#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys from getopt import getopt from tempfile import mkstemp from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from difflib import Differ from hashlib import md5 from shutil import copy DEBUG = 0 VERBOSE = False class E_syntax(Exception): pass class E_badline(Exception): pass def INFO(msg, end='\n'): if VERBOSE: print(msg, end=end) sys.stdout.flush() def DBG(msg): if DEBUG: print(msg) def ERR(msg): print(msg, file=sys.stderr) def usage(msg=None): if msg: print(msg.strip() + '\n') print("""Usage: testpd [-dvarslR] [test, ...] -d Turn on debugging -v Verbose -a All tests -l List all tests -s Show test(s) -r Run test(s) -f Fix failed test(s) -R Save test reports to Protocol decoder name ("i2c") and optionally test name ("i2c/icc")""") sys.exit() def check_tclist(tc): if 'pdlist' not in tc or not tc['pdlist']: return("No protocol decoders") if 'input' not in tc or not tc['input']: return("No input") if 'output' not in tc or not tc['output']: return("No output") for op in tc['output']: if 'match' not in op: return("No match in output") return None def parse_testfile(path, pd, tc, op_type, op_class): DBG("Opening '%s'" % path) tclist = [] for line in open(path).read().split('\n'): try: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue f = line.split() if not tclist and f[0] != "test": # That can't be good. raise E_badline key = f.pop(0) if key == 'test': if len(f) != 1: raise E_syntax # new testcase tclist.append({ 'pd': pd, 'name': f[0], 'pdlist': [], 'output': [], }) elif key == 'protocol-decoder': if len(f) < 1: raise E_syntax pd_spec = { 'name': f.pop(0), 'probes': [], 'options': [], } while len(f): if len(f) == 1: # Always needs raise E_syntax a, b = f[:2] f = f[2:] if '=' not in b: raise E_syntax opt, val = b.split('=') if a == 'probe': try: val = int(val) except: raise E_syntax pd_spec['probes'].append([opt, val]) elif a == 'option': pd_spec['options'].append([opt, val]) else: raise E_syntax tclist[-1]['pdlist'].append(pd_spec) elif key == 'stack': if len(f) < 2: raise E_syntax tclist[-1]['stack'] = f elif key == 'input': if len(f) != 1: raise E_syntax tclist[-1]['input'] = f[0] elif key == 'output': op_spec = { 'pd': f.pop(0), 'type': f.pop(0), } while len(f): if len(f) == 1: # Always needs raise E_syntax a, b = f[:2] f = f[2:] if a == 'class': op_spec['class'] = b elif a == 'match': op_spec['match'] = b else: raise E_syntax tclist[-1]['output'].append(op_spec) else: raise E_badline except E_badline as e: ERR("Invalid syntax in %s: line '%s'" % (path, line)) return [] except E_syntax as e: ERR("Unable to parse %s: unknown line '%s'" % (path, line)) return [] # If a specific testcase was requested, keep only that one. if tc is not None: target_tc = None for t in tclist: if t['name'] == tc: target_tc = t break # ...and a specific output type if op_type is not None: target_oplist = [] for op in target_tc['output']: if op['type'] == op_type: # ...and a specific output class if op_class is None or ('class' in op and op['class'] == op_class): target_oplist.append(op) DBG("match on [%s]" % str(op)) target_tc['output'] = target_oplist if target_tc is None: tclist = [] else: tclist = [target_tc] for t in tclist: error = check_tclist(t) if error: ERR("Error in %s: %s" % (path, error)) return [] return tclist def get_tests(testnames): tests = [] for testspec in testnames: # Optional testspec in the form i2c/rtc tc = op_type = op_class = None ts = testspec.strip("/").split("/") pd = ts.pop(0) if ts: tc = ts.pop(0) if ts: op_type = ts.pop(0) if ts: op_class = ts.pop(0) path = os.path.join(decoders_dir, pd) if not os.path.isdir(path): # User specified non-existent PD raise Exception("%s not found." % path) path = os.path.join(decoders_dir, pd, "test/test.conf") if not os.path.exists(path): # PD doesn't have any tests yet continue tests.append(parse_testfile(path, pd, tc, op_type, op_class)) return tests def diff_text(f1, f2): t1 = open(f1).readlines() t2 = open(f2).readlines() diff = [] d = Differ() for line in d.compare(t1, t2): if line[:2] in ('- ', '+ '): diff.append(line.strip()) return diff def compare_binary(f1, f2): h1 = md5() h1.update(open(f1, 'rb').read()) h2 = md5() h2.update(open(f2, 'rb').read()) if h1.digest() == h2.digest(): result = None else: result = ["Binary output does not match."] return result def run_tests(tests, fix=False): errors = 0 results = [] cmd = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'runtc') for tclist in tests: for tc in tclist: args = [cmd] if DEBUG > 1: args.append('-d') for pd in tc['pdlist']: args.extend(['-P', pd['name']]) for label, probe in pd['probes']: args.extend(['-p', "%s=%d" % (label, probe)]) for option, value in pd['options']: