------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic 7-segment display ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are files containing data to test the function of the seven_segment protocol decoder. Logic analyzer setup -------------------- Two files were generated without logic analyzer. For the last file a Saleae Logic clone was used (at 20kHz). Probe Display pin -------------------------- 0 A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 DP test_7_segment_0-9.sr --------------------- Cycles through the numbers 0 to 9. test_7_segment_0-f.sr --------------------- Cycles through the numbers 0 to F. test_7_segment_slow.sr ---------------------- Cycles through the numbers 0 to F with alternating dot. test_7_segment_all_alphabet.sr ------------------------------ Covers more combinations of LED segments, including alphanumeric codes (letters, punctuation). mystery_message.sr ------------------ Contains LED segment combinations that are not known to the decoder.