RockyLogic Ant8
The RockyLogic Ant8 is an 8-channel, 500MHz logic analyzer.
See RockyLogic_Ant8/Info for more details (such as lsusb -vvv output) about the device.
- Xilinx Spartan-II XC2S30 VQ100AMS0341 (FPGA; 13,824 total distributed RAM bits, 24K total block RAM)
- Xilinx XC9572XL VQ44BMN0345 10C (CPLD; 10ns pin-to-pin logic delays)
- FTDI FT245BM (USB FIFO device)
- IDT ICS501M (clock multiplier)
- Atmel AT93C66 (4kB, three-wire serial EEPROM)
- ON Semiconductor (On) HC00A PGZI (quad 2-input NAND gate)
- National/TI LP2989 (marking: 33AB 2989 IM-2.5) (micropower/low-noise, 500mA ultra low-dropout regulator)
- 20MHz crystal (for the FPGA)
Support for this device is currently being worked on.