--- /dev/null
+## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
+## Copyright (C) 2016 Fabian J. Stumpf <sigrok@fabianstumpf.de>
+## Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Gerhard Sittig <gerhard.sittig@gmx.net>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+[<ptype>, <pdata>]
+This is the list of <ptype> codes and their respective <pdata> values:
+ - 'PACKET': The data is a list of tuples with the bytes' start and end
+ positions as well as a byte value and a validity flag. This output
+ represents a DMX packet. The sample numbers span the range beginning
+ at the start of the start code and ending at the end of the last data
+ byte in the packet. The start code value resides at index 0.
+Developer notes on the DMX512 protocol:
+See Wikipedia for an overview:
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMX512#Electrical (physics, transport)
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMX512#Protocol (UART frames, DMX frames)
+ RS-485 transport, differential thus either polarity (needs user spec)
+ 8n2 UART frames at 250kbps, BREAK to start a new DMX frame
+ slot 0 carries start code, slot 1 up to 512 max carry data for peripherals
+ start code 0 for "boring lights", non-zero start code for extensions.
+- Cover more DMX packet types beyond start code 0x00 (standard). See
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMX512#Protocol for a list (0x17 text,
+ 0xcc RDM, 0xcf sysinfo) and a reference to the ESTA database. These
+ can either get added here or can get implemented in a stacked decoder.
+- Run on more captures as these become available. Verify the min/max
+ BREAK, MARK, and RESET to RESET period checks. Add more conditions that
+ are worth checking to determine the health of the bus, see the (German)
+ http://www.soundlight.de/techtips/dmx512/dmx2000a.htm article for ideas.
+- Is there a more user friendly way of having the DMX512 decoder configure
+ the UART decoder's parameters? Currently users need to setup the polarity
+ (which is acceptable, and an essential feature), but also the bitrate and
+ frame format (which may or may not be considered acceptable).
+- (Not a DMX512 decoder TODO item) Current UART decoder implementation does
+ not handle two STOP bits, but DMX512 will transparently benefit when UART
+ gets adjusted. Until then the second STOP bit will be mistaken for a MARK
+ but that's just cosmetics, available data gets interpreted correctly.
+import sigrokdecode as srd
+class Ann:
+class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
+ api_version = 3
+ id = 'dmx512'
+ name = 'DMX512'
+ longname = 'Digital MultipleX 512'
+ desc = 'Digital MultipleX 512 (DMX512) lighting protocol.'
+ license = 'gplv2+'
+ inputs = ['uart']
+ outputs = ['dmx512']
+ tags = ['Embedded/industrial', 'Lighting']
+ options = (
+ {'id': 'min_break', 'desc': 'Minimum BREAK length (us)', 'default': 88},
+ {'id': 'max_mark', 'desc': 'Maximum MARK length (us)', 'default': 1000000},
+ {'id': 'min_break_break', 'desc': 'Minimum BREAK to BREAK interval (us)',
+ 'default': 1196},
+ {'id': 'max_reset_reset', 'desc': 'Maximum RESET to RESET interval (us)',
+ 'default': 1250000},
+ {'id': 'show_zero', 'desc': 'Display all-zero set-point values',
+ 'default': 'no', 'values': ('yes', 'no')},
+ {'id': 'format', 'desc': 'Data format', 'default': 'dec',
+ 'values': ('dec', 'hex', 'bin')},
+ )
+ annotations = (
+ # Lowest layer (above UART): BREAK MARK ( FRAME [MARK] )*
+ # with MARK being after-break or inter-frame or inter-packet.
+ ('break', 'Break'),
+ ('mab', 'Mark after break'),
+ ('interframe', 'Interframe'),
+ ('interpacket', 'Interpacket'),
+ # Next layer: STARTCODE ( DATABYTE )*
+ ('startcode', 'Start code'),
+ ('databyte', 'Data byte'),
+ # Next layer: CHANNEL or SLOT values
+ ('chan_data', 'Channel data'),
+ ('slot_data', 'Slot data'),
+ # Next layer: RESET
+ ('reset', 'Reset sequence'),
+ # Warnings and errors.
