This directory contains example programs showing how to use libserialport. The examples currently included are: list_ports.c - displays a list of ports on the system. port_info.c - displays info about a particular port on the system. The programs themselves are completely OS-independent, and require only a C compiler and libserialport. The Makefile in this directory will attempt to build all the examples, using 'gcc' to compile them and 'pkg-config' to discover the include paths and linker settings needed to build with libserialport. It provides a minimal example of how to write a Makefile to build a program using libserialport. If you have make, gcc, pkg-config and libserialport installed correctly then running 'make' should build the example programs in this directory. If this doesn't work, you may need to modify the Makefile or set necessary paths in your environment to suit your system. You can also build these examples using any other compiler, IDE or build system. You just need the libserialport.h header available to compile them, and the libserialport library available to link and run them. These example files are hereby released into the public domain by the author.