if (!enabled())
- const int y = get_visual_y();
+ if ((display_type_ == DisplayAnalog) || (display_type_ == DisplayBoth)) {
+ const int y = get_visual_y();
- // Show the info section on the right side of the trace
- const QString infotext = QString("%1 V/div").arg(resolution_);
+ // Show the info section on the right side of the trace
+ const QString infotext = QString("%1 V/div").arg(resolution_);
- p.setPen(base_->colour());
- p.setFont(QApplication::font());
+ p.setPen(base_->colour());
+ p.setFont(QApplication::font());
- const QRectF bounding_rect = QRectF(pp.left(),
- y + v_extents().first,
- pp.width() - InfoTextMarginRight,
- v_extents().second - v_extents().first - InfoTextMarginBottom);
+ const QRectF bounding_rect = QRectF(pp.left(),
+ y + v_extents().first,
+ pp.width() - InfoTextMarginRight,
+ v_extents().second - v_extents().first - InfoTextMarginBottom);
- p.drawText(bounding_rect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom, infotext);
+ p.drawText(bounding_rect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom, infotext);
+ }
void AnalogSignal::paint_grid(QPainter &p, int y, int left, int right)
layout->addRow(tr("Traces to show:"), display_type_cb_);
+ connect(display_type_cb_, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(on_display_type_changed(int)));
+void AnalogSignal::on_display_type_changed(int index)
+ display_type_ = (DisplayType)(display_type_cb_->itemData(index).toInt());
+ if (owner_)
+ owner_->row_item_appearance_changed(false, true);
} // namespace TraceView
} // namespace views
} // namespace pv