+ ('warning', 'Warning'),
+ ('error', 'Error'),
+ )
+ annotation_rows = (
+ ('dmx_fields', 'Fields', (Ann.BREAK, Ann.MAB,
+ ('chans_data', 'Channels data', (Ann.CHANNEL_DATA,)),
+ ('slots_data', 'Slots data', (Ann.SLOT_DATA,)),
+ ('resets', 'Reset sequences', (Ann.RESET,)),
+ ('warnings', 'Warnings', (Ann.WARN,)),
+ ('errors', 'Errors', (Ann.ERROR,)),
+ )
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.samplerate = None
+ self.samples_per_usec = None
+ self.last_reset = None
+ self.last_break = None
+ self.packet = None
+ self.last_es = None
+ self.last_frame = None
+ self.start_code = None
+ def start(self):
+ self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
+ self.out_python = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_PYTHON)
+ def metadata(self, key, value):
+ if key == srd.SRD_CONF_SAMPLERATE:
+ self.samplerate = value
+ self.samples_per_usec = value / 1000000
+ def have_samplerate(self):
+ return bool(self.samplerate)
+ def samples_to_usecs(self, count):
+ return count / self.samples_per_usec
+ def putg(self, ss, es, data):
+ self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, data)
+ def putpy(self, ss, es, data):
+ self.put(ss, es, self.out_python, data)
+ def format_value(self, v):
+ fmt = self.options['format']
+ if fmt == 'dec':
+ return '{:d}'.format(v)
+ if fmt == 'hex':
+ return '{:02X}'.format(v)
+ if fmt == 'bin':
+ return '{:08b}'.format(v)
+ return '{}'.format(v)
+ def flush_packet(self):
+ if self.packet:
+ ss, es = self.packet[0][0], self.packet[-1][1]
+ self.putpy(ss, es, ['PACKET', self.packet])
+ self.packet = None
+ def flush_reset(self, ss, es):
+ if ss is not None and es is not None:
+ self.putg(ss, es, [Ann.RESET, ['RESET SEQUENCE', 'RESET', 'R']])
+ if self.last_reset and self.have_samplerate():
+ duration = self.samples_to_usecs(es - self.last_reset)
+ if duration > self.options['max_reset_reset']:
+ txts = ['Excessive RESET to RESET interval', 'RESET to RESET', 'RESET']
+ self.putg(self.last_reset, es, [Ann.WARN, txts])
+ self.last_reset = es
+ def flush_break(self, ss, es):
+ self.putg(ss, es, [Ann.BREAK, ['BREAK', 'B']])
+ if self.have_samplerate():
+ duration = self.samples_to_usecs(es - ss)
+ if duration < self.options['min_break']:
+ txts = ['Short BREAK period', 'Short BREAK', 'BREAK']
+ self.putg(ss, es, [Ann.WARN, txts])
+ if self.last_break:
+ duration = self.samples_to_usecs(ss - self.last_break)
+ if duration < self.options['min_break_break']:
+ txts = ['Short BREAK to BREAK interval', 'Short BREAK to BREAK', 'BREAK']
+ self.putg(ss, es, [Ann.WARN, txts])
+ self.last_break = ss
+ self.last_es = es
+ def flush_mark(self, ss, es, is_mab = False, is_if = False, is_ip = False):
+ '''Handle several kinds of MARK conditions.'''
+ if ss is None or es is None or ss >= es:
+ return
+ if is_mab:
+ ann = Ann.MAB
+ txts = ['MARK AFTER BREAK', 'MAB']
+ elif is_if:
+ ann = Ann.INTERFRAME
+ txts = ['INTER FRAME', 'IF']
+ elif is_ip:
+ txts = ['INTER PACKET', 'IP']
+ else:
+ return
+ self.putg(ss, es, [ann, txts])
+ if self.have_samplerate():
+ duration = self.samples_to_usecs(es - ss)
+ if duration > self.options['max_mark']:
+ txts = ['Excessive MARK length', 'MARK length', 'MARK']
+ self.putg(ss, es, [Ann.ERROR, txts])
+ def flush_frame(self, ss, es, value, valid):
+ '''Handle UART frame content. Accumulate DMX packet.'''
+ if not valid:
+ txts = ['Invalid frame', 'Frame']
+ self.putg(ss, es, [Ann.ERROR, txts])
+ self.last_es = es
+ # Cease packet inspection before first BREAK.
+ if not self.last_break:
+ return
+ # Accumulate the sequence of bytes for the current DMX frame.
+ # Emit the annotation at the "DMX fields" level.
+ is_start = self.packet is None
+ if is_start:
+ self.packet = []
+ slot_nr = len(self.packet)
+ item = (ss, es, value, valid)
+ self.packet.append(item)
+ if is_start:
+ # Slot 0, the start code. Determines the DMX frame type.
