]> sigrok.org Git - sigrok-test.git/blame_incremental - decoder/pdtest
Move the "OK" in the -v output further to the right.
[sigrok-test.git] / decoder / pdtest
... / ...
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3## This file is part of the sigrok-test project.
5## Copyright (C) 2013 Bert Vermeulen <bert@biot.com>
7## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10## (at your option) any later version.
12## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15## GNU General Public License for more details.
17## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18## along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21import os
22import sys
23import re
24from getopt import getopt
25from tempfile import mkstemp
26from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
27from difflib import Differ
28from hashlib import md5
29from shutil import copy
31DEBUG = 0
32VERBOSE = False
35class E_syntax(Exception):
36 pass
37class E_badline(Exception):
38 pass
40def INFO(msg, end='\n'):
41 if VERBOSE:
42 print(msg, end=end)
43 sys.stdout.flush()
46def DBG(msg):
47 if DEBUG:
48 print(msg)
51def ERR(msg):
52 print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
55def usage(msg=None):
56 if msg:
57 print(msg.strip() + '\n')
58 print("""Usage: testpd [-dvarslR] [test, ...]
59 -d Turn on debugging
60 -v Verbose
61 -a All tests
62 -l List all tests
63 -s Show test(s)
64 -r Run test(s)
65 -f Fix failed test(s)
66 -c Report decoder code coverage
67 -R <directory> Save test reports to <directory>
68 <test> Protocol decoder name ("i2c") and optionally test name ("i2c/icc")""")
69 sys.exit()
72def check_tclist(tc):
73 if 'pdlist' not in tc or not tc['pdlist']:
74 return("No protocol decoders")
75 if 'input' not in tc or not tc['input']:
76 return("No input")
77 if 'output' not in tc or not tc['output']:
78 return("No output")
79 for op in tc['output']:
80 if 'match' not in op:
81 return("No match in output")
83 return None
86def parse_testfile(path, pd, tc, op_type, op_class):
87 DBG("Opening '%s'" % path)
88 tclist = []
89 for line in open(path).read().split('\n'):
90 try:
91 line = line.strip()
92 if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "#":
93 continue
94 f = line.split()
95 if not tclist and f[0] != "test":
96 # That can't be good.
97 raise E_badline
98 key = f.pop(0)
99 if key == 'test':
100 if len(f) != 1:
101 raise E_syntax
102 # new testcase
103 tclist.append({
104 'pd': pd,
105 'name': f[0],
106 'pdlist': [],
107 'output': [],
108 })
109 elif key == 'protocol-decoder':
110 if len(f) < 1:
111 raise E_syntax
112 pd_spec = {
113 'name': f.pop(0),
114 'channels': [],
115 'options': [],
116 }
117 while len(f):
118 if len(f) == 1:
119 # Always needs <key> <value>
120 raise E_syntax
121 a, b = f[:2]
122 f = f[2:]
123 if '=' not in b:
124 raise E_syntax
125 opt, val = b.split('=')
126 if a == 'channel':
127 try:
128 val = int(val)
129 except:
130 raise E_syntax
131 pd_spec['channels'].append([opt, val])
132 elif a == 'option':
133 pd_spec['options'].append([opt, val])
134 else:
135 raise E_syntax
136 tclist[-1]['pdlist'].append(pd_spec)
137 elif key == 'stack':
138 if len(f) < 2:
139 raise E_syntax
140 tclist[-1]['stack'] = f
141 elif key == 'input':
142 if len(f) != 1:
143 raise E_syntax
144 tclist[-1]['input'] = f[0]
145 elif key == 'output':
146 op_spec = {
147 'pd': f.pop(0),
148 'type': f.pop(0),
149 }
150 while len(f):
151 if len(f) == 1:
152 # Always needs <key> <value>
153 raise E_syntax
154 a, b = f[:2]
155 f = f[2:]
156 if a == 'class':
157 op_spec['class'] = b
158 elif a == 'match':
159 op_spec['match'] = b
160 else:
161 raise E_syntax
162 tclist[-1]['output'].append(op_spec)
163 else:
164 raise E_badline
165 except E_badline as e:
166 ERR("Invalid syntax in %s: line '%s'" % (path, line))
167 return []
168 except E_syntax as e:
169 ERR("Unable to parse %s: unknown line '%s'" % (path, line))
170 return []
172 # If a specific testcase was requested, keep only that one.
