Identifiers for channels in the VCD header section could be "sparse"
when sigrok channels were disabled. Make sure to not assign names to
disabled channels. This will e.g. assign !, ", and # to channels D1, D3,
and D6, when D0, D2, D4-D5, and D7 are disabled.
This addresses part of bug #519.
g_string_append_printf(header, "$scope module %s $end\n", PACKAGE_NAME);
/* Wires / channels */
- for (i = 0, l = o->sdi->channels; l; l = l->next, i++) {
+ for (i = 0, l = o->sdi->channels; l; l = l->next) {
ch = l->data;
if (ch->type != SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC)
g_string_append_printf(header, "$var wire 1 %c %s $end\n",
(char)('!' + i), ch->name);
+ i++;
g_string_append(header, "$upscope $end\n$enddefinitions $end\n");