* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ * Options and their values:
+ *
+ * gnuplot: Write out a gnuplot interpreter script (.gpi file) to plot
+ * the datafile using the parameters given. It should be called
+ * from a gnuplot session with the data file name as a parameter
+ * after adjusting line styles, terminal, etc.
+ *
+ * scale: The gnuplot graphs are scaled so they all have the same
+ * peak-to-peak distance. Defaults to TRUE.
+ *
+ * value: The string used to separate values in a record. Defaults to ','.
+ *
+ * record: The string to use to separate records. Default is newline. gnuplot
+ * files must use newline.
+ *
+ * frame: The string to use when a frame ends. The default is a blank line.
+ * This may confuse some CSV parsers, but it makes gnuplot happy.
+ *
+ * comment: The string that starts a comment line. Defaults to ';'.
+ *
+ * header: Print header comment with capture metadata. Defaults to TRUE.
+ *
+ * label: Add a line of channel labels as the first line of output. Defaults
+ * to TRUE.
+ *
+ * time: Whether or not the first column should include the time the sample
+ * was taken. Defaults to TRUE.
+ *
+ * trigger: Whether or not to add a "trigger" column as the last column.
+ * Defaults to FALSE.
+ *
+ * dedup: Don't output duplicate rows. Defaults to TRUE. If time is off, then
+ * this is forced to be off.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LOG_PREFIX "output/csv"
+struct ctx_channel {
+ struct sr_channel *ch;
+ float min, max;
struct context {
- unsigned int num_enabled_channels;
- uint64_t samplerate;
- char separator;
- gboolean header_done;
- struct sr_channel **channels;
- /* For analog measurements split into frames, not packets. */
- struct sr_channel **analog_channels;
- float *analog_vals; /* Analog values stored until the end of the frame. */
+ /* Options */
+ const char *gnuplot;
+ gboolean scale;
+ const char *value;
+ const char *record;
+ const char *frame;
+ const char *comment;
+ gboolean header, did_header;
+ gboolean label, did_label;
+ gboolean time;
+ gboolean do_trigger;
+ gboolean dedup;
+ /* Plot data */
unsigned int num_analog_channels;
- gboolean inframe;
+ unsigned int num_logic_channels;
+ struct ctx_channel *channels;
+ /* Metadata */
+ gboolean trigger;
+ uint32_t num_samples;
+ uint32_t channel_count, logic_channel_count;
+ uint32_t channels_seen;
+ uint64_t period;
+ uint64_t sample_time;
+ uint8_t *previous_sample;
+ float *analog_samples;
+ uint8_t *logic_samples;
+ const char *xlabel; /* Don't free: will point to a static string. */
+ const char *title; /* Don't free: will point into the driver struct. */
- * - Option to specify delimiter character and/or string.
- * - Option to (not) print metadata as comments.
- * - Option to specify the comment character(s), e.g. # or ; or C/C++-style.
- * - Option to (not) print samplenumber / time as extra column.
- * - Option to "compress" output (only print changed samples, VCD-like).
* - Option to print comma-separated bits, or whole bytes/words (for 8/16
* channel LAs) as ASCII/hex etc. etc.
- * - Trigger support.
