(one of the official sigrok VID/PIDs, 1D50:608E)
Encode the fact that they're different versions/revisions/variants
of the same device (more or less rebadges with only little changes)
in the USB product version field.
;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-VID = 0xb504 ; Manufacturer ID (0x04b5)
-PID = 0x2260 ; Product ID (0x6022)
+VID = 0x501d ; Manufacturer ID (0x1d50)
+PID = 0x8e60 ; Product ID (0x608e)
+VER = 0x0100 ; Product "version". 0x0001 == Hantek 6022BE.
.include "dscr_hantek_6022be.inc"
VID = 0x501d ; Manufacturer ID (0x1d50)
PID = 0x8e60 ; Product ID (0x608e)
+VER = 0x0200 ; Product "version". 0x0002 == SainSmart DDS120.
.include "dscr_hantek_6022be.inc"
.db 64 ; Max. EP0 packet size
.dw VID ; Manufacturer ID
.dw PID ; Product ID
- .dw 0x0000 ; Product version (0.00)
+ .dw VER ; Product version/type
.db 1 ; Manufacturer string index
.db 2 ; Product string index
.db 0 ; Serial number string index (none)