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This is a list of '''supported protocol decoders (PDs)''' and '''decoders which we might want to write in the future''' (or users might want to contribute).
This is a list of '''supported protocol decoders (PDs)''' already supported by [[libsigrokdecode]] and also '''a list of work in progress or yet to be implemented decoders''',

See [[Protocol decoder API]] for details on how the decoders work in sigrok, and [[Protocol decoder HOWTO]] for a quick introduction about how to write your own decoders.
See [[Protocol decoder API]] for details on how the decoders work in sigrok, and [[Protocol decoder HOWTO]] for a quick introduction about how to write your own decoders.
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== Supported protocol decoders ==
== Supported protocol decoders ==

Number of currently supported protocol decoders: '''99'''.
<!-- Generated via sigrok-cli --list-supported-wiki. -->
Number of currently supported protocol decoders: '''131'''.

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!Input IDs
!Input IDs
!Output IDs
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{{pd|ac97|AC '97|Audio Codec '97|Audio and modem control for PC systems.|Audio|&mdash;|ac97|supported}}
{{pd|ac97|AC '97|Audio Codec '97|Audio and modem control for PC systems.|Audio, PC|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ade77xx|ADE77xx|Analog Devices ADE77xx|Poly phase multifunction energy metering IC protocol.|Sensors|spi|ade77xx|supported}}
{{pd|ad5626|AD5626|Analog Devices AD5626|Analog Devices AD5626 12-bit nanoDAC.|IC, Analog/digital|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|adf435x|ADF435x|Analog Devices ADF4350/1|Wideband synthesizer with integrated VCO.|RF|spi|adf435x|supported}}
{{pd|ad79x0|AD79x0|Analog Devices AD79x0|Analog Devices AD7910/AD7920 12-bit ADC.|IC, Analog/digital|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|adns5020|ADNS-5020|Avago ADNS-5020 optical mouse sensor|Bidirectional command and data over an SPI-like protocol.|Sensors|spi|adns5020|supported}}
{{pd|ade77xx|ADE77xx|Analog Devices ADE77xx|Poly phase multifunction energy metering IC protocol.|Analog/digital, IC, Sensor|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|am230x|AM230x/DHTxx/RHTxx|Aosong AM230x/DHTxx|Aosong AM230x/DHTxx/RHTxx humidity/temperature sensor protocol.|Sensors|&mdash;|am230x|supported}}
{{pd|adf435x|ADF435x|Analog Devices ADF4350/1|Wideband synthesizer with integrated VCO.|Clock/timing, IC, Wireless/RF|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|arm_etmv3|ARM ETMv3|ARM Embedded Trace Macroblock|Decode ETM instruction trace packets.|Flash/debug|uart|arm_etmv3|supported}}
{{pd|adns5020|ADNS-5020|Avago ADNS-5020|Bidirectional optical mouse sensor protocol.|IC, PC, Sensor|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|arm_itm|ARM ITM|ARM Instrumentation Trace Macroblock|Trace data from Cortex-M / ARMv7m ITM module.|Flash/debug|uart|arm_itm|supported}}
{{pd|adxl345|ADXL345|Analog Devices ADXL345|Analog Devices ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer.|IC, Sensor|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|arm_tpiu|ARM TPIU|ARM Trace Port Interface Unit|Filter TPIU formatted trace data into separate streams.|Flash/debug|uart|uart|supported}}
{{pd|am230x|AM230x|Aosong AM230x/DHTxx/RHTxx|Aosong AM230x/DHTxx/RHTxx humidity/temperature sensor.|IC, Sensor|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|atsha204a|ATSHA204A|Microchip ATSHA204A|Microchip ATSHA204A CryptoAuthentication device.|Memory|i2c|atsha204a|supported}}
{{pd|amulet_ascii|Amulet ASCII|Amulet LCD ASCII|Amulet Technologies LCD controller ASCII protocol.|Display|uart|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|aud|AUD|Advanced User Debugger|Renesas/Hitachi Advanced User Debugger (AUD) protocol.|Flash/debug|&mdash;|aud|supported}}
{{pd|arm_etmv3|ARM ETMv3|ARM Embedded Trace Macroblock v3|ARM ETM v3 instruction trace protocol.|Debug/trace|uart|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|avr_isp|AVR ISP|AVR in-system programming|Protocol for in-system programming Atmel AVR MCUs.|Flash/debug|spi|avr_isp|supported}}
{{pd|arm_itm|ARM ITM|ARM Instrumentation Trace Macroblock|ARM Cortex-M / ARMv7m ITM trace protocol.|Debug/trace|uart|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|avr_pdi|AVR PDI|Atmel Program and Debug Interface|Atmel proprietary interface for the ATxmega MCU.|Flash/debug|&mdash;|avr_pdi|supported}}
{{pd|arm_tpiu|ARM TPIU|ARM Trace Port Interface Unit|Filter TPIU formatted trace data into separate streams.|Debug/trace|uart|uart|supported}}
{{pd|can|CAN|Controller Area Network|Field bus protocol for distributed realtime control.|Automotive|&mdash;|can|supported}}
{{pd|atsha204a|ATSHA204A|Microchip ATSHA204A|Microchip ATSHA204A family crypto authentication protocol.|Security/crypto, IC, Memory|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|cec|CEC|HDMI-CEC|HDMI Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol.|PC|&mdash;|cec|supported}}
{{pd|aud|AUD|Advanced User Debugger|Renesas/Hitachi Advanced User Debugger (AUD) protocol.|Debug/trace|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|avr_isp|AVR ISP|AVR In-System Programming|Atmel AVR In-System Programming (ISP) protocol.|Debug/trace|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|avr_pdi|AVR PDI|Atmel Program and Debug Interface|Atmel ATxmega Program and Debug Interface (PDI) protocol.|Debug/trace|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|caliper|Caliper|Digital calipers|Protocol of cheap generic digital calipers.|Analog/digital, Sensor|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|can|CAN|Controller Area Network|Field bus protocol for distributed realtime control.|Automotive|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|cc1101|CC1101|Texas Instruments CC1101|Low-power sub-1GHz RF transceiver chip.|IC, Wireless/RF|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|cec|CEC|HDMI-CEC|HDMI Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol.|Display, PC|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|cfp|CFP|100 Gigabit C form-factor pluggable|100 Gigabit C form-factor pluggable (CFP) protocol.|Networking|mdio|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|cfp|CFP|100 Gigabit C form-factor pluggable|100 Gigabit C form-factor pluggable (CFP) protocol.|Networking|mdio|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|counter|Counter|Edge counter|Count number of edges.|Misc|&mdash;|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|cjtag|cJTAG|Compact Joint Test Action Group (IEEE 1149.7)|Protocol for testing, debugging, and flashing ICs.|Debug/trace|logic|jtag|supported}}
{{pd|dali|DALI|Digital Addressable Lighting Interface|DALI lighting control protocol.|Lighting|&mdash;|dali|supported}}
{{pd|counter|Counter|Edge counter|Count the number of edges in a signal.|Util|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|dcf77|DCF77|DCF77 time protocol|European longwave time signal (77.5kHz carrier signal).|Time signal|&mdash;|dcf77|supported}}
{{pd|dali|DALI|Digital Addressable Lighting Interface|Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) protocol.|Embedded/industrial, Lighting|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|dmx512|DMX512|Digital MultipleX 512|Professional lighting control protocol.|Lighting|&mdash;|dmx512|supported}}
{{pd|dcf77|DCF77|DCF77 time protocol|European longwave time signal (77.5kHz carrier signal).|Clock/timing|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ds1307|DS1307|Dallas DS1307|Realtime clock module protocol.|RTC|i2c|ds1307|supported}}
{{pd|dmx512|DMX512|Digital MultipleX 512|Digital MultipleX 512 (DMX512) lighting protocol.|Embedded/industrial, Lighting|uart|dmx512|supported}}
{{pd|ds2408|DS2408|Maxim DS2408|1-Wire 8-channel addressable switch.|Embedded|onewire_network|ds2408|supported}}
{{pd|ds1307|DS1307|Dallas DS1307|Dallas DS1307 realtime clock module protocol.|Clock/timing, IC|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ds243x|DS243x|Maxim DS2432/DS2433|Maxim DS243x series 1-Wire EEPROM protocol.|Memory|onewire_network|ds243x|supported}}
{{pd|ds2408|DS2408|Maxim DS2408|1-Wire 8-channel addressable switch.|Embedded/industrial, IC|onewire_network|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|dsi|DSI|Digital Serial Interface|DSI lighting control protocol.|Lighting|&mdash;|dsi|supported}}