static int init(struct sr_output *o, GHashTable *options)
+ unsigned int i, analog_channels, logic_channels;
struct context *ctx;
struct sr_channel *ch;
GSList *l;
- int i, j;
- (void)options;
if (!o || !o->sdi)
return SR_ERR_ARG;
ctx = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct context));
o->priv = ctx;
- ctx->separator = ',';
+ /* Options */
+ ctx->gnuplot = g_strdup(g_variant_get_string(
+ g_hash_table_lookup(options, "gnuplot"), NULL));
+ ctx->scale = g_variant_get_boolean(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "scale"));
+ ctx->value = g_strdup(g_variant_get_string(
+ g_hash_table_lookup(options, "value"), NULL));
+ ctx->record = g_strdup(g_variant_get_string(
+ g_hash_table_lookup(options, "record"), NULL));
+ ctx->frame = g_strdup(g_variant_get_string(
+ g_hash_table_lookup(options, "frame"), NULL));
+ ctx->comment = g_strdup(g_variant_get_string(
+ g_hash_table_lookup(options, "comment"), NULL));
+ ctx->header = g_variant_get_boolean(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "header"));
+ ctx->time = g_variant_get_boolean(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "time"));
+ ctx->do_trigger = g_variant_get_boolean(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "trigger"));
+ ctx->label = g_variant_get_boolean(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "label"));
+ ctx->dedup = g_variant_get_boolean(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "dedup"));
+ ctx->dedup &= ctx->time;
+ if (*ctx->gnuplot && g_strcmp0(ctx->record, "\n"))
+ sr_warn("gnuplot record separator must be newline.");
+ if (*ctx->gnuplot && strlen(ctx->value) > 1)
+ sr_warn("gnuplot doesn't support multichar value separators.");
+ sr_dbg("gnuplot = '%s', scale = %d", ctx->gnuplot, ctx->scale);
+ sr_dbg("value = '%s', record = '%s', frame = '%s', comment = '%s'",
+ ctx->value, ctx->record, ctx->frame, ctx->comment);
+ sr_dbg("header = %d, label = %d, time = %d, do_trigger = %d, dedup = %d",
+ ctx->header, ctx->label, ctx->time, ctx->do_trigger, ctx->dedup);
+ analog_channels = logic_channels = 0;
/* Get the number of channels, and the unitsize. */
for (l = o->sdi->channels; l; l = l->next) {
ch = l->data;
- if (ch->enabled) {
- if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC ||
- ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG)
- ctx->num_enabled_channels++;
- if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG)
- ctx->num_analog_channels++;
+ if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC) {
+ ctx->logic_channel_count++;
+ if (ch->enabled)
+ logic_channels++;
+ if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG && ch->enabled)
+ analog_channels++;
+ }
+ if (analog_channels) {
+ sr_info("Outputting %d analog values", analog_channels);
+ ctx->num_analog_channels = analog_channels;
+ }
+ if (logic_channels) {
+ sr_info("Outputting %d logic values", logic_channels);
+ ctx->num_logic_channels = logic_channels;
- ctx->channels = g_malloc(sizeof(struct sr_channel *)
- * ctx->num_enabled_channels);
- ctx->analog_channels = g_malloc(sizeof(struct sr_channel *)
- * ctx->num_analog_channels);
- ctx->analog_vals = g_malloc(sizeof(float) * ctx->num_analog_channels);
+ ctx->channels = g_malloc(sizeof(struct ctx_channel)
+ * (ctx->num_analog_channels + ctx->num_logic_channels));
/* Once more to map the enabled channels. */
- for (i = 0, l = o->sdi->channels, j = 0; l; l = l->next) {
+ ctx->channel_count = g_slist_length(o->sdi->channels);
+ for (i = 0, l = o->sdi->channels; l; l = l->next) {
ch = l->data;
if (ch->enabled) {
- if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC ||
- ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG)
- ctx->channels[i++] = ch;
- if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG)
- ctx->analog_channels[j++] = ch;
+ if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG) {
+ ctx->channels[i].min = FLT_MAX;
+ ctx->channels[i].max = FLT_MIN;
+ } else if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC) {
+ ctx->channels[i].min = 0;
+ ctx->channels[i].max = 1;
+ } else {
+ sr_warn("Unknown channel type %d.", ch->type);
+ }
