In the 'sdcard_spi' PD/case the SD spec specifically differentiates between
a so-called "SPI mode" and "SD mode" (both being well-defined terms from
the spec), thus the "SPI mode" in the name and description of that PD.
For 'rgb_led_spi' however there's no such distinction for "modes"
really, so shorten the name/description to just 'RGB LED (SPI)'.
class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
api_version = 1
id = 'rgb_led_spi'
- name = 'RGB LED (SPI mode)'
- longname = 'RGB LED string decoder (SPI mode)'
+ name = 'RGB LED (SPI)'
+ longname = 'RGB LED string decoder (SPI)'
desc = 'Generic RGB LED string protocol (RGB values clocked over SPI).'
license = 'gplv2'
inputs = ['spi']