+ self.start_code = value
+ ann = Ann.STARTCODE
+ val_text = self.format_value(value)
+ txts = [
+ 'STARTCODE {}'.format(val_text),
+ 'START {}'.format(val_text),
+ '{}'.format(val_text),
+ ]
+ else:
+ # Slot 1+, the payload bytes.
+ ann = Ann.DATABYTE
+ val_text = self.format_value(value)
+ txts = [
+ 'DATABYTE {:d}: {}'.format(slot_nr, val_text),
+ 'DATA {:d}: {}'.format(slot_nr, val_text),
+ 'DATA {}'.format(val_text),
+ '{}'.format(val_text),
+ ]
+ self.putg(ss, es, [ann, txts])
+ # Tell channel data for peripherals from arbitrary slot values.
+ # Can get extended for other start code types in case protocol
+ # extensions are handled here and not in stacked decoders.
+ if is_start:
+ ann = None
+ elif self.start_code == 0:
+ # Start code was 0. Slots carry values for channels.
+ # Optionally suppress zero-values to make used channels
+ # stand out, to help users focus their attention.
+ ann = Ann.CHANNEL_DATA
+ if value == 0 and self.options['show_zero'] == 'no':
+ ann = None
+ else:
+ val_text = self.format_value(value)
+ txts = [
+ 'CHANNEL {:d}: {}'.format(slot_nr, val_text),
+ 'CH {:d}: {}'.format(slot_nr, val_text),
+ 'CH {}'.format(val_text),
+ '{}'.format(val_text),
+ ]
+ else:
+ # Unhandled start code. Provide "anonymous" values.
+ ann = Ann.SLOT_DATA
+ val_text = self.format_value(value)
+ txts = [
+ 'SLOT {:d}: {}'.format(slot_nr, val_text),
+ 'SL {:d}: {}'.format(slot_nr, val_text),
+ 'SL {}'.format(val_text),
+ '{}'.format(val_text),
+ ]
+ if ann is not None:
+ self.putg(ss, es, [ann, txts])
+ if is_start and value == 0:
+ self.flush_reset(self.last_break, es)
+ def handle_break(self, ss, es):
+ '''Handle UART BREAK conditions.'''
+ # Check the last frame before BREAK if one was queued. It could
+ # have been "invalid" since the STOP bit check failed. If there
+ # is an invalid frame which happens to start at the start of the
+ # BREAK condition, then discard it. Otherwise flush its output.
+ last_frame = self.last_frame
+ self.last_frame = None
+ frame_invalid = last_frame and not last_frame[3]
+ frame_zero_data = last_frame and last_frame[2] == 0
+ frame_is_break = last_frame and last_frame[0] == ss
+ if frame_invalid and frame_zero_data and frame_is_break:
+ last_frame = None
+ if last_frame is not None:
+ self.flush_frame(*last_frame)
+ # Handle inter-packet MARK (works for zero length, too).
+ self.flush_mark(self.last_es, ss, is_ip = True)
+ # Handle accumulated packets.
+ self.flush_packet()
+ self.packet = None
+ # Annotate the BREAK condition. Start accumulation of a packet.
+ self.flush_break(ss, es)
+ def handle_frame(self, ss, es, value, valid):
+ '''Handle UART data frames.'''
+ # Flush previously deferred frame (if available). Can't have been
+ # BREAK if another data frame follows.
+ last_frame = self.last_frame
+ self.last_frame = None
+ if last_frame:
+ self.flush_frame(*last_frame)
+ # Handle inter-frame MARK (works for zero length, too).
+ is_mab = self.last_break and self.packet is None
+ is_if = self.packet
+ self.flush_mark(self.last_es, ss, is_mab = is_mab, is_if = is_if)
+ # Defer handling of invalid frames, because they may start a new
+ # BREAK which we will only learn about much later. Immediately
+ # annotate valid frames.
+ if valid:
+ self.flush_frame(ss, es, value, valid)
+ else:
+ self.last_frame = (ss, es, value, valid)
+ def decode(self, ss, es, data):
+ # Lack of a sample rate in the input capture only disables the
+ # optional warnings about exceeded timespans here at the DMX512
+ # decoder level. That the lower layer UART decoder depends on a
+ # sample rate is handled there, and is not relevant here.
+ ptype, rxtx, pdata = data
+ if ptype == 'BREAK':
+ self.handle_break(ss, es)
+ elif ptype == 'FRAME':
+ value, valid = pdata
+ self.handle_frame(ss, es, value, valid)