+ ctx->channels[i++].ch = ch;
return SR_OK;
-static GString *gen_header(const struct sr_output *o)
+static const char *xlabels[] = {
+ "samples", "milliseconds", "microseconds", "nanoseconds", "picoseconds",
+ "femtoseconds", "attoseconds",
+static GString *gen_header(const struct sr_output *o,
+ const struct sr_datafeed_header *hdr)
struct context *ctx;
struct sr_channel *ch;
GVariant *gvar;
GString *header;
GSList *l;
- time_t t;
- int num_channels, i;
+ unsigned int num_channels, i;
+ uint64_t samplerate = 0, sr;
char *samplerate_s;
ctx = o->priv;
header = g_string_sized_new(512);
- /* Some metadata */
- t = time(NULL);
- g_string_append_printf(header, "; CSV, generated by %s %s on %s",
- /* Columns / channels */
- num_channels = g_slist_length(o->sdi->channels);
- g_string_append_printf(header, "; Channels (%d/%d):",
- ctx->num_enabled_channels, num_channels);
- for (i = 0, l = o->sdi->channels; l; l = l->next, i++) {
- ch = l->data;
- if (ch->enabled &&
- (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC ||
- ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG))
- g_string_append_printf(header, " %s,", ch->name);
- }
- if (o->sdi->channels)
- /* Drop last separator. */
- g_string_truncate(header, header->len - 1);
- g_string_append_printf(header, "\n");
- if (ctx->samplerate == 0) {
- if (sr_config_get(o->sdi->driver, o->sdi, NULL, SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE,
- &gvar) == SR_OK) {
- ctx->samplerate = g_variant_get_uint64(gvar);
+ if (ctx->period == 0) {
+ if (sr_config_get(o->sdi->driver, o->sdi, NULL,
+ SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE, &gvar) == SR_OK) {
+ samplerate = g_variant_get_uint64(gvar);
+ i = 0;
+ sr = 1;
+ while (sr < samplerate) {
+ i++;
+ sr *= 1000;
+ }
+ if (samplerate)
+ ctx->period = sr / samplerate;
+ if (i < ARRAY_SIZE(xlabels))
+ ctx->xlabel = xlabels[i];
+ sr_info("Set sample period to %" PRIu64 " %s",
+ ctx->period, ctx->xlabel);
- if (ctx->samplerate != 0) {
- samplerate_s = sr_samplerate_string(ctx->samplerate);
- g_string_append_printf(header, "; Samplerate: %s\n", samplerate_s);
- g_free(samplerate_s);
+ ctx->title = o->sdi->driver->longname;
+ /* Some metadata */
+ if (ctx->header && !ctx->did_header) {
+ /* save_gnuplot knows how many lines we print. */
+ g_string_append_printf(header,
+ "%s CSV generated by %s %s\n%s from %s on %s",
+ ctx->comment, PACKAGE_NAME,
+ ctx->title, ctime(&hdr->starttime.tv_sec));
+ /* Columns / channels */
+ num_channels = g_slist_length(o->sdi->channels);
+ g_string_append_printf(header, "%s Channels (%d/%d):",
+ ctx->comment, ctx->num_analog_channels +
+ ctx->num_logic_channels, num_channels);
+ for (i = 0, l = o->sdi->channels; l; l = l->next, i++) {
+ ch = l->data;
+ if (ch->enabled)
+ g_string_append_printf(header, " %s,", ch->name);
+ }
+ if (o->sdi->channels)
+ /* Drop last separator. */
+ g_string_truncate(header, header->len - 1);
+ g_string_append_printf(header, "\n");
+ if (samplerate != 0) {
+ samplerate_s = sr_samplerate_string(samplerate);
+ g_string_append_printf(header, "%s Samplerate: %s\n",
+ ctx->comment, samplerate_s);
+ g_free(samplerate_s);
+ }
+ ctx->did_header = TRUE;
return header;
-static void init_output(GString **out, struct context *ctx,
- const struct sr_output *o)
+ * Analog devices can have samples of different types. Since each
+ * packet has only one meaning, it is restricted to having at most one
+ * type of data. So they can send multiple packets for a single sample.
+ * To further complicate things, they can send multiple samples in a
+ * single packet.
+ *
+ * So we need to pull any channels of interest out of a packet and save
+ * them until we have complete samples to output. Some devices make this
+ * simple by sending DF_FRAME_BEGIN/DF_FRAME_END packets, the latter of which
+ * signals the end of a set of samples, so we can dump things there.
+ *
+ * At least one driver (the demo driver) sends packets that contain parts of
+ * multiple samples without wrapping them in DF_FRAME. Possibly this driver
+ * is buggy, but it's also the standard for testing, so it has to be supported
+ * as is.
