------------------------------------------------------------------------------- README ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sigrok project aims at creating a portable, cross-platform, Free/Libre/Open-Source signal analysis software suite that supports various device types (such as logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, multimeters, and more). libsigrok is a shared library written in C which provides the basic API for talking to hardware and reading/writing the acquired data into various input/output file formats. Status ------ libsigrok is in a usable state and has had official tarball releases. While the API can change from release to release, this will always be properly documented and reflected in the package version number and in the shared library / libtool / .so-file version numbers. However, there are _NO_ guarantees at all for stable APIs in git snapshots! Distro packagers should only use released tarballs (no git snapshots). Requirements ------------ - git - gcc (>= 4.0) - make - autoconf >= 2.63 - automake >= 1.11 - libtool - pkg-config >= 0.22 - libglib >= 2.28.0 - libzip >= 0.8 - libusb-1.0 >= 1.0.9 (optional, used by most drivers) - libftdi >= 0.16 (optional, used by some drivers) - libudev >= 151 (optional, used by some drivers) - libasound / alsa-lib >= 1.0 (optional, only used by the alsa driver) - check >= 0.9.4 (optional, only needed to run unit tests) Building and installing ----------------------- In order to get the libsigrok source code and build it, run: $ git clone git://sigrok.org/libsigrok $ cd libsigrok $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure $ make For installing libsigrok: $ make install See INSTALL or the following wiki page for more (OS-specific) instructions: http://sigrok.org/wiki/Building Device-specific issues ---------------------- Please check README.devices for some notes and hints about device- or driver-specific issues to be aware of. Firmware -------- Some devices supported by libsigrok need a firmware to be uploaded before the device can be used. See README.devices for details. Mailing lists ------------- There are two mailing lists for sigrok/libsigrok: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/sigrok-devel https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/sigrok-commits IRC --- You can find the sigrok developers in the #sigrok IRC channel on Freenode. Website ------- http://sigrok.org/wiki/Libsigrok