173 if tc is not None:
174 target_tc = None
175 for t in tclist:
176 if t['name'] == tc:
177 target_tc = t
178 break
179 # ...and a specific output type
180 if op_type is not None:
181 target_oplist = []
182 for op in target_tc['output']:
183 if op['type'] == op_type:
184 # ...and a specific output class
185 if op_class is None or ('class' in op and op['class'] == op_class):
186 target_oplist.append(op)
187 DBG("match on [%s]" % str(op))
188 target_tc['output'] = target_oplist
189 if target_tc is None:
190 tclist = []
191 else:
192 tclist = [target_tc]
193 for t in tclist:
194 error = check_tclist(t)
195 if error:
196 ERR("Error in %s: %s" % (path, error))
197 return []
199 return tclist
202def get_tests(testnames):
203 tests = {}
204 for testspec in testnames:
205 # Optional testspec in the form pd/testcase/type/class
206 tc = op_type = op_class = None
207 ts = testspec.strip("/").split("/")
208 pd = ts.pop(0)
209 tests[pd] = []
210 if ts:
211 tc = ts.pop(0)
212 if ts:
213 op_type = ts.pop(0)
214 if ts:
215 op_class = ts.pop(0)
216 path = os.path.join(tests_dir, pd)
217 if not os.path.isdir(path):
218 # User specified non-existent PD
219 raise Exception("%s not found." % path)
220 path = os.path.join(tests_dir, pd, "test.conf")
221 if not os.path.exists(path):
222 # PD doesn't have any tests yet
223 continue
224 tests[pd].append(parse_testfile(path, pd, tc, op_type, op_class))
226 return tests
229def diff_text(f1, f2):
230 t1 = open(f1).readlines()
231 t2 = open(f2).readlines()
232 diff = []
233 d = Differ()
234 for line in d.compare(t1, t2):
235 if line[:2] in ('- ', '+ '):
236 diff.append(line.strip())
238 return diff
241def compare_binary(f1, f2):
242 h1 = md5()
243 h1.update(open(f1, 'rb').read())
244 h2 = md5()
245 h2.update(open(f2, 'rb').read())
246 if h1.digest() == h2.digest():
247 result = None
248 else:
249 result = ["Binary output does not match."]
251 return result
254# runtc's stdout can have lines like:
255# coverage: lines=161 missed=2 coverage=99%
256def parse_stats(text):
257 stats = {}
258 for line in text.strip().split('\n'):
259 fields = line.split()
260 key = fields.pop(0).strip(':')
261 if key not in stats:
262 stats[key] = []
263 stats[key].append({})
264 for f in fields:
265 k, v = f.split('=')
266 stats[key][-1][k] = v
268 return stats
271# take result set of all tests in a PD, and summarize which lines
272# were not covered by any of the tests.
273def coverage_sum(cvglist):
274 lines = 0
275 missed = 0
276 missed_lines = {}
277 for record in cvglist:
278 lines = int(record['lines'])
279 missed += int(record['missed'])
280 if 'missed_lines' not in record:
281 continue
282 for linespec in record['missed_lines'].split(','):
283 if linespec not in missed_lines:
284 missed_lines[linespec] = 1
285 else:
286 missed_lines[linespec] += 1
288 # keep only those lines that didn't show up in every non-summary record
289 final_missed = []
290 for linespec in missed_lines:
291 if missed_lines[linespec] != len(cvglist):
292 continue
293 final_missed.append(linespec)
295 return lines, final_missed
298def run_tests(tests, fix=False):
299 errors = 0
300 results = []
301 cmd = [os.path.join(runtc_dir, 'runtc')]
302 if opt_coverage:
303 fd, coverage = mkstemp()
304 os.close(fd)
305 cmd.extend(['-c', coverage])
306 else:
307 coverage = None
308 for pd in sorted(tests.keys()):
309 pd_cvg = []
310 for tclist in tests[pd]:
311 for tc in tclist:
312 args = cmd[:]
313 if DEBUG > 1:
314 args.append('-d')
315 # Set up PD stack for this test.
