Sat Jul 27 2024 01:51:42 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1050 libsigro Common: nobody CONF --- VXI interface not closing if device is offline 2017-10-14
1121 libsigro Common: nobody CONF --- Missing rpc/rpc.h on Windows causes VXI being unavailable 2020-10-07
1276 libsigro Common: nobody CONF --- A single front-line SCPI probe routine would be a good idea 2018-09-07
1589 libsigro Common: nobody CONF --- SR_CONF_CONN get value contains colons for SCPI over serial 2020-08-25
1750 libsigro Common: nobody CONF --- SCPI over TCP, multiple receive chunks for one response 2021-11-29
1356 libsigro Common: snaipperi IN_P --- LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT and segfault when using Siglent SDS1104X-E over usb 2023-07-05
6 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Common: SCPI handling code" component of the "libsigrok" product