* Convert an analog datafeed payload to an array of floats.
+ * Sufficient memory for outbuf must have been pre-allocated by the caller,
+ * who is also responsible for freeing it when no longer needed.
+ *
* @param[in] analog The analog payload to convert. Must not be NULL.
* analog->data, analog->meaning, and analog->encoding
* must not be NULL.
* @param[out] outbuf Memory where to store the result. Must not be NULL.
- * Sufficient memory for outbuf must have been pre-allocated by the caller,
- * who is also responsible for freeing it when no longer needed.
- *
* @retval SR_OK Success.
* @retval SR_ERR Unsupported encoding.
* @retval SR_ERR_ARG Invalid argument.
bigendian = FALSE;
if (!analog->encoding->is_float) {
float offset = analog->encoding->offset.p / (float)analog->encoding->offset.q;
float scale = analog->encoding->scale.p / (float)analog->encoding->scale.q;
- sr_err("Unsupported unit size '%d' for analog-to-float conversion.",
- analog->encoding->unitsize);
+ sr_err("Unsupported unit size '%d' for analog-to-float"
+ " conversion.", analog->encoding->unitsize);
return SR_ERR;
return SR_OK;
#define NEG_PREFIX_COUNT 5 /* number of prefixes below unity */
#define POS_PREFIX_COUNT (int)(ARRAY_SIZE(prefixes) - NEG_PREFIX_COUNT - 1)
- static const char *prefixes[] = { "f","p","n","µ","m","","k","M","G","T" };
+ static const char *prefixes[] = { "f", "p", "n", "µ", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T" };
- if (value == NULL || digits == NULL || isnan(*value))
+ if (!value || !digits || isnan(*value))
return prefixes[NEG_PREFIX_COUNT];
float logval = log10f(fabsf(*value));
int prefix = (logval / 3) - (logval < 1);
- if (prefix < -NEG_PREFIX_COUNT) prefix = -NEG_PREFIX_COUNT;
- if (3 * prefix < -*digits) prefix = (-*digits + 2 * (*digits < 0)) / 3;
- if (prefix > POS_PREFIX_COUNT) prefix = POS_PREFIX_COUNT;
+ if (prefix < -NEG_PREFIX_COUNT)
+ prefix = -NEG_PREFIX_COUNT;
+ if (3 * prefix < -*digits)
+ prefix = (-*digits + 2 * (*digits < 0)) / 3;
+ if (prefix > POS_PREFIX_COUNT)
+ prefix = POS_PREFIX_COUNT;
*value *= powf(10, -3 * prefix);
*digits += 3 * prefix;
return prefixes[prefix + NEG_PREFIX_COUNT];
* Convert the unit/MQ/MQ flags in the analog struct to a string.
+ * The string is allocated by the function and must be freed by the caller
+ * after use by calling g_free().
+ *
* @param[in] analog Struct containing the unit, MQ and MQ flags.
* Must not be NULL. analog->meaning must not be NULL.
* @param[out] result Pointer to store result. Must not be NULL.
- * The string is allocated by the function and must be freed by the caller
- * after use by calling g_free().
- *
* @retval SR_OK Success.
* @retval SR_ERR_ARG Invalid argument.
- * Compare two sr_rational for equality
+ * Compare two sr_rational for equality.
- * @param[in] a First value
- * @param[in] b Second value
+ * The values are compared for numerical equality, i.e. 2/10 == 1/5.
- * The values are compared for numerical equality, i.e. 2/10 == 1/5
+ * @param[in] a First value.
+ * @param[in] b Second value.
- * @retval 1 if both values are equal
- * @retval 0 otherwise
+ * @retval 1 if both values are equal.
+ * @retval 0 Otherwise.
* @since 0.5.0
- * Multiply two sr_rational
- *
- * @param[in] a First value
- * @param[in] b Second value
- * @param[out] res Result
+ * Multiply two sr_rational.
* The resulting nominator/denominator are reduced if the result would not fit
* otherwise. If the resulting nominator/denominator are relatively prime,
* this may not be possible.
- * It is save to use the same variable for result and input values
+ * It is safe to use the same variable for result and input values.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a First value.
+ * @param[in] b Second value.
+ * @param[out] res Result.
* @retval SR_OK Success.
- * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Resulting value to large
+ * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Resulting value too large.
* @since 0.5.0
while (!(p.low & 1) && !(q.low & 1)) {
p.low /= 2;
- if (p.high & 1) p.low |= (1ll << 63);
+ if (p.high & 1)
+ p.low |= (1ll << 63);
p.high >>= 1;
q.low /= 2;
- if (q.high & 1) q.low |= (1ll << 63);
+ if (q.high & 1)
+ q.low |= (1ll << 63);
q.high >>= 1;
- * Divide rational a by rational b
- *
- * @param[in] num numerator
- * @param[in] div divisor
- * @param[out] res Result
+ * Divide rational a by rational b.
* The resulting nominator/denominator are reduced if the result would not fit
* otherwise. If the resulting nominator/denominator are relatively prime,
* this may not be possible.
- * It is save to use the same variable for result and input values
+ * It is safe to use the same variable for result and input values.
+ *
+ * @param[in] num Numerator.
+ * @param[in] div Divisor.
+ * @param[out] res Result.
* @retval SR_OK Success.
- * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Division by zero
- * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Denominator of divisor to large
- * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Resulting value to large
+ * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Division by zero.
+ * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Denominator of divisor too large.
+ * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Resulting value too large.
* @since 0.5.0