{{pd|ds243x|DS243x|Maxim DS2432/3|Maxim DS243x series 1-Wire EEPROM protocol.|IC, Memory|onewire_network|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|edid|EDID|Extended Display Identification Data|Data structure describing display device capabilities.|PC|i2c|edid|supported}}
{{pd|ds28ea00|DS28EA00|Maxim DS28EA00 1-Wire digital thermometer|1-Wire digital thermometer with Sequence Detect and PIO.|IC, Sensor|onewire_network|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|eeprom24xx|24xx EEPROM|24xx I²C EEPROM|24xx series I²C EEPROM protocol.|Memory|i2c|eeprom24xx|supported}}
{{pd|dsi|DSI|Digital Serial Interface|Digital Serial Interface (DSI) lighting protocol.|Embedded/industrial, Lighting|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|eeprom93cxx|93Cxx EEPROM|93Cxx Microwire EEPROM|93Cxx series Microwire EEPROM protocol.|Memory|microwire|eeprom93cxx|supported}}
{{pd|edid|EDID|Extended Display Identification Data|Data structure describing display device capabilities.|Display, Memory, PC|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|em4100|EM4100|RFID EM4100|EM4100 100-150kHz RFID protocol.|RFID|&mdash;|em4100|supported}}
{{pd|eeprom24xx|24xx EEPROM|24xx I²C EEPROM|24xx series I²C EEPROM protocol.|IC, Memory|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|em4305|EM4305|RFID EM4205/EM4305|EM4205/EM4305 100-150kHz RFID protocol.|RFID|&mdash;|em4305|supported}}
{{pd|eeprom93xx|93xx EEPROM|93xx Microwire EEPROM|93xx series Microwire EEPROM protocol.|IC, Memory|microwire|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|gpib|GPIB|General Purpose Interface Bus|IEEE-488 GPIB / HPIB protocol.|Other|&mdash;|gpib|supported}}
{{pd|em4100|EM4100|RFID EM4100|EM4100 100-150kHz RFID protocol.|IC, RFID|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|graycode|Gray code|Gray code and rotary encoder|Accumulate rotary encoder increments, provide timing statistics.|Misc|&mdash;|graycode|supported}}
{{pd|em4305|EM4305|RFID EM4205/EM4305|EM4205/EM4305 100-150kHz RFID protocol.|IC, RFID|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|guess_bitrate|Guess bitrate|Guess bitrate/baudrate|Guess the bitrate/baudrate of a UART (or other) protocol.|Other|&mdash;|guess_bitrate|supported}}
{{pd|enc28j60|ENC28J60|Microchip ENC28J60|Microchip ENC28J60 10Base-T Ethernet controller protocol.|Embedded/industrial, Networking|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|i2c|I2C|Inter-Integrated Circuit|Two-wire, multi-master, serial bus.|Embedded|&mdash;|i2c|supported}}
{{pd|flexray|FlexRay|FlexRay|Automotive network communications protocol.|Automotive|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|i2cdemux|I2C demux|I2C demultiplexer|Demux I2C packets into per-slave-address streams.|Embedded|i2c|''runtime decision''|supported}}
{{pd|graycode|Gray code|Gray code and rotary encoder|Accumulate rotary encoder increments, provide statistics.|Encoding|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|i2cfilter|I2C filter|I2C filter|Filter out addresses/directions in an I2C stream.|Embedded|i2c|i2c|supported}}
{{pd|guess_bitrate|Guess bitrate|Guess bitrate/baudrate|Guess the bitrate/baudrate of a UART (or other) protocol.|Clock/timing, Util|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|i2s|I2S|Integrated Interchip Sound|Serial bus for connecting digital audio devices.|Audio|&mdash;|i2s|supported}}
{{pd|hdcp|HDCP|HDCP over HDMI|HDCP protocol over HDMI.|PC, Security/crypto|i2c|hdcp|supported}}
{{pd|iec|IEC|Commodore bus|Commodore serial IEEE-488 (IEC) bus protocol.|Other|&mdash;|gpib|supported}}
{{pd|i2c|I²C|Inter-Integrated Circuit|Two-wire, multi-master, serial bus.|Embedded/industrial|logic|i2c|supported}}
{{pd|ir_nec|IR NEC|IR NEC|NEC infrared remote control protocol.|IR|&mdash;|ir_nec|supported}}
{{pd|i2cdemux|I²C demux|I²C demultiplexer|Demux I²C packets into per-slave-address streams.|Util|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ir_rc5|IR RC-5|IR RC-5|RC-5 infrared remote control protocol.|IR|&mdash;|ir_rc5|supported}}
{{pd|i2cfilter|I²C filter|I²C filter|Filter out addresses/directions in an I²C stream.|Util|i2c|i2c|supported}}
{{pd|jitter|Jitter|Timing jitter calculation|Retrieves the timing jitter between two digital signals.|Misc|&mdash;|jitter|supported}}
{{pd|i2s|I²S|Integrated Interchip Sound|Serial bus for connecting digital audio devices.|Audio, PC|logic|i2s|supported}}
{{pd|jtag|JTAG|Joint Test Action Group (IEEE 1149.1)|Protocol for testing, debugging, and flashing ICs.|Flash/debug|&mdash;|jtag|supported}}
{{pd|ieee488|IEEE-488|IEEE-488 GPIB/HPIB/IEC|IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB/HPIB or IEC).|PC, Retro computing|logic|ieee488|supported}}
{{pd|jtag_stm32|JTAG / STM32|Joint Test Action Group / ST STM32|ST STM32-specific JTAG protocol.|Flash/debug|jtag|jtag_stm32|supported}}
{{pd|ir_irmp|IR IRMP|IR IRMP|IRMP infrared remote control multi protocol.|IR|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|jtag_ejtag|JTAG / EJTAG (MIPS)|Joint Test Action Group / EJTAG (MIPS)|MIPS EJTAG protocol.|Flash/debug|jtag|jtag_ejtag|supported}}
{{pd|ir_nec|IR NEC|IR NEC|NEC infrared remote control protocol.|IR|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|lin|LIN|Local Interconnect Network|Local Interconnect Network (LIN) protocol.|Automotive|uart|lin|supported}}
{{pd|ir_rc5|IR RC-5|IR RC-5|RC-5 infrared remote control protocol.|IR|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|lm75|LM75|National LM75|National LM75 (and compatibles) temperature sensor protocol.|Sensors|i2c|lm75|supported}}
{{pd|ir_rc6|IR RC-6|IR RC-6|RC-6 infrared remote control protocol.|IR|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|lpc|LPC|Low-Pin-Count|Protocol for low-bandwidth devices on PC mainboards.|PC|&mdash;|lpc|supported}}
{{pd|ir_sirc|IR SIRC|Sony IR (SIRC)|Sony infrared remote control protocol (SIRC).|IR|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|maple_bus|Maple bus|SEGA Maple bus|Maple bus peripheral protocol for SEGA Dreamcast.|Misc|&mdash;|maple_bus|supported}}
{{pd|jitter|Jitter|Timing jitter calculation|Retrieves the timing jitter between two digital signals.|Clock/timing, Util|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|max7219|MAX7219|Maxim MAX7219/MAX7221|8-digit LED display driver.|Display|spi|max7219|supported}}
{{pd|jtag|JTAG|Joint Test Action Group (IEEE 1149.1)|Protocol for testing, debugging, and flashing ICs.|Debug/trace|logic|jtag|supported}}
{{pd|maxim_ds28ea00|DS28EA00|Maxim DS28EA00 1-Wire digital thermometer|1-Wire digital thermometer with Sequence Detect and PIO.|Sensors|onewire_network|maxim_ds28ea00|supported}}
{{pd|jtag_ejtag|JTAG / EJTAG|Joint Test Action Group / EJTAG (MIPS)|MIPS EJTAG protocol.|Debug/trace|jtag|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|mcs48|MCS-48|Intel MCS-48|Intel MCS-48 external memory protocol.|CPU|&mdash;|mcs48|supported}}
{{pd|jtag_stm32|JTAG / STM32|Joint Test Action Group / ST STM32|ST STM32-specific JTAG protocol.|Debug/trace|jtag|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|mdio|MDIO|Management Data Input/Output|Half-duplex sync serial bus for MII management between MAC and PHY.|Networking|&mdash;|mdio|supported}}
{{pd|lfast|LFAST|NXP LFAST interface|Differential high-speed P2P interface|Embedded/industrial|logic|lfast|supported}}
{{pd|microwire|Microwire|Microwire|3-wire, half-duplex, synchronous serial bus.|Embedded|&mdash;|microwire|supported}}
{{pd|lin|LIN|Local Interconnect Network|Local Interconnect Network (LIN) protocol.|Automotive|uart|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|midi|MIDI|Musical Instrument Digital Interface|Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol.|Music|uart|midi|supported}}
{{pd|lm75|LM75|National LM75|National LM75 (and compatibles) temperature sensor.|Sensor|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|miller|Miller|Miller encoding|Miller encoding protocol.|Misc|&mdash;|miller|supported}}
{{pd|lpc|LPC|Low Pin Count|Protocol for low-bandwidth devices on PC mainboards.|PC|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|mlx90614|MLX90614|Melexis MLX90614|Infrared Thermometer protocol.|Sensors|i2c|mlx90614|supported}}
