+++ /dev/null
-## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
-## Copyright (C) 2016 Fabian J. Stumpf <sigrok@fabianstumpf.de>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sigrokdecode as srd
-class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
- api_version = 3
- id = 'dmx512'
- name = 'DMX512'
- longname = 'Digital MultipleX 512'
- desc = 'Digital MultipleX 512 (DMX512) lighting protocol.'
- license = 'gplv2+'
- inputs = ['logic']
- outputs = []
- tags = ['Embedded/industrial', 'Lighting']
- channels = (
- {'id': 'dmx', 'name': 'DMX data', 'desc': 'Any DMX data line'},
- )
- annotations = (
- ('bit', 'Bit'),
- ('break', 'Break'),
- ('mab', 'Mark after break'),
- ('startbit', 'Start bit'),
- ('stopbit', 'Stop bit'),
- ('startcode', 'Start code'),
- ('channel', 'Channel'),
- ('interframe', 'Interframe'),
- ('interpacket', 'Interpacket'),
- ('data', 'Data'),
- ('error', 'Error'),
- )
- annotation_rows = (
- ('bits', 'Bits', (0, 3, 4)),
- ('data-vals', 'Data', (9,)),
- ('logical-vals', 'Logical', (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8)),
- ('errors', 'Errors', (10,)),
- )
- def __init__(self):
- self.reset()
- def reset(self):
- self.samplerate = None
- self.sample_usec = None
- self.run_start = -1
- self.run_bit = 0
- self.state = 'FIND BREAK'
- def start(self):
- self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
- def metadata(self, key, value):
- if key == srd.SRD_CONF_SAMPLERATE:
- self.samplerate = value
- self.sample_usec = 1 / value * 1000000
- self.skip_per_bit = int(4 / self.sample_usec)
- def putr(self, data):
- self.put(self.run_start, self.samplenum, self.out_ann, data)
- def decode(self):
- if not self.samplerate:
- raise SamplerateError('Cannot decode without samplerate.')
- while True:
- # Seek for an interval with no state change with a length between
- # 88 and 1000000 us (BREAK).
- if self.state == 'FIND BREAK':
- (dmx,) = self.wait({0: 'h' if self.run_bit == 0 else 'l'})
- runlen = (self.samplenum - self.run_start) * self.sample_usec
- if runlen > 88 and runlen < 1000000:
- self.putr([1, ['Break']])
- self.bit_break = self.run_bit
- self.state = 'MARK MAB'
- self.channel = 0
- elif runlen >= 1000000:
- # Error condition.
- self.putr([10, ['Invalid break length']])
- self.run_bit = dmx
- self.run_start = self.samplenum
- # Directly following the BREAK is the MARK AFTER BREAK.
- elif self.state == 'MARK MAB':
- (dmx,) = self.wait({0: 'h' if self.run_bit == 0 else 'l'})
- self.putr([2, ['MAB']])
- self.state = 'READ BYTE'
- self.channel = 0
- self.bit = 0
- self.aggreg = dmx
- self.run_start = self.samplenum
- # Mark and read a single transmitted byte
- # (start bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits).
- elif self.state == 'READ BYTE':
- (dmx,) = self.wait()
- self.next_sample = self.run_start + (self.bit + 1) * self.skip_per_bit
- self.aggreg += dmx
- if self.samplenum != self.next_sample:
- continue
- bit_value = 0 if round(self.aggreg/self.skip_per_bit) == self.bit_break else 1
- if self.bit == 0:
- self.byte = 0
- self.putr([3, ['Start bit']])
- if bit_value != 0:
- # (Possibly) invalid start bit, mark but don't fail.
- self.put(self.samplenum, self.samplenum,
- self.out_ann, [10, ['Invalid start bit']])
- elif self.bit >= 9:
- self.put(self.samplenum - self.skip_per_bit,
- self.samplenum, self.out_ann, [4, ['Stop bit']])
- if bit_value != 1:
- # Invalid stop bit, mark.
- self.put(self.samplenum, self.samplenum,
- self.out_ann, [10, ['Invalid stop bit']])
- if self.bit == 10:
- # On invalid 2nd stop bit, search for new break.
- self.run_bit = dmx
- self.state = 'FIND BREAK'
- else:
- # Label and process one bit.
- self.put(self.samplenum - self.skip_per_bit,
- self.samplenum, self.out_ann, [0, [str(bit_value)]])
- self.byte |= bit_value << (self.bit - 1)
- # Label a complete byte.
- if self.bit == 10:
- if self.channel == 0:
- d = [5, ['Start code']]
- else:
- d = [6, ['Channel ' + str(self.channel)]]
- self.put(self.run_start, self.next_sample, self.out_ann, d)
- self.put(self.run_start + self.skip_per_bit,
- self.next_sample - 2 * self.skip_per_bit,
- self.out_ann, [9, [str(self.byte) + ' / ' + \
- str(hex(self.byte))]])
- # Continue by scanning the IFT.
- self.channel += 1
- self.run_start = self.samplenum
- self.run_bit = dmx
- self.state = 'MARK IFT'
- self.aggreg = dmx
- self.bit += 1
- # Mark the INTERFRAME-TIME between bytes / INTERPACKET-TIME between packets.
- elif self.state == 'MARK IFT':
- (dmx,) = self.wait({0: 'h' if self.run_bit == 0 else 'l'})
- if self.channel > 512:
- self.putr([8, ['Interpacket']])
- self.state = 'FIND BREAK'
- self.run_bit = dmx
- self.run_start = self.samplenum
- else:
- self.putr([7, ['Interframe']])
- self.state = 'READ BYTE'
- self.bit = 0
- self.run_start = self.samplenum