import re
import sigrokdecode as srd
+from common.srdhelper import SrdIntEnum
+Pin = SrdIntEnum.from_str('Pin', 'CLK DATA CE')
ann_cmdbit, ann_databit, ann_cmd, ann_data, ann_warning = range(5)
def decode(self):
while True:
- # Wait for CLK edge or CE edge.
- clk, d, ce = self.wait([{0: 'e'}, {2: 'e'}])
+ # Wait for CLK edge or CE# edge.
+ clk, d, ce = self.wait([{Pin.CLK: 'e'}, {Pin.CE: 'e'}])
if self.matched[0] and ce == 1 and clk == 1:
# Rising clk edge and command mode.