{{pd|ltc242x|LTC242x|Linear Technology LTC242x|Linear Technology LTC2421/LTC2422 1-/2-channel 20-bit ADC.|IC, Analog/digital|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|modbus|Modbus|Modbus RTU over RS232/RS485|Modbus RTU protocol for industrial applications.|Misc|uart|modbus|supported}}
{{pd|ltc26x7|LTC26x7|Linear Technology LTC26x7|Linear Technology LTC26x7 16-/14-/12-bit rail-to-rail DACs.|IC, Analog/digital|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|morse|Morse|Morse code|Demodulated morse code protocol.|Misc|&mdash;|morse|supported}}
{{pd|maple_bus|Maple bus|SEGA Maple bus|Maple bus peripheral protocol for SEGA Dreamcast.|Retro computing|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|mrf24j40|MRF24J40|Microchip MRF24J40|IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz RF tranceiver chip.|RF|spi|mf24j40|supported}}
{{pd|max7219|MAX7219|Maxim MAX7219/MAX7221|Maxim MAX72xx series 8-digit LED display driver.|Display|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|mxc6225xu|MXC6225XU|MEMSIC MXC6225XU|Digital Thermal Orientation Sensor (DTOS) protocol.|Sensors|i2c|mxc6225xu|supported}}
{{pd|mcs48|MCS-48|Intel MCS-48|Intel MCS-48 external memory access protocol.|Retro computing|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|nrf24l01|nRF24L01(+)|Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01/nRF24L01+|2.4GHz transceiver chip.|Wireless|spi|nrf24l01|supported}}
{{pd|mdio|MDIO|Management Data Input/Output|MII management bus between MAC and PHY.|Networking|logic|mdio|supported}}
{{pd|nunchuk|Nunchuk|Nintendo Wii Nunchuk|Nintendo Wii Nunchuk controller protocol.|Other|i2c|nunchuk|supported}}
{{pd|microwire|Microwire|Microwire|3-wire, half-duplex, synchronous serial bus.|Embedded/industrial|logic|microwire|supported}}
{{pd|onewire_link|1-Wire link layer|1-Wire serial communication bus (link layer)|Bidirectional, half-duplex, asynchronous serial bus.|Embedded|&mdash;|onewire_link|supported}}
{{pd|midi|MIDI|Musical Instrument Digital Interface|Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol.|Audio, PC|uart|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|onewire_network|1-Wire network layer|1-Wire serial communication bus (network layer)|Bidirectional, half-duplex, asynchronous serial bus.|Embedded|onewire_link|onewire_network|supported}}
{{pd|mil-std-1553|MIL-STD-1553|MIL-STD-1553 avionic data bus.|MIL-STD-1553 avionic data bus protocol.|Embedded/industrial, Networking|logic|&mdash;|soon}}
{{pd|ook|OOK|On-off keying|On-off keying protocol.|Misc|&mdash;|ook|supported}}
{{pd|miller|Miller|Miller encoding|Miller encoding protocol.|Encoding|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ook_oregon|Oregon|Oregon Scientific|Oregon Scientific weather sensor protocol.|Misc|ook|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|mlx90614|MLX90614|Melexis MLX90614|Melexis MLX90614 infrared thermometer protocol.|IC, Sensor|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ook_vis|OOK visualisation|On-off keying visualisation|OOK visualisation in various formats.|Misc|ook|ook|supported}}
{{pd|modbus|Modbus|Modbus RTU over RS232/RS485|Modbus RTU protocol for industrial applications.|Embedded/industrial|uart|modbus|supported}}
{{pd|pan1321|PAN1321|Panasonic PAN1321|Bluetooth RF module with Serial Port Profile (SPP).|Bluetooth|uart|pan1321|supported}}
{{pd|morse|Morse|Morse code|Demodulated morse code protocol.|Encoding|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|parallel|Parallel|Parallel sync bus|Generic parallel synchronous bus.|Misc|&mdash;|parallel|supported}}
{{pd|mrf24j40|MRF24J40|Microchip MRF24J40|IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz RF tranceiver chip.|IC, Wireless/RF|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ps2|PS/2|PS/2|PS/2 keyboard/mouse interface.|PC|&mdash;|ps2|supported}}
{{pd|mxc6225xu|MXC6225XU|MEMSIC MXC6225XU|Digital Thermal Orientation Sensor (DTOS) protocol.|IC, Sensor|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|pwm|PWM|Pulse-width modulation|Analog level encoded in duty cycle percentage.|Misc|&mdash;|pwm|supported}}
{{pd|nes_gamepad|NES gamepad|Nintendo Entertainment System gamepad|NES gamepad button states.|Retro computing|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|qi|Qi|Qi charger protocol|Async serial protocol for Qi charger receivers.|Misc|&mdash;|qi|supported}}
{{pd|nrf24l01|nRF24L01(+)|Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01(+)|2.4GHz RF transceiver chip.|IC, Wireless/RF|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|rc_encode|RC encode|Remote control encoder|PT2262/HX2262/SC5262 remote control encoder protocol.|Wireless|&mdash;|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|nrf905|nRF905|Nordic Semiconductor nRF905|433/868/933MHz transceiver chip.|IC, Wireless/RF|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|rfm12|RFM12|RFM12 control protocol|HopeRF RFM12 wireless transceivers control protocol.|Wireless|spi|rfm12|supported}}
{{pd|numbers_and_state|Numbers and State|Interpret bit patters as numbers or state enums|Interpret bit patterns as different kinds of numbers (integer, float, enum).|Encoding, Util|logic|numbers_and_state|supported}}
{{pd|rgb_led_spi|RGB LED (SPI)|RGB LED string decoder (SPI)|RGB LED string protocol (RGB values clocked over SPI).|LED|spi|rgb_led_spi|supported}}
{{pd|nunchuk|Nunchuk|Nintendo Wii Nunchuk|Nintendo Wii Nunchuk controller protocol.|Sensor|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|rgb_led_ws281x|RGB LED (WS281x)|RGB LED string decoder (WS281x)|RGB LED string protocol (WS281x).|LED|&mdash;|rgb_led_ws281x|supported}}
{{pd|onewire_link|1-Wire link layer|1-Wire serial communication bus (link layer)|Bidirectional, half-duplex, asynchronous serial bus.|Embedded/industrial|logic|onewire_link|supported}}
{{pd|rtc8564|RTC-8564|Epson RTC-8564 JE/NB|Realtime clock module protocol.|RTC|i2c|rtc8564|supported}}
{{pd|onewire_network|1-Wire network layer|1-Wire serial communication bus (network layer)|Bidirectional, half-duplex, asynchronous serial bus.|Embedded/industrial|onewire_link|onewire_network|supported}}
{{pd|sda2506|SDA2506|Siemens SDA 2506-5|Serial nonvolatile 1-Kbit EEPROM.|Memory|&mdash;|sda2506|supported}}
{{pd|ook|OOK|On-off keying|On-off keying protocol.|Encoding|logic|ook|supported}}
{{pd|sdcard_sd|SD card (SD mode)|Secure Digital card (SD mode)|Secure Digital card (SD mode) low-level protocol.|Memory|&mdash;|sdcard_sd|supported}}
{{pd|ook_oregon|Oregon|Oregon Scientific|Oregon Scientific weather sensor protocol.|Sensor|ook|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|sdcard_spi|SD card (SPI mode)|Secure Digital card (SPI mode)|Secure Digital card (SPI mode) low-level protocol.|Memory|spi|sdcard_spi|supported}}
{{pd|ook_vis|OOK visualisation|On-off keying visualisation|OOK visualisation in various formats.|Encoding|ook|ook|supported}}
{{pd|spdif|S/PDIF|Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format|Serial bus for connecting digital audio devices.|Audio|&mdash;|spdif|supported}}
{{pd|pan1321|PAN1321|Panasonic PAN1321|Bluetooth RF module with Serial Port Profile (SPP).|Wireless/RF|uart|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|spi|SPI|Serial Peripheral Interface|Full-duplex, synchronous, serial bus.|Embedded|&mdash;|spi|supported}}
{{pd|parallel|Parallel|Parallel sync bus|Generic parallel synchronous bus.|Util|logic|parallel|supported}}
{{pd|spiflash|SPI flash|SPI flash chips|xx25 series SPI (NOR) flash chip protocol.|SPI flash|spi|spiflash|supported}}
{{pd|pca9571|PCA9571|NXP PCA9571|NXP PCA9571 8-bit I²C output expander.|Embedded/industrial, IC|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ssi32|SSI32|Synchronous Serial Interface (32bit)|Synchronous Serial Interface (32bit) protocol.|Misc|spi|ssi32|supported}}
{{pd|pjdl|PJDL|Padded Jittering Data Link|PJDL, a single wire serial link layer for PJON.|Embedded/industrial|logic|pjon_link|supported}}
{{pd|st7735|ST7735|Sitronix ST7735|Sitronix ST7735 TFT controller protocol.|Display|&mdash;|st7735|supported}}
{{pd|pjon|PJON|PJON|The PJON protocol.|Embedded/industrial|pjon_link|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|stepper_motor|Stepper motor|Stepper motor position / speed|Absolute position and movement speed from step/dir.|Motors|&mdash;|stepper_motor|supported}}