args.extend(['-o', "%s=%s" % (option, value)]) args.extend(['-i', os.path.join(dumps_dir, tc['input'])]) for op in tc['output']: name = "%s/%s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name'], op['type']) opargs = ['-O', "%s:%s" % (op['pd'], op['type'])] if 'class' in op: opargs[-1] += ":%s" % op['class'] name += "/%s" % op['class'] if VERBOSE: dots = '.' * (60 - len(name) - 2) INFO("%s %s " % (name, dots), end='') results.append({ 'testcase': name, }) try: fd, outfile = mkstemp() os.close(fd) opargs.extend(['-f', outfile]) DBG("Running %s" % (' '.join(args + opargs))) p = Popen(args + opargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if stdout: results[-1]['statistics'] = stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() if stderr: results[-1]['error'] = stderr.decode('utf-8').strip() errors += 1 elif p.returncode != 0: # runtc indicated an error, but didn't output a # message on stderr about it results[-1]['error'] = "Unknown error: runtc %d" % p.returncode if 'error' not in results[-1]: match = os.path.join(decoders_dir, op['pd'], 'test', op['match']) try: diff = diff_error = None if op['type'] in ('annotation', 'python'): diff = diff_text(match, outfile) elif op['type'] == 'binary': diff = compare_binary(match, outfile) else: diff = ["Unsupported output type '%s'." % op['type']] except Exception as e: diff_error = e if fix: if diff or diff_error: copy(outfile, match) DBG("Wrote %s" % match) else: if diff: results[-1]['diff'] = diff elif diff_error is not None: raise diff_error except Exception as e: results[-1]['error'] = str(e) finally: os.unlink(outfile) if VERBOSE: if 'diff' in results[-1]: INFO("Output mismatch") elif 'error' in results[-1]: error = results[-1]['error'] if len(error) > 20: error = error[:17] + '...' INFO(error) else: INFO("OK") gen_report(results[-1]) return results, errors def gen_report(result): out = [] if 'error' in result: out.append("Error:") out.append(result['error']) out.append('') if 'diff' in result: out.append("Test output mismatch:") out.extend(result['diff']) out.append('') if 'statistics' in result: out.extend(["Statistics:", result['statistics']]) out.append('') if out: text = "Testcase: %s\n" % result['testcase'] text += '\n'.join(out) else: return if report_dir: filename = result['testcase'].replace('/', '_') open(os.path.join(report_dir, filename), 'w').write(text) else: print(text) def show_tests(tests): for tclist in tests: for tc in tclist: print("Testcase: %s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name'])) for pd in tc['pdlist']: print(" Protocol decoder: %s" % pd['name']) for label, probe in pd['probes']: print(" Probe %s=%d" % (label, probe)) for option, value in pd['options']: print(" Option %s=%d" % (option, value)) if 'stack' in tc: print(" Stack: %s" % ' '.join(tc['stack'])) print(" Input: %s" % tc['input']) for op in tc['output']: print(" Output:\n Protocol decoder: %s" % op['pd']) print(" Type: %s" % op['type']) if 'class' in op: print(" Class: %s" % op['class']) print(" Match: %s" % op['match']) print() def list_tests(tests): for tclist in tests: for tc in tclist: for op in tc['output']: line = "%s/%s/%s" % (tc['pd'], tc['name'], op['type']) if 'class' in op: line += "/%s" % op['class'] print(line) # # main # # project root tests_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, tests_dir, os.path.pardir)) dumps_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, os.path.pardir, 'sigrok-dumps')) decoders_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, 'decoders')) if len(sys.argv) == 1: usage() opt_all = opt_run = opt_show = opt_list = opt_fix = False report_dir = None opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dvarslfRS:") for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-d': DEBUG += 1 if opt == '-v': VERBOSE = True elif opt == '-a': opt_all = True elif opt == '-r': opt_run = True elif opt == '-s': opt_show = True elif opt == '-l': opt_list = True elif opt == '-f': opt_fix = True elif opt == '-R': report_dir = arg elif opt == '-S': dumps_dir = arg if opt_run and opt_show: usage("Use either -s or -r, not both.") if args and opt_all: usage("Specify either -a or tests, not both.") if report_dir is not None and not os.path.isdir(report_dir): usage("%s is not a directory" % report_dir) ret = 0 try: if args: testlist = get_tests(args) elif opt_all: testlist = get_tests(os.listdir(decoders_dir)) else: usage("Specify either -a or tests.") if opt_run: if not os.path.isdir(dumps_dir): ERR("Could not find sigrok-dumps repository at %s" % dumps_dir) sys.exit(1) results, errors = run_tests(testlist) ret = errors elif opt_show: show_tests(testlist) elif opt_list: list_tests(testlist) elif opt_fix: run_tests(testlist, fix=True) else: usage() except Exception as e: print("Error: %s" % str(e)) if DEBUG: raise sys.exit(ret)