------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWIM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are captures of an ST-Link V2 programming an STM8 using the SWIM protocol. Details: https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/ca/89/41/4e/72/31/49/f4/CD00173911.pdf/files/CD00173911.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.CD00173911.pdf Logic analyzer setup -------------------- The logic analyser used was a DreamSourceLab DSLogic (at 10MHz). Probe Target ------------------ 0 RST 1 SWIM Data ---- Using stm8flash with an ST-Link V2 adapter to program an STM8S003F3. Command line: $ stm8flash -c stlinkv2 -p stm8s003f3 -s opt -r /tmp/data; stm8flash -c \ stlinkv2 -p stm8s003f3 -s opt -r /tmp/data stm8flash is modified both for correctness and to generate the test sequences. The updated version can be found at https://github.com/mjagdis/stm8flash. tests/sample1.sr ---------------- Read of two blocks of memory from an STM8S103 starting at the base address of the OPTs. Repeated twice with no SRST to disable SWIM in between. Note that the second enter sequence is not seen as an enter sequence. Since SWIM is already active on the target it does NOT recognise a second enter sequence and instead sees each low sent by the host as a SWIM reset request to which it responds, if you zoom in enough, with its own 16μs sync frame. tests/sample2.sr ---------------- As sample1 but each of the runs ends with an SWIM reset followed by an SRST (system reset) SWIM command. Note that the SWIM reset consists of the host pulling the SWIM line low for 16μs to reset the target's SWIM module followed by the target acknowledging with its own synchronization frame (i.e. it pulls the line low for another 16μs). Note too that the RST bit is not set in SWIM_CSR so the SRST does not disable SWIM and the second enter sequence is treated as resyncing just as in sample1. tests/sample3.sr ---------------- As sample2 but now we modify stm8flash to set RST (bit 2) in SWIM_CSR (0x7f80) as part of its shutdown. This causes the SRST to disable SWIM as well as reset the target and now the subsequent enter sequence behaves as expected. tests/sample4.sr ---------------- As sample3 but the SRST at the end of each run is removed again. The second enter sequence is no longer recognised as an enter sequence and the target again responds to each low by with a sync frame indicating it is treating them as SWIM reset requests. This demonstrates that the SRST SWIM command is indeed responsible for disabling the SWIM module and that an external reset via the RST pin is insufficient regardless of the setting of the RST bit in SWIM_CSR.