Reported by Coverity (CID 279773):
Result is not floating-point (UNINTENDED_INTEGER_DIVISION)
integer_division: Dividing integer expressions -5 and 2, and then
converting the integer quotient to type double. Any remainder, or
fractional part of the quotient, is ignored.
void TraceGroup::paint_label(QPainter &p, const QRect &rect, bool hover)
const QRectF r = label_rect(rect).adjusted(
- LineThickness / 2, LineThickness / 2,
- -LineThickness / 2, -LineThickness / 2);
+ LineThickness / 2.0, LineThickness / 2.0,
+ -LineThickness / 2.0, -LineThickness / 2.0);
// Paint the label
const QPointF points[] = {