------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T55xx 125kHz RFID write protocol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a set of example captures from portable RFID copiers. Details: http://www.ebay.com/itm/RFID-125KHz-EM4100-Card-Copier-Duplicator-5-Writable-Cards-5-Keyfobs-Tags-/151237092163?hash=item23366ee343:g:lNkAAOxyYSdTBrVN http://www.ebay.com/itm/Handheld-Portable-125Khz-RFID-Duplicator-Copier-Writer-for-EM4100-T5577-Card-/191630611446?hash=item2c9e1313f6:g:D7UAAOSwyQtVo4pM http://priority1design.com.au/t5557_rfid_transponder.html http://www.atmel.com/Images/Atmel-9187-RFID-ATA5577C_Datasheet.pdf Logic analyzer setup -------------------- The logic analyzer used was a Saleae Logic 16 clone (at 2MHz): Probe T5557 write ----------------------- 1 RFID signal Data ---- To transmit data to the tag you turn on and of the coil for x amount of field clocks. This type of modulation is called OOK. The purpose of these RFID copiers are to read a generic EM4100 tag and copy the tag data to another tag. To do that you need to configure the destination tag and write specially formatted data in the tag banks. Thus the signal contains 4-5 write packets.