+ *
+ * Many assumptions about the "shape" of the data here:
+ *
+ * All of the data for a channel is assumed to be in one frame;
+ * otherwise the data in the second packet will overwrite the data in
+ * the first packet.
+ */
+static void process_analog(struct context *ctx,
+ const struct sr_datafeed_analog *analog)
+ int ret;
+ unsigned int i, j, c, num_channels;
+ struct sr_analog_meaning *meaning;
+ GSList *l;
+ float *fdata = NULL;
+ if (!ctx->analog_samples) {
+ ctx->analog_samples = g_malloc(analog->num_samples
+ * sizeof(float) * ctx->num_analog_channels);
+ if (!ctx->num_samples)
+ ctx->num_samples = analog->num_samples;
+ }
+ if (ctx->num_samples != analog->num_samples)
+ sr_warn("Expecting %u analog samples, got %u.",
+ ctx->num_samples, analog->num_samples);
+ meaning = analog->meaning;
+ num_channels = g_slist_length(meaning->channels);
+ ctx->channels_seen += num_channels;
+ sr_dbg("Processing packet of %u analog channels", num_channels);
+ fdata = g_malloc(analog->num_samples * num_channels);
+ if ((ret = sr_analog_to_float(analog, fdata)) != SR_OK)
+ sr_warn("Problems converting data to floating point values.");
+ for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_analog_channels + ctx->num_logic_channels; i++) {
+ if (ctx->channels[i].ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG) {
+ sr_dbg("Looking for channel %s",
+ ctx->channels[i].ch->name);
+ for (l = meaning->channels, c = 0; l; l = l->next, c++) {
+ struct sr_channel *ch = l->data;
+ sr_dbg("Checking %s", ch->name);
+ if (ctx->channels[i].ch == l->data) {
+ for (j = 0; j < analog->num_samples; j++)
+ ctx->analog_samples[j * ctx->num_analog_channels + i] = fdata[j * num_channels + c];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ g_free(fdata);
+ * We treat logic packets the same as analog packets, though it's not
+ * strictly required. This allows us to process mixed signals properly.
+ */
+static void process_logic(struct context *ctx,
+ const struct sr_datafeed_logic *logic)
- if (!ctx->header_done) {
- *out = gen_header(o);
- ctx->header_done = TRUE;
+ unsigned int i, j, ch, num_samples;
+ int idx;
+ uint8_t *sample;
+ num_samples = logic->length / logic->unitsize;
+ ctx->channels_seen += ctx->logic_channel_count;
+ sr_dbg("Logic packet had %d channels", logic->unitsize * 8);
+ if (!ctx->logic_samples) {
+ ctx->logic_samples = g_malloc(num_samples * ctx->num_logic_channels);
+ if (!ctx->num_samples)
+ ctx->num_samples = num_samples;
+ }
+ if (ctx->num_samples != num_samples)
+ sr_warn("Expecting %u samples, got %u",
+ ctx->num_samples, num_samples);
+ for (j = ch = 0; ch < ctx->num_logic_channels; j++) {
+ if (ctx->channels[j].ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= logic->length - logic->unitsize; i += logic->unitsize) {
+ sample = logic->data + i;
+ idx = ctx->channels[ch].ch->index;
+ ctx->logic_samples[i * ctx->num_logic_channels + ch] = sample[idx / 8] & (1 << (idx % 8));
+ }
+ ch++;
+ }
+ }
+static void dump_saved_values(struct context *ctx, GString **out)
+ unsigned int i, j, analog_size, num_channels;
+ float *analog_sample, value;
+ uint8_t *logic_sample;
+ /* If we haven't seen samples we're expecting, skip them. */
