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sigrok-gui on Windows
TODO: This page is outdated and not correct. This will be fixed soon!

This page describes how to build sigrok on Windows.

Building and installing the requirements


For checking out the sigrok source code you can use TortoiseGit on Windows.

  • Download and install the latest version (for 32bit or 64bit Windows) of TortoiseGit (just double-click the *.msi installer).
  • Download and install the latest version of the "full installer" of MSysGit (double-click the *.exe installer).


In order to build sigrok and various of its dependencies, we need a UNIX-like environment on Windows, which is provided by MinGW/MSYS.

  • Download the latest version (5.1.6 currently) of MinGW (double-click the installer *.exe, which will download and install all components).
    • Make sure you enable "MinGW base tools", "g++ compiler", and "MinGW Make" in the installer.
    • For simplicity it's recommended to leave the default install location of "C:\MinGW" unchanged.
  • Download and install the latest stable version which has an installer (1.0.11 currently) of the MSYS base system (double-click the installer *.exe file).
    • For simplicity it's recommended to leave the default install location of "C:\msys\1.0" unchanged.
    • The installer will ask (in a DOS box) whether you have MinGW installed (say 'y') and where (say 'C:/MinGW').


In order to get a working autotools setup various further MSYS packages and their dependencies are required:

In an MSYS shell do the following:

$ cd /c/MSYS/1.0
$ tar -xv --lzma -f autoconf-*.tar.lzma
$ tar -xv --lzma -f automake-*.tar.lzma
$ tar -xv --lzma -f libtool-*.tar.lzma
$ tar -xv --lzma -f perl-*.tar.lzma
$ tar -xv --lzma -f libcrypt-*.tar.lzma
$ tar -xv --lzma -f m4-*.tar.lzma


sigrok also needs libglib >= 2.0 (but not Gtk+), which in turn needs pkg-config and libintl. Download the latest versions of the respective Windows binaries and extract them into /c/MSYS/1.0:

Qt 4.6

Download the latest version (>= 4.5) of the Qt SDK for Windows (LGPL version). The download includes the Qt libraries, Qt Creator, Qt Designer, and various other Qt development tools.

libusb 1.0

On Windows we need the libusb 1.0 Windows port.

$ git clone git://
$ cd libusb-pbatard
$ cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles"
$ make


  • Needs zlib.

Building sigrok

Get the source code:

$ git clone git:// (or use TortoiseGit)
$ cd sigrok

Build the library and command line tool:

$ ./
$ make

Build the GUI:

  • First, you need to copy some files into the frontends/gui/debug folder:
$ cd frontends/gui
$ /c/Qt/2010.01/qt/bin/qmake.exe
$ cd debug
$ cp /c/Qt/2010.01/qt/bin/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll .
$ cp /c/Qt/2010.01/qt/bin/QtCored4.dll .
$ cp /c/Qt/2010.01/qt/bin/QtGui4.dll .
$ cp ../../lib/ . # TODO
  • In a file explorer, double-click the file in the frontends/gui/ directory, which should open the project in Qt Creator.
  • Build and run the project.