// Add the annotation to the row
const Annotation* ann = row_data.emplace_annotation(pdata);
- // Add the annotation to the global annotation list
+ // We insert the annotation into the global annotation list in a way so that
+ // the annotation list is sorted by start sample and length. Otherwise, we'd
+ // have to sort the model, which is expensive
deque<const Annotation*>& all_annotations =
- all_annotations.emplace_back(ann);
+ if (all_annotations.empty()) {
+ all_annotations.emplace_back(ann);
+ } else {
+ const uint64_t new_ann_len = (pdata->end_sample - pdata->start_sample);
+ bool ann_has_earlier_start = (pdata->start_sample < all_annotations.back()->start_sample());
+ bool ann_is_longer = (new_ann_len >
+ (all_annotations.back()->end_sample() - all_annotations.back()->start_sample()));
+ if (ann_has_earlier_start && ann_is_longer) {
+ bool ann_has_same_start;
+ auto it = all_annotations.end();
+ do {
+ it--;
+ ann_has_earlier_start = (pdata->start_sample < (*it)->start_sample());
+ ann_has_same_start = (pdata->start_sample == (*it)->start_sample());
+ ann_is_longer = (new_ann_len > ((*it)->end_sample() - (*it)->start_sample()));
+ } while ((ann_has_earlier_start || (ann_has_same_start && ann_is_longer)) && (it != all_annotations.begin()));
+ // Allow inserting at the front
+ if (it != all_annotations.begin())
+ it++;
+ all_annotations.emplace(it, ann);
+ } else
+ all_annotations.emplace_back(ann);
+ }
// When emplace_annotation() inserts instead of appends an annotation,
// the pointers in all_annotations that follow the inserted annotation and