+ if ((ctx->num_analog_channels && !ctx->analog_samples) ||
+ (ctx->num_logic_channels && !ctx->logic_samples)) {
+ sr_warn("Discarding partial packet");
} else {
+ sr_info("Dumping %u samples", ctx->num_samples);
*out = g_string_sized_new(512);
+ num_channels =
+ ctx->num_logic_channels + ctx->num_analog_channels;
+ if (ctx->label && !ctx->did_label) {
+ if (ctx->time)
+ g_string_append_printf(*out, "Time%s",
+ ctx->value);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) {
+ g_string_append_printf(*out, "%s%s",
+ ctx->channels[i].ch->name, ctx->value);
+ }
+ if (ctx->do_trigger)
+ g_string_append_printf(*out, "Trigger%s",
+ ctx->value);
+ /* Drop last separator. */
+ g_string_truncate(*out, (*out)->len - 1);
+ g_string_append(*out, ctx->record);
+ ctx->did_label = TRUE;
+ }
+ analog_size = ctx->num_analog_channels * sizeof(float);
+ if (ctx->dedup && !ctx->previous_sample)
+ ctx->previous_sample = g_malloc0(analog_size + ctx->num_logic_channels);
+ for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_samples; i++) {
+ ctx->sample_time += ctx->period;
+ analog_sample =
+ &ctx->analog_samples[i * ctx->num_analog_channels];
+ logic_sample =
+ &ctx->logic_samples[i * ctx->num_logic_channels];
+ if (ctx->dedup) {
+ if (i > 0 && i < ctx->num_samples - 1 &&
+ !memcmp(logic_sample, ctx->previous_sample,
+ ctx->num_logic_channels) &&
+ !memcmp(analog_sample,
+ ctx->previous_sample +
+ ctx->num_logic_channels,
+ analog_size))
+ continue;
+ memcpy(ctx->previous_sample, logic_sample,
+ ctx->num_logic_channels);
+ memcpy(ctx->previous_sample
+ + ctx->num_logic_channels,
+ analog_sample, analog_size);
+ }
+ if (ctx->time)
+ g_string_append_printf(*out, "%lu%s",
+ ctx->sample_time, ctx->value);
+ for (j = 0; j < num_channels; j++) {
+ if (ctx->channels[j].ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG) {
+ value = ctx->analog_samples[i * ctx->num_analog_channels + j];
+ ctx->channels[j].max =
+ fmax(value, ctx->channels[j].max);
+ ctx->channels[j].min =
+ fmin(value, ctx->channels[j].min);
+ g_string_append_printf(*out, "%g%s",
+ value, ctx->value);
+ } else if (ctx->channels[j].ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC) {
+ g_string_append_printf(*out, "%c%s",
+ ctx->logic_samples[i * ctx->num_logic_channels + j] ? '1' : '0', ctx->value);
+ } else {
+ sr_warn("Unexpected channel type: %d",
+ ctx->channels[i].ch->type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ctx->do_trigger) {
+ g_string_append_printf(*out, "%d%s",
+ ctx->trigger, ctx->value);
+ ctx->trigger = FALSE;
+ }
+ g_string_truncate(*out, (*out)->len - 1);
+ g_string_append(*out, ctx->record);
+ }
+ /* Discard all of the working space. */
+ g_free(ctx->previous_sample);
+ g_free(ctx->analog_samples);
+ g_free(ctx->logic_samples);
+ ctx->channels_seen = 0;
+ ctx->num_samples = 0;
+ ctx->previous_sample = NULL;
+ ctx->analog_samples = NULL;
+ ctx->logic_samples = NULL;
-static void handle_analog_frame(struct context *ctx, GSList *channels,
- unsigned int num_samples, float *data)
+static void save_gnuplot(struct context *ctx)
- unsigned int numch, nums, i, j, s;
- GSList *l;
+ float offset, max, sum;
+ unsigned int i, num_channels;
