p.drawConvexPolygon(pts, countof(pts));
- if (!_annotations.empty())
- {
- QRectF rect(start + cap_width, y - h / 2,
- end - start - cap_width * 2, h);
- p.setPen(text_color);
- p.drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter,
- p.fontMetrics().elidedText(
- _annotations.front(), Qt::ElideRight,
- rect.width()));
+ if (_annotations.empty())
+ return;
+ QRectF rect(start + cap_width, y - h / 2,
+ end - start - cap_width * 2, h);
+ p.setPen(text_color);
+ // Try to find an annotation that will fit
+ QString best_annotation;
+ int best_width = 0;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(QString &a, _annotations) {
+ const int w = p.boundingRect(QRectF(), 0, a).width();
+ if (w <= rect.width() && w > best_width)
+ best_annotation = a, best_width = w;
+ if (best_annotation.isEmpty())
+ best_annotation = _annotations.back();
+ // If not ellide the last in the list
+ p.drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, p.fontMetrics().elidedText(
+ best_annotation, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width()));
} // namespace decode