
212 op_type = ts.pop(0)
213 if ts:
214 op_class = ts.pop(0)
215 path = os.path.join(decoders_dir, pd)
216 if not os.path.isdir(path):
217 # User specified non-existent PD
218 raise Exception("%s not found." % path)
219 path = os.path.join(decoders_dir, pd, "test/test.conf")
220 if not os.path.exists(path):
221 # PD doesn't have any tests yet
222 continue
223 tests[pd].append(parse_testfile(path, pd, tc, op_type, op_class))
225 return tests
228def diff_text(f1, f2):
229 t1 = open(f1).readlines()
230 t2 = open(f2).readlines()
231 diff = []
232 d = Differ()
233 for line in d.compare(t1, t2):
234 if line[:2] in ('- ', '+ '):
235 diff.append(line.strip())
237 return diff
240def compare_binary(f1, f2):
241 h1 = md5()
242 h1.update(open(f1, 'rb').read())
243 h2 = md5()
244 h2.update(open(f2, 'rb').read())
245 if h1.digest() == h2.digest():
246 result = None
247 else:
248 result = ["Binary output does not match."]
250 return result
253# runtc's stdout can have lines like:
254# coverage: lines=161 missed=2 coverage=99%
255def parse_stats(text):
256 stats = {}
257 for line in text.strip().split('\n'):
258 fields = line.split()
259 key = fields.pop(0).strip(':')
260 if key not in stats:
261 stats[key] = []
262 stats[key].append({})
263 for f in fields:
264 k, v = f.split('=')
265 stats[key][-1][k] = v
267 return stats
270# take result set of all tests in a PD, and summarize which lines
271# were not covered by any of the tests.
272def coverage_sum(cvglist):
273 lines = 0
274 missed = 0
275 missed_lines = {}
276 for record in cvglist:
277 lines = int(record['lines'])
278 missed += int(record['missed'])
279 if 'missed_lines' not in record:
280 continue
281 for linespec in record['missed_lines'].split(','):
282 if linespec not in missed_lines:
283 missed_lines[linespec] = 1
284 else:
285 missed_lines[linespec] += 1
287 # keep only those lines that didn't show up in every non-summary record
288 final_missed = []
289 for linespec in missed_lines:
290 if missed_lines[linespec] != len(cvglist):
291 continue
292 final_missed.append(linespec)
294 return lines, final_missed
297def run_tests(tests, fix=False):
298 errors = 0
299 results = []
300 cmd = [os.path.join(tests_dir, 'runtc')]
301 if opt_coverage:
302 fd, coverage = mkstemp()
303 os.close(fd)
304 cmd.extend(['-c', coverage])
305 else:
306 coverage = None
307 for pd in sorted(tests.keys()):
308 pd_cvg = []
309 for tclist in tests[pd]:
310 for tc in tclist:
311 args = cmd.copy()
312 if DEBUG > 1:
313 args.append('-d')
314 # Set up PD stack for this test.
315 for spd in tc['pdlist']:
316 args.extend(['-P', spd['name']])
317 for label, channel in spd['channels']:
318 args.extend(['-p', "%s=%d" % (label, channel)])
319 for option, value in spd['options']:
320 args.extend(['-o', "%s=%s" % (option, value)])
321 args.extend(['-i', os.path.join(dumps_dir, tc['input'])])
322 for op in tc['output']:
323 name = "%s/%s/%s" % (pd, tc['name'], op['type'])
324 opargs = ['-O', "%s:%s" % (op['pd'], op['type'])]
325 if 'class' in op:
326 opargs[-1] += ":%s" % op['class']
327 name += "/%s" % op['class']
328 if VERBOSE:
329 dots = '.' * (60 - len(name) - 2)
330 INFO("%s %s " % (name, dots), end='')
331 results.append({
332 'testcase': name,
333 })
334 try:
335 fd, outfile = mkstemp()
336 os.close(fd)
337 opargs.extend(['-f', outfile])
338 DBG("Running %s" % (' '.join(args + opargs)))
339 p = Popen(args + opargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
340 stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
341 if stdout:
342 # statistics and coverage data on stdout
343 results[-1].update(parse_stats(stdout.decode('utf-8')))
344 if stderr:
345 results[-1]['error'] = stderr.decode('utf-8').strip()
346 errors += 1
347 elif p.returncode != 0:
348 # runtc indicated an error, but didn't output a
349 # message on stderr about it
350 results[-1]['error'] = "Unknown error: runtc %d" % p.returncode
351 if 'error' not in results[-1]:
352 matchfile = os.path.join(decoders_dir, op['pd'], 'test', op['match'])
353 DBG("Comparing with %s" % matchfile)
354 try:
355 diff = diff_error = None
356 if op['type'] in ('annotation', 'python'):
357 diff = diff_text(matchfile, outfile)
358 elif op['type'] == 'binary':
359 diff = compare_binary(matchfile, outfile)
360 else:
361 diff = ["Unsupported output type '%s'." % op['type']]
362 except Exception as e:
363 diff_error = e
364 if fix:
365 if diff or diff_error:
366 copy(outfile, matchfile)
367 DBG("Wrote %s" % matchfile)
368 else:
369 if diff:
370 results[-1]['diff'] = diff
371 elif diff_error is not None:
372 raise diff_error
373 except Exception as e:
374 results[-1]['error'] = str(e)
375 finally:
376 if coverage:
377 results[-1]['coverage_report'] = coverage
378 os.unlink(outfile)
379 if VERBOSE:
380 if 'diff' in results[-1]:
381 INFO("Output mismatch")
382 elif 'error' in results[-1]:
383 error = results[-1]['error']
384 if len(error) > 20:
385 error = error[:17] + '...'