{{pd|ps2|PS/2|PS/2|PS/2 keyboard/mouse interface.|PC|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|swd|SWD|Serial Wire Debug|Two-wire protocol for debug access to ARM CPUs.|Flash/debug|&mdash;|swd|supported}}
{{pd|pwm|PWM|Pulse-width modulation|Analog level encoded in duty cycle percentage.|Encoding|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|swim|SWIM|STM8 SWIM bus|STM8 Single Wire Interface Module (SWIM) protocol.|Flash/debug|&mdash;|swim|supported}}
{{pd|qi|Qi|Qi charger protocol|Protocol used by Qi receiver.|Embedded/industrial, Wireless/RF|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|t55xx|T55xx|RFID T5xx|T55xx 100-150kHz RFID protocol.|RFID|&mdash;|t55xx|supported}}
{{pd|rc_encode|RC encode|Remote control encoder|PT2262/HX2262/SC5262 remote control encoder protocol.|IC, IR|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|tca6408a|TI TCA6408A|Texas Instruments TCA6408A|Texas Instruments TCA6408A 8-bit I²C I/O expander.|I/O expander|i2c|tca6408a|supported}}
{{pd|rfm12|RFM12|HopeRF RFM12|HopeRF RFM12 wireless transceiver control protocol.|Wireless/RF|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|timing|Timing|Timing calculation|Calculate time between edges.|Misc|&mdash;|timing|supported}}
{{pd|rgb_led_spi|RGB LED (SPI)|RGB LED string decoder (SPI)|RGB LED string protocol (RGB values clocked over SPI).|Display|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|tlc5620|TI TLC5620|Texas Instruments TLC5620|Texas Instruments TLC5620 8-bit quad DAC.|DAC|&mdash;|tlc5620|supported}}
{{pd|rgb_led_ws281x|RGB LED (WS281x)|RGB LED string decoder (WS281x)|RGB LED string protocol (WS281x).|Display, IC|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|uart|UART|Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter|Asynchronous, serial bus.|Embedded|&mdash;|uart|supported}}
{{pd|rtc8564|RTC-8564|Epson RTC-8564 JE/NB|Realtime clock module protocol.|Clock/timing|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|usb_packet|USB packet|Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) packet|USB (low-speed and full-speed) packet protocol.|USB|usb_signalling|usb_packet|supported}}
{{pd|sae_j1850_vpw|SAE J1850 VPW|SAE J1850 VPW.|SAE J1850 Variable Pulse Width 1x and 4x.|Automotive|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|usb_power_delivery|USB PD|USB Power Delivery|USB Power Delivery protocol.|USB|&mdash;|usb_pd|supported}}
{{pd|sbus_futaba|SBUS (Futaba)|Futaba SBUS (Serial bus)|Serial bus for hobby remote control by Futaba|Remote Control|uart|sbus_futaba|supported}}
{{pd|usb_request|USB request|Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) transaction/request|USB (low-speed and full-speed) transaction/request protocol.|USB|usb_packet|usb_request|supported}}
{{pd|sda2506|SDA2506|Siemens SDA 2506-5|Serial nonvolatile 1-Kbit EEPROM.|IC, Memory|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|usb_signalling|USB signalling|Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) signalling|USB (low-speed and full-speed) signalling protocol.|USB|&mdash;|usb_signalling|supported}}
{{pd|sdcard_sd|SD card (SD mode)|Secure Digital card (SD mode)|Secure Digital card (SD mode) low-level protocol.|Memory|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|wiegand|Wiegand|Wiegand interface|Wiegand interface for electronic entry systems.|RFID|&mdash;|wiegand|supported}}
{{pd|sdcard_spi|SD card (SPI mode)|Secure Digital card (SPI mode)|Secure Digital card (SPI mode) low-level protocol.|Memory|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|x2444m|X2444M/P|Xicor X2444M/P|Xicor X2444M/P nonvolatile static RAM protocol.|Memory|spi|x2444m|supported}}
{{pd|sdq|SDQ|Texas Instruments SDQ|Texas Instruments SDQ. The SDQ protocol is also used by Apple.|Embedded/industrial|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|xfp|XFP|10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module (XFP)|Data structure describing device capabilities.|Networking|i2c|xfp|supported}}
{{pd|seven_segment|7-segment|7-segment display|7-segment display protocol.|Display|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|z80|Z80|Zilog Z80 CPU|Zilog Z80 microprocessor disassembly.|CPU|&mdash;|z80|supported}}
{{pd|signature|Signature|Signature analysis|Annotate signature of logic patterns.|Debug/trace, Util, Encoding|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|sipi|SIPI (Zipwire)|NXP SIPI interface|Serial Inter-Processor Interface (SIPI) aka Zipwire, aka HSSL|Embedded/industrial|lfast|none|supported}}
{{pd|sle44xx|SLE 44xx|SLE44xx memory card|SLE 4418/28/32/42 memory card serial protocol|Memory|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|spdif|S/PDIF|Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format|Serial bus for connecting digital audio devices.|Audio, PC|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|spi|SPI|Serial Peripheral Interface|Full-duplex, synchronous, serial bus.|Embedded/industrial|logic|spi|supported}}
{{pd|spiflash|SPI flash/EEPROM|SPI flash/EEPROM chips|xx25 series SPI (NOR) flash/EEPROM chip protocol.|IC, Memory|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|ssi32|SSI32|Synchronous Serial Interface (32bit)|Synchronous Serial Interface (32bit) protocol.|Embedded/industrial|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|st25r39xx|ST25R39xx|STMicroelectronics ST25R39xx|High performance NFC universal device and EMVCo reader protocol.|IC, Wireless/RF|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|st7735|ST7735|Sitronix ST7735|Sitronix ST7735 TFT controller protocol.|Display, IC|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|stepper_motor|Stepper motor|Stepper motor position / speed|Absolute position and movement speed from step/dir.|Embedded/industrial|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|swd|SWD|Serial Wire Debug|Two-wire protocol for debug access to ARM CPUs.|Debug/trace|logic|swd|supported}}
{{pd|swim|SWIM|STM8 SWIM bus|STM8 Single Wire Interface Module (SWIM) protocol.|Debug/trace|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|t55xx|T55xx|RFID T55xx|T55xx 100-150kHz RFID protocol.|IC, RFID|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|tca6408a|TI TCA6408A|Texas Instruments TCA6408A|Texas Instruments TCA6408A 8-bit I²C I/O expander.|Embedded/industrial, IC|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|tdm_audio|TDM audio|Time division multiplex audio|TDM multi-channel audio protocol.|Audio|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|timing|Timing|Timing calculation with frequency and averaging|Calculate time between edges.|Clock/timing, Util|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|tlc5620|TI TLC5620|Texas Instruments TLC5620|Texas Instruments TLC5620 8-bit quad DAC.|IC, Analog/digital|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|uart|UART|Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter|Asynchronous, serial bus.|Embedded/industrial|logic|uart|supported}}
{{pd|usb_packet|USB packet|Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) packet|USB (low-speed and full-speed) packet protocol.|PC|usb_signalling|usb_packet|supported}}
{{pd|usb_power_delivery|USB PD|USB Power Delivery|USB Power Delivery protocol.|PC|logic|usb_pd|supported}}
{{pd|usb_request|USB request|Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) transaction/request|USB (low-speed/full-speed) transaction/request protocol.|PC|usb_packet|usb_request|supported}}
{{pd|usb_signalling|USB signalling|Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) signalling|USB (low-speed/full-speed) signalling protocol.|PC|logic|usb_signalling|supported}}
{{pd|wiegand|Wiegand|Wiegand interface|Wiegand interface for electronic entry systems.|Embedded/industrial, RFID|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|x2444m|X2444M/P|Xicor X2444M/P|Xicor X2444M/P nonvolatile static RAM protocol.|IC, Memory|spi|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|xfp|XFP|10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module (XFP)|XFP I²C management interface structures/protocol|Networking|i2c|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|xy2-100|XY2-100|XY2-100 and XY2-200 interface|XY2-100 protocol used for laser applications.|Embedded/industrial|logic|&mdash;|supported}}
{{pd|z80|Z80|Zilog Z80 CPU|Zilog Z80 microprocessor disassembly.|Retro computing|logic|&mdash;|supported}}