316 for spd in tc['pdlist']:
317 args.extend(['-P', spd['name']])
318 for label, channel in spd['channels']:
319 args.extend(['-p', "%s=%d" % (label, channel)])
320 for option, value in spd['options']:
321 args.extend(['-o', "%s=%s" % (option, value)])
322 args.extend(['-i', os.path.join(dumps_dir, tc['input'])])
323 for op in tc['output']:
324 name = "%s/%s/%s" % (pd, tc['name'], op['type'])
325 opargs = ['-O', "%s:%s" % (op['pd'], op['type'])]
326 if 'class' in op:
327 opargs[-1] += ":%s" % op['class']
328 name += "/%s" % op['class']
329 if VERBOSE:
330 dots = '.' * (77 - len(name) - 2)
331 INFO("%s %s " % (name, dots), end='')
332 results.append({
333 'testcase': name,
334 })
335 try:
336 fd, outfile = mkstemp()
337 os.close(fd)
338 opargs.extend(['-f', outfile])
339 DBG("Running %s" % (' '.join(args + opargs)))
340 p = Popen(args + opargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
341 stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
342 if stdout:
343 # statistics and coverage data on stdout
344 results[-1].update(parse_stats(stdout.decode('utf-8')))
345 if stderr:
346 results[-1]['error'] = stderr.decode('utf-8').strip()
347 errors += 1
348 elif p.returncode != 0:
349 # runtc indicated an error, but didn't output a
350 # message on stderr about it
351 results[-1]['error'] = "Unknown error: runtc %d" % p.returncode
352 if 'error' not in results[-1]:
353 matchfile = os.path.join(tests_dir, op['pd'], op['match'])
354 DBG("Comparing with %s" % matchfile)
355 try:
356 diff = diff_error = None
357 if op['type'] in ('annotation', 'python'):
358 diff = diff_text(matchfile, outfile)
359 elif op['type'] == 'binary':
360 diff = compare_binary(matchfile, outfile)
361 else:
362 diff = ["Unsupported output type '%s'." % op['type']]
363 except Exception as e:
364 diff_error = e
365 if fix:
366 if diff or diff_error:
367 copy(outfile, matchfile)
368 DBG("Wrote %s" % matchfile)
369 else:
370 if diff:
371 results[-1]['diff'] = diff
372 elif diff_error is not None:
373 raise diff_error
374 except Exception as e:
375 results[-1]['error'] = str(e)
376 finally:
377 if coverage:
378 results[-1]['coverage_report'] = coverage
379 os.unlink(outfile)
380 if op['type'] == 'exception' and 'error' in results[-1]:
381 # filter out the exception we were looking for
382 reg = "^Error: srd: %s:" % op['match']
383 if re.match(reg, results[-1]['error']):
384 # found it, not an error
385 results[-1].pop('error')
386 errors -= 1
387 if VERBOSE:
388 if 'diff' in results[-1]:
389 INFO("Output mismatch")
390 elif 'error' in results[-1]:
391 error = results[-1]['error']
392 if len(error) > 20:
393 error = error[:17] + '...'
394 INFO(error)
395 elif 'coverage' in results[-1]:
396 # report coverage of this PD
397 for record in results[-1]['coverage']:
398 # but not others used in the stack
399 # as part of the test.
400 if record['scope'] == pd:
401 INFO(record['coverage'])
402 break
403 else:
404 INFO("OK")
405 gen_report(results[-1])
406 if coverage:
407 os.unlink(coverage)
408 # only keep track of coverage records for this PD,
409 # not others in the stack just used for testing.
410 for cvg in results[-1]['coverage']:
411 if cvg['scope'] == pd:
412 pd_cvg.append(cvg)
413 if opt_coverage and len(pd_cvg) > 1:
414 # report total coverage of this PD, across all the tests
415 # that were done on it.
