Sat Jul 27 2024 04:39:48 CEST
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21 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
300 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- Sample rate must be rechecked after acquisition 2015-06-28
503 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- PV should allow the user to manually enter a sample count 2014-11-29
624 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- PV should not force user to choose a sample limit 2016-10-06
634 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- Run/Stop should not be the same button 2016-10-06
646 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- error dialog presents "generic/unspecified error" when a specific error is available 2015-09-04
812 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- PV hangs upon e.g. rigol-ds TCP scan if no device is available 2017-02-21
872 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- no notification that acquisition failed or was short 2017-02-26
934 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- Action of run/stop hotkey (space) should be configurable 2018-05-30
1003 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- lack of UI feedback at end of acquisition 2017-09-17
1099 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- Discussion about possible future feature additions/changes 2017-12-28
1115 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- pulseview crashes during startup with ATEN KVMs 2021-08-17
1177 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- PV should support capturing into a ring buffer for streaming devices 2018-04-23
1178 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- PV should support stopping acquisition when a trigger occured 2018-04-23
1263 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- segfault trying to acquire too many channels on logic16 2018-08-21
1615 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- "Acquisition took ..." message uses incomplete data 2023-04-06
1641 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- Short sampling time 2020-11-27
1729 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- Please let me know if I can build or install a MacOS version on MacOS 11.5 2021-09-02
1793 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- Infinite Loop in data acquisition 2022-08-18
1845 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- Option to stop acquisition with a NEGATIVE trigger (like a 'watchdog') 2023-04-28
1886 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- FX2 LA (8ch) not acquiring in latest PulseView 2024-01-16
1265 PulseVie Acquisit nobody CONF --- segfault when changing voltage ranges on logc16 if bitstream unavailable 2018-08-31
21 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Acquisition" component of the "PulseView" product