Line 130: Line 164:
| [[Protocol_decoder:avclan|AVC-LAN]]
| Automotive
| iebus
| bgcolor="red" | 100%
| The multimedia control protocol used in Toyota and other vehicle brands
| Pull request open: [https://github.com/sigrokproject/libsigrokdecode/pull/106]
| [[Protocol_decoder:iebus|IEBus]]
| Automotive
| logic
| iebus
| bgcolor="red" | 100%
| A multidrop differential CAN-like bus used in multimedia applications.
| Pull request open: [https://github.com/sigrokproject/libsigrokdecode/pull/106]

Line 166: Line 218:
| SPI-attached ADC.
| SPI-attached ADC.
| Planned (Uwe Hermann).
| Planned (Uwe Hermann).
| [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ccTalk ccTalk]
| Automation/Industrial
| uart
| cctalk
| bgcolor="red" | 20%
| Serial protocol in widespread use throughout the money transaction and point-of-sale industry.
|In progress - https://github.com/plaes/libsigrokdecode/tree/cctalk

Line 301: Line 362:
| FlexRay
| Automotive
| &mdash;
| bgcolor="yellow" | 70%
| [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexray FlexRay] is an automotive network communications protocol.
| Work in progress ([[User:Stephan_Thiele|Stephan Thiele]]).

Line 412: Line 464:
| Nokia NRC17
| Nokia NRC17
| IR
| &mdash;
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| Sony SIRC
| IR
| &mdash;
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| Philips RC-6
| IR
| IR
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
Line 471: Line 505:
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD44780_Character_LCD HD44780 character LCD] protocol
| [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD44780_Character_LCD HD44780 character LCD] protocol
| 7-segment display
| Displays
| &mdash;
| bgcolor="red" | 0%

Line 541: Line 566:
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| mvb
| mvb
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| bgcolor="yellow" | 90%
| Multifunction Vehicle Bus
| Multifunction Vehicle Bus
| Working in separate [https://github.com/yeckel/sigrok_mvb_decoder/ repository] (Libor Tomsik).

