------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a set of example captures of the ARM SWD (version 1) protocol. Details: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ihi0031c/index.html (registration required) Logic analyzer setup -------------------- Probe SWD --------------- 0 swclk 1 swdio Data ---- Different SWD sessions showing different types of behaviour: * stlink_openocd/ Using an STLINK-V2 adapter via OpenOCD 0.9.0 development version. Device under test is a Nordic nRF51822. Command line: $ openocd -f interface/stlink-v2.cfg -c 'transport select hla_swd' \ -f target/nrf51.cfg ** stlink_openocd/init.sr Intiliasing device, IDCODE read, etc. OpenOCD args: -c "init; exit" ** stlink_openocd/init_write_0xabbabeeb.sr Initialise, write 20 bytes of 0xabbabeeb at start of RAM. OpenOCD args: -c "init; halt; mww 0x20000000 0xabbabeeb 20; exit" ** stlink_openocd/wait_retry.sr Capture showing an SWD WAIT with overrun mode not enabled (in contrast to ftdi_openocd/wait_retry.sr), adapter immediately retries and gets an OK response. For this capture OpenOCD was patched with this change (known to induce SWD WAITs): http://openocd.zylin.com/#/c/2204/ OpenOCD args: -c "init; reset halt; flash fillw 0 0xabbabeeb 2048; exit"