+ GString *script;
+ script = g_string_sized_new(512);
+ g_string_append_printf(script, "set datafile separator '%s'\n",
+ ctx->value);
+ if (ctx->did_label)
+ g_string_append(script, "set key autotitle columnhead\n");
+ if (ctx->xlabel && ctx->time)
+ g_string_append_printf(script, "set xlabel '%s'\n",
+ ctx->xlabel);
+ g_string_append(script, "plot ");
+ num_channels = ctx->num_analog_channels + ctx->num_logic_channels;
+ /* Graph position and scaling. */
+ max = FLT_MIN;
+ sum = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) {
+ ctx->channels[i].max =
+ ctx->channels[i].max - ctx->channels[i].min;
+ max = fmax(max, ctx->channels[i].max);
+ sum += ctx->channels[i].max;
+ }
+ sum = (ctx->scale ? max : sum / num_channels) / 4;
+ offset = sum;
+ for (i = num_channels; i > 0;) {
+ i--;
+ ctx->channels[i].min = offset - ctx->channels[i].min;
+ offset += sum + (ctx->scale ? max : ctx->channels[i].max);
+ }
- numch = g_slist_length(channels);
- if (num_samples > numch)
- nums = num_samples / numch;
- else
- nums = 1;
- s = 0;
- l = channels;
- for (i = 0; i < nums; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < ctx->num_analog_channels; j++) {
- if (ctx->analog_channels[j] == l->data)
- ctx->analog_vals[j] = data[s++];
- }
- l = l->next;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) {
+ sr_spew("Channel %d, min %g, max %g", i, ctx->channels[i].min,
+ ctx->channels[i].max);
+ g_string_append(script, "ARG1 ");
+ if (ctx->did_header)
+ g_string_append(script, "skip 4 ");
+ g_string_append_printf(script, "using %u:($%u * %g + %g), ",
+ ctx->time, i + 1 + ctx->time, ctx->scale ?
+ max / ctx->channels[i].max : 1, ctx->channels[i].min);
+ offset += 1.1 * (ctx->channels[i].max - ctx->channels[i].min);
+ g_string_truncate(script, script->len - 2);
+ g_file_set_contents(ctx->gnuplot, script->str, script->len, NULL);
+ g_string_free(script, TRUE);
-static int receive(const struct sr_output *o, const struct sr_datafeed_packet *packet,
- GString **out)
+static int receive(const struct sr_output *o,
+ const struct sr_datafeed_packet *packet, GString **out)
- const struct sr_datafeed_meta *meta;
- const struct sr_datafeed_logic *logic;
- const struct sr_datafeed_analog *analog;
- const struct sr_config *src;
- unsigned int num_samples;
- float *data;
- GSList *l, *channels;
struct context *ctx;
- int idx;
- uint64_t i, j, k, nums, numch;
- gchar *p, c;
- int ret = SR_OK;
*out = NULL;
if (!o || !o->sdi)
if (!(ctx = o->priv))
return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ sr_dbg("Got packet of type %d", packet->type);
switch (packet->type) {
- case SR_DF_META:
- meta = packet->payload;
- for (l = meta->config; l; l = l->next) {
- src = l->data;
- if (src->key != SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE)
- continue;
- ctx->samplerate = g_variant_get_uint64(src->data);
- }
+ case SR_DF_HEADER:
+ *out = gen_header(o, packet->payload);
- /*
- * Special case - we start gathering data from analog channels
- * and wait for SR_DF_FRAME_END to dump it.
- */
- memset(ctx->analog_vals, 0, sizeof(float) * ctx->num_analog_channels);
- ctx->inframe = TRUE;
- ret = SR_OK;
- break;
- /*
- * Dump gathered data.
