------------------------------------------------------------------------------- README ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sigrok project aims at creating a portable, cross-platform, Free/Libre/Open-Source signal analysis software suite that supports various device types (such as logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, multimeters, and more). sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw is a Free/Libre/Open-source firmware for logic analyzers based on the Cypress EZ-USB FX2(LP) chip, as well as the Hantek 6022BE and Sainsmart DDS120 USB oscilloscopes. Status ------ sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw is in a usable state and has had official tarball releases. Requirements ------------ - git - make - autoconf >= 2.63 - automake >= 1.11 - sdcc (>= 3.4.0) Building and installing ----------------------- In order to get the sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw source code and build it, run: $ git clone git://sigrok.org/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw $ cd sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure $ make For installing sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw: $ make install The generated *.fw files are installed into /usr/local/share/sigrok-firmware. You can override the install location like this: $ ./configure --prefix=/usr See INSTALL or the following wiki page for more (OS-specific) instructions: http://sigrok.org/wiki/Building Pre-built firmware files ------------------------ There are also pre-built firmware files that can be used without having to build them from source. You can download those from: http://sigrok.org/download/binary/sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw/ fx2lib ------ The fx2lafw code uses a (slightly modified) "fx2lib" helper library. It was imported into fx2lafw from git://github.com/ubixum/fx2lib.git as of Feb 12, 2012 (git hash "416c104cbd"). The following files/directories were removed, as they're not needed for our purposes: CHANGELOG, COPYING*, docs/, examples/, fw/, and utils/. Hantek 6022BE firmware ---------------------- The Hantek 6022BE firmware was originally created by Jochen Hoenicke in 05/2015 for the Hantek6022API github project by Robert Cope. Full credit for the implementation of the firmware goes to Jochen Hoenicke, thanks! Github project: https://github.com/rpcope1/Hantek6022API We've incorporated the Hantek 6022BE firmware into the sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw repo/tarball for convenience of sigrok users. E.g. so that they can easily get it with the other fx2lafw firmware files from distro packages, the build scripts in sigrok-util automatically build/install it, the sigrok Windows installers automatically ship it, the sigrok Android APKs automatically ship it, etc. etc. The files we've integrated into fx2lafw from Hantek6022API were taken from the PyHT6022/HantekFirmware/custom directory of that repo, using the state as of 03/2016 (the files were last modified in 05/2015, though). The git hash of the last relevant commit there was: 0498e2ab239aabb1084c19e1e24faf56764b217e Files integrated into fx2lafw: - hw/hantek-6022be/dscr.a51: Copied unmodified. - hantek_6022be.c: This file was originally created by appending the contents of the original device.c and fw.c together. Sainsmart DDS120 firmware ------------------------- The Sainsmart DDS120 firmware is heavily based upon the original Hantek 6022BE firmware, so the items mentioned above apply here as well. Copyright and license --------------------- sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 or later. It uses additional helper code (fx2lib, Hantek 6022BE, and Sainsmart DDS120 firmware), licensed under the GNU LGPL (version 2.1 or later). While some individual source code files are licensed under the LGPLv2.1+, and some files are licensed under the GPLv2+, this doesn't change the fact that the firmware as a whole is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2+. Please see the individual source files for the full list of copyright holders. Mailing list ------------ https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/sigrok-devel IRC --- You can find the sigrok developers in the #sigrok IRC channel on Libera.Chat. Website ------- http://sigrok.org/wiki/Fx2lafw