Line 577: Line 602:
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| lonworks
| lonworks
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-Bus S-Bus]
| Home automation
| &mdash;
| sbus
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
Line 733: Line 749:
| WiFi Serial Transceiver
| WiFi Serial Transceiver
| [[Protocol Decoder:cc1101|TI CC1101]]
| Wireless
| spi
| cc1101
| bgcolor="orange" | 1%
| SPI-attached wireless controller for 315/433/868/915 MHz ISM bands. [http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cc1101.pdf Datasheet]
| Work in progress (stan23)

Line 798: Line 805:

| Manchester encoding
| Bi-Phase encoding family
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_code Manchester code]
| [http://ckp.made-it.com/encodingschemes.html several variations] of codes, including [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_code Manchester code]
| whoever wants it
| whoever wants it

Line 816: Line 823:

| CCD (Chrysler's Collision Detection)
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| bgcolor="green" | 99%
| CCD (Chrysler's Collision Detection) is internal bus used on Chrysler cars produced about 1990-2000.
| It works, but decodes only subset of all possible CCD messages, mostly from Jeep ZJ '98. Need a little work to improve performance and better support of API 3. [https://github.com/majekw/sigrok-ccd-pd https://github.com/majekw/sigrok-ccd-pd]
| Mate-trac
| &mdash;
| (bi-phase)
| &mdash;
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| 20th century protocol for remote control of projectors, often stored on audio tapes; [https://www.aidtopia.com/mccarthy/aid/multi-image/matetrac.html described well by Adrian McCarthy]
| whoever wants it, possibly [[User:chrysn|chrysn]]
| PN532 NFC reader communication protocol
| uart / spi / i2c
| ISO14443
| bgcolor="yellow" | 80%
| PN532 is a 13.56 MHz NFC reader, supporting SPI, I2C or Serial UART
| WIP for Serial UART: [https://github.com/plaes/libsigrokdecode/tree/pn542-uart https://github.com/plaes/libsigrokdecode/tree/pn542-uart] based on [https://git.mittelab.org/wifasoi/sigrokdecode-pn532 code from this repository]
| SAE J2716 SENT
| Automotive
| Automotive
| &mdash;
| &mdash;
| can
| bgcolor="yellow" | 60%
| bgcolor="red" | 0%
| Controller Area Network with Flexible Data Rate
| SENT - Single Edge Nibble Transmission for Automotive Applications
| Work in progress ([[User:Stephan_Thiele|Stephan Thiele]]).



Latest revision as of 07:43, 14 May 2024

This is a list of supported protocol decoders (PDs) already supported by libsigrokdecode and also a list of work in progress or yet to be implemented decoders,

See Protocol decoder API for details on how the decoders work in sigrok, and Protocol decoder HOWTO for a quick introduction about how to write your own decoders.

Supported protocol decoders

Number of currently supported protocol decoders: 131.

