Sat Jul 27 2024 02:42:53 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1010 libsigro Driver: nobody UNCO --- Analogue and Digital channels not in exact sync 2018-10-02
960 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- FX2 device not found when attached to certain USB-Hubs 2018-10-02
662 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- fx2lafw: Set device to 8-bit sampling (Unable to sample at 24000000Hz when collecting 16-bit samples.) 2023-08-07
1165 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Pulseview dont show an Error Msg if there is a USB connection problem. 2018-04-18
1253 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Scan doesn't seem to wait for FX2 renumeration 2018-07-24
1133 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Time scale incorrect when using non-zero pretrigger capture ratio 2018-06-15
1398 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- triggers always 2019-06-28
1007 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- USBee AX analog channel switching support not implemented 2017-08-09
8 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Driver: fx2lafw" component of the "libsigrok" product