416 total_lines, missed_lines = coverage_sum(pd_cvg)
417 pd_coverage = 100 - (float(len(missed_lines)) / total_lines * 100)
418 if VERBOSE:
419 dots = '.' * (54 - len(pd) - 2)
420 INFO("%s total %s %d%%" % (pd, dots, pd_coverage))
421 if report_dir:
422 # generate a missing lines list across all the files in
423 # the PD
424 files = {}
425 for entry in missed_lines:
426 filename, line = entry.split(':')
427 if filename not in files:
428 files[filename] = []
429 files[filename].append(line)
430 text = ''
431 for filename in sorted(files.keys()):
432 line_list = ','.join(sorted(files[filename], key=int))
433 text += "%s: %s\n" % (filename, line_list)
434 open(os.path.join(report_dir, pd + "_total"), 'w').write(text)
437 return results, errors
440def gen_report(result):
441 out = []
442 if 'error' in result:
443 out.append("Error:")
444 out.append(result['error'])
445 out.append('')
446 if 'diff' in result:
447 out.append("Test output mismatch:")
448 out.extend(result['diff'])
449 out.append('')
450 if 'coverage_report' in result:
451 out.append(open(result['coverage_report'], 'r').read())
452 out.append('')
454 if out:
455 text = "Testcase: %s\n" % result['testcase']
456 text += '\n'.join(out)
457 else:
458 return
460 if report_dir:
461 filename = result['testcase'].replace('/', '_')
462 open(os.path.join(report_dir, filename), 'w').write(text)
463 else:
464 print(text)
467def show_tests(tests):
468 for pd in sorted(tests.keys()):
469 for tclist in tests[pd]:
470 for tc in tclist:
471 print("Testcase: %s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name']))
472 for pd in tc['pdlist']:
473 print(" Protocol decoder: %s" % pd['name'])
474 for label, channel in pd['channels']:
475 print(" Channel %s=%d" % (label, channel))
476 for option, value in pd['options']:
477 print(" Option %s=%d" % (option, value))
478 if 'stack' in tc:
479 print(" Stack: %s" % ' '.join(tc['stack']))
480 print(" Input: %s" % tc['input'])
481 for op in tc['output']:
482 print(" Output:\n Protocol decoder: %s" % op['pd'])
483 print(" Type: %s" % op['type'])
484 if 'class' in op:
485 print(" Class: %s" % op['class'])
486 print(" Match: %s" % op['match'])
487 print()
490def list_tests(tests):
491 for pd in sorted(tests.keys()):
492 for tclist in tests[pd]:
493 for tc in tclist:
494 for op in tc['output']:
495 line = "%s/%s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name'], op['type'])
496 if 'class' in op:
497 line += "/%s" % op['class']
498 print(line)
502# main
505# project root
506runtc_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
507base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, runtc_dir, os.path.pardir))
508dumps_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, os.path.pardir, 'sigrok-dumps'))
509tests_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(runtc_dir, 'test'))
511if len(sys.argv) == 1:
512 usage()
514opt_all = opt_run = opt_show = opt_list = opt_fix = opt_coverage = False
515report_dir = None
517 opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dvarslfcR:S:")
518except Exception as e:
519 usage('error while parsing command line arguments: {}'.format(e))
520for opt, arg in opts:
521 if opt == '-d':
522 DEBUG += 1
523 if opt == '-v':
524 VERBOSE = True
525 elif opt == '-a':
526 opt_all = True
527 elif opt == '-r':
528 opt_run = True
529 elif opt == '-s':
530 opt_show = True
531 elif opt == '-l':
532 opt_list = True
533 elif opt == '-f':
534 opt_fix = True
535 elif opt == '-c':
536 opt_coverage = True
537 elif opt == '-R':
538 report_dir = arg
539 elif opt == '-S':
540 dumps_dir = arg
542if opt_run and opt_show:
543 usage("Use either -s or -r, not both.")
544if args and opt_all:
545 usage("Specify either -a or tests, not both.")
546if report_dir is not None and not os.path.isdir(report_dir):
547 usage("%s is not a directory" % report_dir)
549ret = 0
551 if args:
552 testlist = get_tests(args)
553 elif opt_all:
554 testlist = get_tests(os.listdir(tests_dir))
555 else:
556 usage("Specify either -a or tests.")
558 if opt_run:
559 if not os.path.isdir(dumps_dir):
560 ERR("Could not find sigrok-dumps repository at %s" % dumps_dir)
561 sys.exit(1)
562 results, errors = run_tests(testlist, fix=opt_fix)
563 ret = errors
564 elif opt_show:
565 show_tests(testlist)
566 elif opt_list:
567 list_tests(testlist)
568 elif opt_fix:
569 run_tests(testlist, fix=True)
570 else:
571 usage()
572except Exception as e:
573 print("Error: %s" % str(e))
574 if DEBUG:
575 raise