Sat Jul 27 2024 01:40:49 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1134 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- Saleae Log 16 support question? 2018-04-27
1606 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- Qt translation modifies source files during compilation 2020-09-13
1645 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- AppImage search paths contain residual /home/jenkins_slave paths 2023-07-04
1646 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- AppImage: Add search path(s) for decoders similar to firmware search paths 2020-12-13
1674 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- Problem linking the libatomic library 2021-03-08
1682 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- Build is broken with glib 2.68 2021-05-11
1769 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- bcrypt.dll required for Windows XP 2022-01-27
1771 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- Patch for error: unable to find numeric literal operator 'operator""Q' 2022-01-28
1858 PulseVie Build sy nobody CONF --- Cannot download Pulseview-Nightly.dmg 2023-06-03
9 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Build system" component of the "PulseView" product