Sat Jul 27 2024 01:36:27 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
113 libsigro API nobody CONF --- Driver scan() should be able to return an error code 2013-04-29
256 libsigro API nobody CONF --- sr_parse_triggerstring matches probe names against a prefix of the input 2014-01-29
264 libsigro API nobody CONF --- Drivers need to report options properly according to sdi and probe groups 2014-01-13
482 libsigro API nobody CONF --- Using multiple contexts in different threads generates a segfault. 2015-10-20
568 libsigro API nobody CONF --- Many functions should take a context pointer and don't. 2015-09-10
729 libsigro API nobody CONF --- Analog metadata does not include range of measurable values. 2016-01-03
996 libsigro API nobody CONF --- Allow different packing for logic datafeeds (dense packed channels) 2017-07-21
997 libsigro API nobody CONF --- Allow different packing for logic datafeeds (noninterleaved channels) 2017-07-21
8 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "API" component of the "libsigrok" product