using pv::dialogs::StoreProgress;
- (void)selection_only;
// Stop any currently running capture session
QSettings settings;
const QString dir = settings.value(SettingSaveDirectory).toString();
+ std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> sample_range;
+ // Selection only? Verify that the cursors are active and fetch their values
+ if (selection_only) {
+ if (!view_->cursors()->enabled()) {
+ show_session_error(tr("Missing Cursors"), tr("You need to set the " \
+ "cursors before you can save the data enclosed by them " \
+ "to a session file (e.g. using ALT-V - Show Cursors)."));
+ return;
+ }
+ const double samplerate = session_.get_samplerate();
+ const pv::util::Timestamp& start_time = view_->cursors()->first()->time();
+ const pv::util::Timestamp& end_time = view_->cursors()->second()->time();
+ const uint64_t start_sample = start_time.convert_to<double>() * samplerate;
+ const uint64_t end_sample = end_time.convert_to<double>() * samplerate;
+ sample_range = std::make_pair(start_sample, end_sample);
+ } else {
+ sample_range = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+ }
// Construct the filter
const vector<string> exts = format->extensions();
QString filter = tr("%1 files ").arg(
options = dlg.options();
- const std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> sample_range = std::make_pair(0, 0);
StoreProgress *dlg = new StoreProgress(file_name, format, options,
sample_range, session_, this);
session_error(errorMessage, infoMessage); });
-void MainWindow::save_selection_to_file()
- // Stop any currently running capture session
- session_.stop_capture();
- // Verify that the cursors are active and fetch their values
- if (!view_->cursors()->enabled()) {
- show_session_error(tr("Missing Cursors"), tr("You need to set the " \
- "cursors before you can save the data enclosed by them " \
- "to a session file (e.g. using ALT-V - Show Cursors)."));
- return;
- }
- const double samplerate = session_.get_samplerate();
- const pv::util::Timestamp& start_time = view_->cursors()->first()->time();
- const pv::util::Timestamp& end_time = view_->cursors()->second()->time();
- const uint64_t start_sample = start_time.convert_to<double>() * samplerate;
- const uint64_t end_sample = end_time.convert_to<double>() * samplerate;
- const std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> sample_range =
- std::make_pair(start_sample, end_sample);
- // Ask for output file name
- QSettings settings;
- const QString dir = settings.value(SettingSaveDirectory).toString();
- shared_ptr<OutputFormat> format =
- device_manager_.context()->output_formats()["srzip"];
- const vector<string> exts = format->extensions();
- QString filter = tr("%1 files ").arg(
- QString::fromStdString(format->description()));
- if (exts.empty())
- filter += "(*.*)";
- else
- filter += QString("(*.%1);;%2 (*.*)").arg(
- QString::fromStdString(join(exts, ", *."))).arg(
- tr("All Files"));
- const QString file_name = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
- this, tr("Save File"), dir, filter);
- if (file_name.isEmpty())
- return;
- const QString abs_path = QFileInfo(file_name).absolutePath();
- settings.setValue(SettingSaveDirectory, abs_path);
- // Show the options dialog
- map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options;
- if (!format->options().empty()) {
- dialogs::InputOutputOptions dlg(
- tr("Export %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(
- format->description())),
- format->options(), this);
- if (!dlg.exec())
- return;
- options = dlg.options();
- }
- // Save
- pv::dialogs::StoreProgress *dlg = new pv::dialogs::StoreProgress(file_name,
- format, options, sample_range, session_, this);
- dlg->run();
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
void MainWindow::on_actionSaveSelectionAs_triggered()
- save_selection_to_file();
+ export_file(device_manager_.context()->output_formats()["srzip"], true);
void MainWindow::on_actionConnect_triggered()