386 INFO(error)
387 elif 'coverage' in results[-1]:
388 # report coverage of this PD
389 for record in results[-1]['coverage']:
390 # but not others used in the stack
391 # as part of the test.
392 if record['scope'] == pd:
393 INFO(record['coverage'])
394 break
395 else:
396 INFO("OK")
397 gen_report(results[-1])
398 if coverage:
399 os.unlink(coverage)
400 # only keep track of coverage records for this PD,
401 # not others in the stack just used for testing.
402 for cvg in results[-1]['coverage']:
403 if cvg['scope'] == pd:
404 pd_cvg.append(cvg)
405 if VERBOSE and opt_coverage and len(pd_cvg) > 1:
406 # report total coverage of this PD, across all the tests
407 # that were done on it.
408 total_lines, missed_lines = coverage_sum(pd_cvg)
409 pd_coverage = 100 - (float(len(missed_lines)) / total_lines * 100)
410 if VERBOSE:
411 dots = '.' * (54 - len(pd) - 2)
412 INFO("%s total %s %d%%" % (pd, dots, pd_coverage))
414 return results, errors
417def gen_report(result):
418 out = []
419 if 'error' in result:
420 out.append("Error:")
421 out.append(result['error'])
422 out.append('')
423 if 'diff' in result:
424 out.append("Test output mismatch:")
425 out.extend(result['diff'])
426 out.append('')
427 if 'coverage_report' in result:
428 out.append(open(result['coverage_report'], 'r').read())
429 out.append('')
431 if out:
432 text = "Testcase: %s\n" % result['testcase']
433 text += '\n'.join(out)
434 else:
435 return
437 if report_dir:
438 filename = result['testcase'].replace('/', '_')
439 open(os.path.join(report_dir, filename), 'w').write(text)
440 else:
441 print(text)
444def show_tests(tests):
445 for pd in sorted(tests.keys()):
446 for tclist in tests[pd]:
447 for tc in tclist:
448 print("Testcase: %s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name']))
449 for pd in tc['pdlist']:
450 print(" Protocol decoder: %s" % pd['name'])
451 for label, channel in pd['channels']:
452 print(" Channel %s=%d" % (label, channel))
453 for option, value in pd['options']:
454 print(" Option %s=%d" % (option, value))
455 if 'stack' in tc:
456 print(" Stack: %s" % ' '.join(tc['stack']))
457 print(" Input: %s" % tc['input'])
458 for op in tc['output']:
459 print(" Output:\n Protocol decoder: %s" % op['pd'])
460 print(" Type: %s" % op['type'])
461 if 'class' in op:
462 print(" Class: %s" % op['class'])
463 print(" Match: %s" % op['match'])
464 print()
467def list_tests(tests):
468 for pd in sorted(tests.keys()):
469 for tclist in tests[pd]:
470 for tc in tclist:
471 for op in tc['output']:
472 line = "%s/%s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name'], op['type'])
473 if 'class' in op:
474 line += "/%s" % op['class']
475 print(line)
479# main
482# project root
483tests_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
484base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, tests_dir, os.path.pardir))
485dumps_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, os.path.pardir, 'sigrok-dumps'))
486decoders_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, 'decoders'))
488if len(sys.argv) == 1:
489 usage()
491opt_all = opt_run = opt_show = opt_list = opt_fix = opt_coverage = False
492report_dir = None
493opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dvarslfcR:S:")
494for opt, arg in opts:
495 if opt == '-d':
496 DEBUG += 1
497 if opt == '-v':
498 VERBOSE = True
499 elif opt == '-a':
500 opt_all = True
501 elif opt == '-r':
502 opt_run = True
503 elif opt == '-s':
504 opt_show = True
505 elif opt == '-l':
506 opt_list = True
507 elif opt == '-f':
508 opt_fix = True
509 elif opt == '-c':
510 opt_coverage = True
511 elif opt == '-R':
512 report_dir = arg
513 elif opt == '-S':
514 dumps_dir = arg
516if opt_run and opt_show:
517 usage("Use either -s or -r, not both.")
518if args and opt_all:
519 usage("Specify either -a or tests, not both.")
520if report_dir is not None and not os.path.isdir(report_dir):
521 usage("%s is not a directory" % report_dir)
523ret = 0
525 if args:
526 testlist = get_tests(args)
527 elif opt_all:
528 testlist = get_tests(os.listdir(decoders_dir))
529 else:
530 usage("Specify either -a or tests.")
532 if opt_run:
533 if not os.path.isdir(dumps_dir):
534 ERR("Could not find sigrok-dumps repository at %s" % dumps_dir)
535 sys.exit(1)
536 results, errors = run_tests(testlist, fix=opt_fix)
537 ret = errors
538 elif opt_show:
539 show_tests(testlist)
540 elif opt_list:
541 list_tests(testlist)
542 elif opt_fix:
543 run_tests(testlist, fix=True)
544 else:
545 usage()
546except Exception as e:
547 print("Error: %s" % str(e))
548 if DEBUG:
549 raise