Protocol Tags Input IDs Output IDs Status Full name Description
AC '97 Audio, PC logic supported Audio Codec '97 Audio and modem control for PC systems.
AD5626 IC, Analog/digital spi supported Analog Devices AD5626 Analog Devices AD5626 12-bit nanoDAC.
AD79x0 IC, Analog/digital spi supported Analog Devices AD79x0 Analog Devices AD7910/AD7920 12-bit ADC.
ADE77xx Analog/digital, IC, Sensor spi supported Analog Devices ADE77xx Poly phase multifunction energy metering IC protocol.
ADF435x Clock/timing, IC, Wireless/RF spi supported Analog Devices ADF4350/1 Wideband synthesizer with integrated VCO.
ADNS-5020 IC, PC, Sensor spi supported Avago ADNS-5020 Bidirectional optical mouse sensor protocol.
ADXL345 IC, Sensor spi supported Analog Devices ADXL345 Analog Devices ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer.
AM230x IC, Sensor logic supported Aosong AM230x/DHTxx/RHTxx Aosong AM230x/DHTxx/RHTxx humidity/temperature sensor.
Amulet ASCII Display uart supported Amulet LCD ASCII Amulet Technologies LCD controller ASCII protocol.
ARM ETMv3 Debug/trace uart supported ARM Embedded Trace Macroblock v3 ARM ETM v3 instruction trace protocol.
ARM ITM Debug/trace uart supported ARM Instrumentation Trace Macroblock ARM Cortex-M / ARMv7m ITM trace protocol.
ARM TPIU Debug/trace uart uart supported ARM Trace Port Interface Unit Filter TPIU formatted trace data into separate streams.
ATSHA204A Security/crypto, IC, Memory i2c supported Microchip ATSHA204A Microchip ATSHA204A family crypto authentication protocol.
AUD Debug/trace logic supported Advanced User Debugger Renesas/Hitachi Advanced User Debugger (AUD) protocol.
AVR ISP Debug/trace spi supported AVR In-System Programming Atmel AVR In-System Programming (ISP) protocol.
AVR PDI Debug/trace logic supported Atmel Program and Debug Interface Atmel ATxmega Program and Debug Interface (PDI) protocol.
Caliper Analog/digital, Sensor logic supported Digital calipers Protocol of cheap generic digital calipers.
CAN Automotive logic supported Controller Area Network Field bus protocol for distributed realtime control.
CC1101 IC, Wireless/RF spi supported Texas Instruments CC1101 Low-power sub-1GHz RF transceiver chip.
CEC Display, PC logic supported HDMI-CEC HDMI Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol.
CFP Networking mdio supported 100 Gigabit C form-factor pluggable 100 Gigabit C form-factor pluggable (CFP) protocol.
cJTAG Debug/trace logic jtag supported Compact Joint Test Action Group (IEEE 1149.7) Protocol for testing, debugging, and flashing ICs.
Counter Util logic supported Edge counter Count the number of edges in a signal.
DALI Embedded/industrial, Lighting logic supported Digital Addressable Lighting Interface Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) protocol.
DCF77 Clock/timing logic supported DCF77 time protocol European longwave time signal (77.5kHz carrier signal).
DMX512 Embedded/industrial, Lighting uart dmx512 supported Digital MultipleX 512 Digital MultipleX 512 (DMX512) lighting protocol.
DS1307 Clock/timing, IC i2c supported Dallas DS1307 Dallas DS1307 realtime clock module protocol.
DS2408 Embedded/industrial, IC onewire_network supported Maxim DS2408 1-Wire 8-channel addressable switch.
DS243x IC, Memory onewire_network supported Maxim DS2432/3 Maxim DS243x series 1-Wire EEPROM protocol.
DS28EA00 IC, Sensor onewire_network supported Maxim DS28EA00 1-Wire digital thermometer 1-Wire digital thermometer with Sequence Detect and PIO.
DSI Embedded/industrial, Lighting logic supported Digital Serial Interface Digital Serial Interface (DSI) lighting protocol.
EDID Display, Memory, PC i2c supported Extended Display Identification Data Data structure describing display device capabilities.
24xx EEPROM IC, Memory i2c supported 24xx I²C EEPROM 24xx series I²C EEPROM protocol.
93xx EEPROM IC, Memory microwire supported 93xx Microwire EEPROM 93xx series Microwire EEPROM protocol.
EM4100 IC, RFID logic supported RFID EM4100 EM4100 100-150kHz RFID protocol.
EM4305 IC, RFID logic supported RFID EM4205/EM4305 EM4205/EM4305 100-150kHz RFID protocol.
ENC28J60 Embedded/industrial, Networking spi supported Microchip ENC28J60 Microchip ENC28J60 10Base-T Ethernet controller protocol.
FlexRay Automotive logic supported FlexRay Automotive network communications protocol.
Gray code Encoding logic supported Gray code and rotary encoder Accumulate rotary encoder increments, provide statistics.
Guess bitrate Clock/timing, Util logic supported Guess bitrate/baudrate Guess the bitrate/baudrate of a UART (or other) protocol.
HDCP PC, Security/crypto i2c hdcp supported HDCP over HDMI HDCP protocol over HDMI.
I²C Embedded/industrial logic i2c supported Inter-Integrated Circuit Two-wire, multi-master, serial bus.
I²C demux Util i2c supported I²C demultiplexer Demux I²C packets into per-slave-address streams.
I²C filter Util i2c i2c supported I²C filter Filter out addresses/directions in an I²C stream.
I²S Audio, PC logic i2s supported Integrated Interchip Sound Serial bus for connecting digital audio devices.
IEEE-488 PC, Retro computing logic ieee488 supported IEEE-488 GPIB/HPIB/IEC IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB/HPIB or IEC).
IR IRMP IR logic supported IR IRMP IRMP infrared remote control multi protocol.
IR NEC IR logic supported IR NEC NEC infrared remote control protocol.
IR RC-5 IR logic supported IR RC-5 RC-5 infrared remote control protocol.
IR RC-6 IR logic supported IR RC-6 RC-6 infrared remote control protocol.
IR SIRC IR logic supported Sony IR (SIRC) Sony infrared remote control protocol (SIRC).
Jitter Clock/timing, Util logic supported Timing jitter calculation Retrieves the timing jitter between two digital signals.
JTAG Debug/trace logic jtag supported Joint Test Action Group (IEEE 1149.1) Protocol for testing, debugging, and flashing ICs.
JTAG / EJTAG Debug/trace jtag supported Joint Test Action Group / EJTAG (MIPS) MIPS EJTAG protocol.
JTAG / STM32 Debug/trace jtag supported Joint Test Action Group / ST STM32 ST STM32-specific JTAG protocol.
LFAST Embedded/industrial logic lfast supported NXP LFAST interface Differential high-speed P2P interface
LIN Automotive uart supported Local Interconnect Network Local Interconnect Network (LIN) protocol.
LM75 Sensor i2c supported National LM75 National LM75 (and compatibles) temperature sensor.
LPC PC logic supported Low Pin Count Protocol for low-bandwidth devices on PC mainboards.
LTC242x IC, Analog/digital spi supported Linear Technology LTC242x Linear Technology LTC2421/LTC2422 1-/2-channel 20-bit ADC.
LTC26x7 IC, Analog/digital i2c supported Linear Technology LTC26x7 Linear Technology LTC26x7 16-/14-/12-bit rail-to-rail DACs.
Maple bus Retro computing logic supported SEGA Maple bus Maple bus peripheral protocol for SEGA Dreamcast.
MAX7219 Display spi supported Maxim MAX7219/MAX7221 Maxim MAX72xx series 8-digit LED display driver.
MCS-48 Retro computing logic supported Intel MCS-48 Intel MCS-48 external memory access protocol.
MDIO Networking logic mdio supported Management Data Input/Output MII management bus between MAC and PHY.
Microwire Embedded/industrial logic microwire supported Microwire 3-wire, half-duplex, synchronous serial bus.
MIDI Audio, PC uart supported Musical Instrument Digital Interface Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol.
MIL-STD-1553 Embedded/industrial, Networking logic soon MIL-STD-1553 avionic data bus. MIL-STD-1553 avionic data bus protocol.
Miller Encoding logic supported Miller encoding Miller encoding protocol.
MLX90614 IC, Sensor i2c supported Melexis MLX90614 Melexis MLX90614 infrared thermometer protocol.
Modbus Embedded/industrial uart modbus supported Modbus RTU over RS232/RS485 Modbus RTU protocol for industrial applications.
Morse Encoding logic supported Morse code Demodulated morse code protocol.
MRF24J40 IC, Wireless/RF spi supported Microchip MRF24J40 IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz RF tranceiver chip.
MXC6225XU IC, Sensor i2c supported MEMSIC MXC6225XU Digital Thermal Orientation Sensor (DTOS) protocol.
NES gamepad Retro computing spi supported Nintendo Entertainment System gamepad NES gamepad button states.
nRF24L01(+) IC, Wireless/RF spi supported Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01(+) 2.4GHz RF transceiver chip.
nRF905 IC, Wireless/RF spi supported Nordic Semiconductor nRF905 433/868/933MHz transceiver chip.
Numbers and State Encoding, Util logic numbers_and_state supported Interpret bit patters as numbers or state enums Interpret bit patterns as different kinds of numbers (integer, float, enum).
Nunchuk Sensor i2c supported Nintendo Wii Nunchuk Nintendo Wii Nunchuk controller protocol.
1-Wire link layer Embedded/industrial logic onewire_link supported 1-Wire serial communication bus (link layer) Bidirectional, half-duplex, asynchronous serial bus.
1-Wire network layer Embedded/industrial onewire_link onewire_network supported 1-Wire serial communication bus (network layer) Bidirectional, half-duplex, asynchronous serial bus.
OOK Encoding logic ook supported On-off keying On-off keying protocol.
Oregon Sensor ook supported Oregon Scientific Oregon Scientific weather sensor protocol.
OOK visualisation Encoding ook ook supported On-off keying visualisation OOK visualisation in various formats.
PAN1321 Wireless/RF uart supported Panasonic PAN1321 Bluetooth RF module with Serial Port Profile (SPP).
Parallel Util logic parallel supported Parallel sync bus Generic parallel synchronous bus.
PCA9571 Embedded/industrial, IC i2c supported NXP PCA9571 NXP PCA9571 8-bit I²C output expander.
PJDL Embedded/industrial logic pjon_link supported Padded Jittering Data Link PJDL, a single wire serial link layer for PJON.
PJON Embedded/industrial pjon_link supported PJON The PJON protocol.
PS/2 PC logic supported PS/2 PS/2 keyboard/mouse interface.
PWM Encoding logic supported Pulse-width modulation Analog level encoded in duty cycle percentage.
Qi Embedded/industrial, Wireless/RF logic supported Qi charger protocol Protocol used by Qi receiver.
RC encode IC, IR logic supported Remote control encoder PT2262/HX2262/SC5262 remote control encoder protocol.
RFM12 Wireless/RF spi supported HopeRF RFM12 HopeRF RFM12 wireless transceiver control protocol.
RGB LED (SPI) Display spi supported RGB LED string decoder (SPI) RGB LED string protocol (RGB values clocked over SPI).
RGB LED (WS281x) Display, IC logic supported RGB LED string decoder (WS281x) RGB LED string protocol (WS281x).
RTC-8564 Clock/timing i2c supported Epson RTC-8564 JE/NB Realtime clock module protocol.
SAE J1850 VPW Automotive logic supported SAE J1850 VPW. SAE J1850 Variable Pulse Width 1x and 4x.
SBUS (Futaba) Remote Control uart sbus_futaba supported Futaba SBUS (Serial bus) Serial bus for hobby remote control by Futaba
SDA2506 IC, Memory logic supported Siemens SDA 2506-5 Serial nonvolatile 1-Kbit EEPROM.
SD card (SD mode) Memory logic supported Secure Digital card (SD mode) Secure Digital card (SD mode) low-level protocol.
SD card (SPI mode) Memory spi supported Secure Digital card (SPI mode) Secure Digital card (SPI mode) low-level protocol.
SDQ Embedded/industrial logic supported Texas Instruments SDQ Texas Instruments SDQ. The SDQ protocol is also used by Apple.
7-segment Display logic supported 7-segment display 7-segment display protocol.
Signature Debug/trace, Util, Encoding logic supported Signature analysis Annotate signature of logic patterns.
SIPI (Zipwire) Embedded/industrial lfast none supported NXP SIPI interface Serial Inter-Processor Interface (SIPI) aka Zipwire, aka HSSL
SLE 44xx Memory logic supported SLE44xx memory card SLE 4418/28/32/42 memory card serial protocol
S/PDIF Audio, PC logic supported Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format Serial bus for connecting digital audio devices.
SPI Embedded/industrial logic spi supported Serial Peripheral Interface Full-duplex, synchronous, serial bus.
SPI flash/EEPROM IC, Memory spi supported SPI flash/EEPROM chips xx25 series SPI (NOR) flash/EEPROM chip protocol.
SSI32 Embedded/industrial spi supported Synchronous Serial Interface (32bit) Synchronous Serial Interface (32bit) protocol.
ST25R39xx IC, Wireless/RF spi supported STMicroelectronics ST25R39xx High performance NFC universal device and EMVCo reader protocol.
ST7735 Display, IC logic supported Sitronix ST7735 Sitronix ST7735 TFT controller protocol.
Stepper motor Embedded/industrial logic supported Stepper motor position / speed Absolute position and movement speed from step/dir.
SWD Debug/trace logic swd supported Serial Wire Debug Two-wire protocol for debug access to ARM CPUs.
SWIM Debug/trace logic supported STM8 SWIM bus STM8 Single Wire Interface Module (SWIM) protocol.
T55xx IC, RFID logic supported RFID T55xx T55xx 100-150kHz RFID protocol.
TI TCA6408A Embedded/industrial, IC i2c supported Texas Instruments TCA6408A Texas Instruments TCA6408A 8-bit I²C I/O expander.
TDM audio Audio logic supported Time division multiplex audio TDM multi-channel audio protocol.
Timing Clock/timing, Util logic supported Timing calculation with frequency and averaging Calculate time between edges.
TI TLC5620 IC, Analog/digital logic supported Texas Instruments TLC5620 Texas Instruments TLC5620 8-bit quad DAC.
UART Embedded/industrial logic uart supported Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Asynchronous, serial bus.
USB packet PC usb_signalling usb_packet supported Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) packet USB (low-speed and full-speed) packet protocol.
USB PD PC logic usb_pd supported USB Power Delivery USB Power Delivery protocol.
USB request PC usb_packet usb_request supported Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) transaction/request USB (low-speed/full-speed) transaction/request protocol.
USB signalling PC logic usb_signalling supported Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) signalling USB (low-speed/full-speed) signalling protocol.
Wiegand Embedded/industrial, RFID logic supported Wiegand interface Wiegand interface for electronic entry systems.
X2444M/P IC, Memory spi supported Xicor X2444M/P Xicor X2444M/P nonvolatile static RAM protocol.
XFP Networking i2c supported 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module (XFP) XFP I²C management interface structures/protocol
XY2-100 Embedded/industrial logic supported XY2-100 and XY2-200 interface XY2-100 protocol used for laser applications.
Z80 Retro computing logic supported Zilog Z80 CPU Zilog Z80 microprocessor disassembly.

