------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SD card / SD mode / R-Car H2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a set of example captures of SD cards in "SD mode" (not SPI mode). The cards were used in a board called "Lager" powered by a Renesas R-Car H2 (r8a7790) SoC. The SD card was a Samsung PRO 32GB microSDHC. Details: http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Lager http://www.samsung.com/de/consumer/memory-storage/memory-storage/memory-cards/MB-MG32EA/EU/ Logic analyzer setup -------------------- The logic analyzer used was a OpenBench Logic Sniffer at 50MHz. For easier measurement, the Linux driver for the SD controller was forced at 1 bit bus width and 25MHz max frequency. Obtained via PulseView, so no command-line. Probe SD card ------------------- 0 CMD 1 CLK