]> sigrok.org Git - sigrok-test.git/blame - decoder/test/sdcard_spi/xmore_512mb_get_csd.output
mrf24j40: Update due to recent PD and directory changes.
[sigrok-test.git] / decoder / test / sdcard_spi / xmore_512mb_get_csd.output
11038730-1038734 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
21038734-1038738 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
31038738-1038762 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: CMD0 (GO_IDLE_STATE)"
41038762-1038890 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0000"
51038890-1038918 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
61038918-1038922 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
71038730-1038922 sdcard_spi: cmd0: "CMD0 (GO_IDLE_STATE): Reset the SD card"
81039003-1039035 sdcard_spi: acmd1: "R1: 0x01"
91039031-1039035 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Card is in idle state"
101039027-1039031 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Erase sequence not cleared"
111039023-1039027 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No illegal command detected"
121039019-1039023 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC check of last command was successful"
131039015-1039019 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No error in the sequence of erase commands"
141039011-1039015 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No misaligned address used in command"
151039007-1039011 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command argument not outside allowed range"
161039003-1039007 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Bit 7 (always 0)"
171039223-1039227 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
181039227-1039231 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
191039231-1039255 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: CMD55 (APP_CMD)"
201039255-1039383 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0000"
211039383-1039411 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
221039411-1039415 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
231039223-1039415 sdcard_spi: cmd55: "CMD55 (APP_CMD): Next command is an application-specific command"
241039497-1039529 sdcard_spi: acmd1: "R1: 0x01"
251039525-1039529 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Card is in idle state"
261039521-1039525 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Erase sequence not cleared"
271039517-1039521 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No illegal command detected"
281039513-1039517 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC check of last command was successful"
291039509-1039513 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No error in the sequence of erase commands"
301039505-1039509 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No misaligned address used in command"
311039501-1039505 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command argument not outside allowed range"
321039497-1039501 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Bit 7 (always 0)"
331039709-1039713 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
341039713-1039717 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
351039717-1039741 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: ACMD41 (SD_SEND_OP_COND)"
361039741-1039869 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0000"
371039869-1039897 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
381039897-1039901 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
391039709-1039901 sdcard_spi: acmd41: "ACMD41 (SD_SEND_OP_COND): Send HCS info and activate the card init process"
401039983-1040015 sdcard_spi: acmd1: "R1: 0x01"
411040011-1040015 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Card is in idle state"
421040007-1040011 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Erase sequence not cleared"
431040003-1040007 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No illegal command detected"
441039999-1040003 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC check of last command was successful"
451039995-1039999 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No error in the sequence of erase commands"
461039991-1039995 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No misaligned address used in command"
471039987-1039991 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command argument not outside allowed range"
481039983-1039987 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Bit 7 (always 0)"
491040202-1040206 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
501040206-1040210 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
511040210-1040234 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: CMD1 (SEND_OP_COND)"
521040234-1040362 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0000"
531040362-1040390 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
541040390-1040394 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
551040202-1040394 sdcard_spi: cmd1: "CMD1 (SEND_OP_COND): Send HCS info and activate the card init process"
561040238-1040242 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "HCS: 0"
571040475-1040507 sdcard_spi: acmd1: "R1: 0x00"
581040503-1040507 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Card is not in idle state"
591040499-1040503 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Erase sequence not cleared"
601040495-1040499 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No illegal command detected"
611040491-1040495 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC check of last command was successful"
621040487-1040491 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No error in the sequence of erase commands"
631040483-1040487 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No misaligned address used in command"
641040479-1040483 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command argument not outside allowed range"
651040475-1040479 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Bit 7 (always 0)"
661040695-1040699 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
671040699-1040703 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
681040703-1040727 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: CMD59 (CRC_ON_OFF)"
691040727-1040855 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0000"
701040855-1040883 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
711040883-1040887 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
721040695-1040887 sdcard_spi: cmd59: "CMD59 (CRC_ON_OFF): Turn the SD card CRC option off"
731040969-1041001 sdcard_spi: acmd1: "R1: 0x00"
741040997-1041001 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Card is not in idle state"
751040993-1040997 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Erase sequence not cleared"
761040989-1040993 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No illegal command detected"
771040985-1040989 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC check of last command was successful"
781040981-1040985 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No error in the sequence of erase commands"
791040977-1040981 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No misaligned address used in command"
801040973-1040977 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command argument not outside allowed range"
811040969-1040973 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Bit 7 (always 0)"
821041182-1041186 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
831041186-1041190 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
841041190-1041214 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: CMD16 (SET_BLOCKLEN)"
851041214-1041342 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0200"
861041342-1041370 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
871041370-1041374 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
881041182-1041374 sdcard_spi: cmd16: "CMD16 (SET_BLOCKLEN): Set the block length to 512 bytes"
891041455-1041487 sdcard_spi: acmd1: "R1: 0x00"
901041483-1041487 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Card is not in idle state"
911041479-1041483 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Erase sequence not cleared"
921041475-1041479 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No illegal command detected"
931041471-1041475 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC check of last command was successful"
941041467-1041471 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No error in the sequence of erase commands"
951041463-1041467 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No misaligned address used in command"
961041459-1041463 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command argument not outside allowed range"
971041455-1041459 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Bit 7 (always 0)"
981041822-1041826 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
991041826-1041830 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
1001041830-1041854 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: CMD9 (SEND_CSD)"
1011041854-1041982 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0000"
1021041982-1042010 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
1031042010-1042014 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
1041041822-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1051042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1061042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1071042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1081042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1091042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1101042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1111042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1121042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1131042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1141042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1151042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1161042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1171042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1181042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1191042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1201042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1211042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1221042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1231042014-1042014 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1241042014-1043468 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CSD: [0, 94, 0, 50, 95, 89, 131, 210, 237, 183, 127, 143, 150, 64, 0, 247]"
1251043795-1043799 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
1261043799-1043803 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
1271043803-1043827 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: CMD59 (CRC_ON_OFF)"
1281043827-1043955 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0000"
1291043955-1043983 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
1301043983-1043987 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
1311043795-1043987 sdcard_spi: cmd59: "CMD59 (CRC_ON_OFF): Turn the SD card CRC option off"
1321044069-1044101 sdcard_spi: acmd1: "R1: 0x00"
1331044097-1044101 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Card is not in idle state"
1341044093-1044097 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Erase sequence not cleared"
1351044089-1044093 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No illegal command detected"
1361044085-1044089 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC check of last command was successful"
1371044081-1044085 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No error in the sequence of erase commands"
1381044077-1044081 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "No misaligned address used in command"
1391044073-1044077 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command argument not outside allowed range"
1401044069-1044073 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Bit 7 (always 0)"
1411054355-1054359 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Start bit: 0"
1421054359-1054363 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Transmitter bit: 1"
1431054363-1054387 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Command: CMD9 (SEND_CSD)"
1441054387-1054515 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "Argument: 0x0000"
1451054515-1054543 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "CRC7: 0x4a"
1461054543-1054547 sdcard_spi: bit-warnings: "End bit: 1"
1471054355-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1481054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1491054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1501054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1511054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1521054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1531054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1541054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1551054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1561054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1571054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1581054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1591054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1601054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1611054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1621054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1631054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1641054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1651054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1661054547-1054547 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CMD9 (SEND_CSD): Ask card to send its card specific data (CSD)"
1671054547-1056001 sdcard_spi: cmd9: "CSD: [0, 94, 0, 50, 95, 89, 131, 210, 237, 183, 127, 143, 150, 64, 0, 247]"