Possible candidates for future protocol decoders

Protocol Category Input ID(s) Output ID(s) Status Description Comments
AVC-LAN Automotive iebus 100% The multimedia control protocol used in Toyota and other vehicle brands Pull request open: [1]
IEBus Automotive logic iebus 100% A multidrop differential CAN-like bus used in multimedia applications. Pull request open: [2]
SA8807A Displays spi 0% SPI-attached LCD. Datasheet: Sames SA8807A.
EA eDIPTFT43-A Displays i2c 0% I2C-attached LCD. Datasheet: EA eDIPTFT43-A.
Analog Devices AD7291 ADC i2c 0% I2C-attached ADC. Datasheet: Analog Devices AD7291.
Analog Devices ADS1258 ADC spi ads1258 0% SPI-attached ADC. Planned (Uwe Hermann).
ccTalk Automation/Industrial uart cctalk 20% Serial protocol in widespread use throughout the money transaction and point-of-sale industry. In progress - https://github.com/plaes/libsigrokdecode/tree/cctalk
Microchip MCP3901 ADC spi mcp3901 0% Can be controlled via a parallel protocol, or SPI, or I2C. Planned (Uwe Hermann).
JTAG / TMPA9xx Flash/debug jtag jtag_tmpa9xx 0% Toshiba TMPA9xx specific JTAG protocol details.
USB transfer USB usb_request usb_transfer 0%
USB / HID USB usb_transfer usb_hid 0%
USB / CDC USB usb_transfer usb_cdc 0%
USB / USBTMC USB usb_transfer usb_usbtmc 0%
Dallas DS1985 Other onewire_network 0% Dallas DS1985 iButton (1-Wire) device. Planned (Uwe Hermann).
UNI/O Embedded 0%
SSI Embedded 0% Synchronous Serial Interface
CompactFlash Memory 0%
MMC Memory 0%
Memory Stick Memory 0%
SmartMedia Memory 0%
xD-Picture Card Memory 0%
ISO 7816 Smartcards 0%
AVR TPI Flash/debug 0% Atmel Tiny Programming Interface (TPI) protocol.
SMBus PC 0%
PECI PC 0% Platform Environment Control Interface
SVID PC 0% Serial Voltage Identification
MFM PC 90% Floppy disk FM and MFM. Work in progress (David Wiens).
HD Audio Audio 0%
Nokia NRC17 IR 0%
Philips RC-MM IR 0%
Philips RECS80 IR 0%
IrDA Misc 0%
HD44780 Displays 0% HD44780 character LCD protocol
PCF8814 Displays pcf8814 50% Philips PCF8814 65 x 96 pixels matrix LCD driver Work in progress (Uwe Hermann).
PCF8814 LCD Displays pcf8814 pcf8814_lcd 50% Philips PCF8814 65 x 96 pixels matrix LCD driver Work in progress (Uwe Hermann).
RDM Industrial Lighting rdm 0%
NMEA 0183 GPS uart nmea0183 0%
NMEA2000 Marine can nmea2000 0% NMEA 2000 Wikipedia page
DCC Trains dcc 0%
MVB Trains mvb 90% Multifunction Vehicle Bus Working in separate repository (Libor Tomsik).
WTB Trains wtb 0% Wire Train Bus
C-Bus Home automation cbus 0%
X10 Home automation x10 0%
LonWorks Home automation lonworks 0%
M-Bus Automation mbus 0%
Modbus ASCII Automation uart modbus 0%
Modbus TCP Automation ip modbus 0%
HART protocol Automation hart 0%
INTERBUS Automation interbus 0%
DirectNET Automation uart directnet 0%
KNX Automation various knx 0%
BACnet Automation bacnet 0%
OpenTherm Automation opentherm 0%
EBUS Automation uart ebus 0%
AUI Networking aui 0% Attachment Unit Interface
MDI Networking mdi 0% Medium Dependent Interface
MII Networking mii 0% Media Independent Interface
GMII Networking gmii 0% Gigabit Media Independent Interface
XGMII Networking xgmii 0% 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface
ESP8266 Wireless uart esp8266 0% WiFi Serial Transceiver
TMDS (HDMI / DVI Pixel Data) Display tmds 1% https://github.com/mithro/tmds_encoding Work in progress (mithro)
Easymatic Home automation uart easymatic 10% Work in progress (Platypus)
DDC/CI PC i2c 0%
Kenwood VH Misc 50% SYSTEM CONTROL protocol used by Kenwood's VH HiFi-system In progress: https://github.com/kripton/libsigrokdecode/compare/kenwood_vh
IEC 61131-9 Industrial 0% "Single-drop digital communication interface for small sensors and actuators (SDCI, marketed as IO-Link)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_61131
NRZ encoding family 0% Non-Return-to-Zero and its variants whoever wants it
Bi-Phase encoding family 0% several variations of codes, including Manchester code whoever wants it
Sony LANC 0% Sony LANC whoever wants it, contact AlexDaniel for more info. You can already decode the raw data by using UART with 9600 baud and no parity, but it'd be better if pulseview displayed the meaning (as in what these commands do)
CCD (Chrysler's Collision Detection) 99% CCD (Chrysler's Collision Detection) is internal bus used on Chrysler cars produced about 1990-2000. It works, but decodes only subset of all possible CCD messages, mostly from Jeep ZJ '98. Need a little work to improve performance and better support of API 3. https://github.com/majekw/sigrok-ccd-pd
Mate-trac (bi-phase) 0% 20th century protocol for remote control of projectors, often stored on audio tapes; described well by Adrian McCarthy whoever wants it, possibly chrysn
PN532 NFC reader communication protocol NFC uart / spi / i2c ISO14443 80% PN532 is a 13.56 MHz NFC reader, supporting SPI, I2C or Serial UART WIP for Serial UART: https://github.com/plaes/libsigrokdecode/tree/pn542-uart based on code from this repository
SAE J2716 SENT Automotive 0% SENT - Single Edge Nibble Transmission for Automotive Applications