Sat Jul 27 2024 01:34:32 CEST
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10 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1865 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- HMO 3054:Failed to open device generic/unspecified error 2023-07-07
1843 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- remote LAN connection to siglent 1204x-e Failure 2023-04-20
1819 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- PulseView hangs on launch with "Scanning for devices that driver beaglelogic can access... 2023-01-21
1818 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- Kingst LA5016 not recognised 2022-12-30
1746 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- Logic analyzer is not detected in Pulseview 2021-11-06
1725 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- Cannot connect to Zaleae Logic 16 (clone) 2021-08-21
1675 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- fx2lafw device fails on Linux Mint 2021-04-14
1667 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- Add ability to set device specific configuration parameters 2022-08-16
1659 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- Can't open DSLogic Plus on sigrok-pulse view - TS-Failed to open device generic/unspecified error 2021-01-24
1590 PulseVie Device h nobody CONF --- Implement support for "forced detection" 2020-08-22
10 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Device handling" component of the "PulseView" product