- */
- init_output(out, ctx, o);
- for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ctx->num_enabled_channels; i++) {
- if (ctx->channels[i]->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG) {
- g_string_append_printf(*out, "%f",
- ctx->analog_vals[j++]);
- }
- g_string_append_c(*out, ctx->separator);
- }
- g_string_truncate(*out, (*out)->len - 1);
- g_string_append_printf(*out, "\n");
- ctx->inframe = FALSE;
+ ctx->trigger = TRUE;
- logic = packet->payload;
- init_output(out, ctx, o);
- for (i = 0; i <= logic->length - logic->unitsize; i += logic->unitsize) {
- for (j = 0; j < ctx->num_enabled_channels; j++) {
- if (ctx->channels[j]->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC) {
- idx = ctx->channels[j]->index;
- p = logic->data + i + idx / 8;
- c = *p & (1 << (idx % 8));
- g_string_append_c(*out, c ? '1' : '0');
- }
- g_string_append_c(*out, ctx->separator);
- }
- if (j) {
- /* Drop last separator. */
- g_string_truncate(*out, (*out)->len - 1);
- }
- g_string_append_printf(*out, "\n");
- }
+ process_logic(ctx, packet->payload);
- analog = packet->payload;
- channels = analog->meaning->channels;
- numch = g_slist_length(channels);
- num_samples = analog->num_samples;
- data = g_malloc(sizeof(float) * num_samples * numch);
- ret = sr_analog_to_float(analog, data);
- if (ret != SR_OK)
- return ret;
- if (ctx->inframe) {
- handle_analog_frame(ctx, channels, num_samples, data);
- break;
- }
- init_output(out, ctx, o);
- k = 0;
- l = NULL;
- if (num_samples > numch)
- nums = num_samples / numch;
- else
- nums = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < nums; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < ctx->num_enabled_channels; j++) {
- if (ctx->channels[j]->type == SR_CHANNEL_ANALOG) {
- if (!l)
- l = channels;
- if (ctx->channels[j] == l->data) {
- g_string_append_printf(*out,
- "%f", data[k++]);
- }
- l = l->next;
- }
- g_string_append_c(*out, ctx->separator);
- }
- g_string_truncate(*out, (*out)->len - 1);
- g_string_append_printf(*out, "\n");
- }
+ process_analog(ctx, packet->payload);
+ break;
+ *out = g_string_new(ctx->frame);
+ /* And then fall through to... */
+ case SR_DF_END:
+ /* Got to end of frame/session with part of the data. */
+ if (ctx->channels_seen)
+ ctx->channels_seen = ctx->channel_count;
+ if (*ctx->gnuplot)
+ save_gnuplot(ctx);
- return ret;
+ /* If we've got them all, dump the values. */
+ if (ctx->channels_seen >= ctx->channel_count)
+ dump_saved_values(ctx, out);
+ return SR_OK;
static int cleanup(struct sr_output *o)
if (o->priv) {
ctx = o->priv;
+ g_free((gpointer)ctx->record);
+ g_free((gpointer)ctx->frame);
+ g_free((gpointer)ctx->comment);
+ g_free((gpointer)ctx->gnuplot);
+ g_free(ctx->previous_sample);
- g_free(ctx->analog_channels);
- g_free(ctx->analog_vals);
o->priv = NULL;
return SR_OK;
+static struct sr_option options[] = {
+ {"gnuplot", "gnuplot", "gnuplot script file name", NULL, NULL},
+ {"scale", "scale", "Scale gnuplot graphs", NULL, NULL},
+ {"value", "Value separator", "Character to print between values", NULL, NULL},
+ {"record", "Record separator", "String to print between records", NULL, NULL},
+ {"frame", "Frame seperator", "String to print between frames", NULL, NULL},
+ {"comment", "Comment start string", "String used at start of comment lines", NULL, NULL},
+ {"header", "Output header", "Output header comment with capture metdata", NULL, NULL},
+ {"label", "Label values", "Output labels for each value", NULL, NULL},
+ {"time", "Time column", "Output sample time as column 1", NULL, NULL},
+ {"trigger", "Trigger column", "Output trigger indicator as last column ", NULL, NULL},
+ {"dedup", "Dedup rows", "Set to false to output duplicate rows", NULL, NULL},
+static const struct sr_option *get_options(void)
+ if (!options[0].def) {
+ options[0].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string(""));
+ options[1].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_boolean(TRUE));
+ options[2].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string(","));
+ options[3].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string("\n"));
+ options[4].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string("\n"));
+ options[5].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string(";"));
+ options[6].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_boolean(TRUE));
+ options[7].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_boolean(TRUE));
+ options[8].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_boolean(TRUE));
+ options[9].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_boolean(FALSE));
+ options[10].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_boolean(TRUE));
+ }
+ return options;
SR_PRIV struct sr_output_module output_csv = {
.id = "csv",
.name = "CSV",
.desc = "Comma-separated values",
- .exts = (const char*[]){"csv", NULL},
+ .exts = (const char *[]){"csv", NULL},
.flags = 0,
- .options = NULL,
+ .options = get_options,
.init = init,
.receive = receive,
.cleanup = cleanup,