# should NOT be bundled inside AppImages. This is a working document; expect it to change
# over time. File format: one filename per line. Each entry should have a justification comment.
-# Workaround for:
-# relocation error: usr/lib/libc.so.6: symbol _dl_starting_up, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 with link time reference
-# Workaround for:
-# Segmentation fault
-# Workaround for:
-# usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found
-# Workaround for:
-# relocation error: usr/lib/libm.so.6: symbol __get_cpu_features, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference
-# Workaround for:
-# usr/bin/inkscape: relocation error: usr/lib/libpthread.so.0: symbol h_errno, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference
+# These files are all part of the GNU C Library which should never be bundled.
+# List was generated from a fresh build of glibc 2.25.
# Workaround for:
-# usr/lib/libresolv.so.2: symbol h_errno, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference
+# usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found
-# Workaround for:
-# Different distributions put dri/ libraries in different places, which are not found if we supply a bundled libGL.so.1
-# /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/swrast_dri.so
-# /usr/lib64/dri/swrast_dri.so
+# Part of the video driver (OpenGL); present on any regular
+# desktop system, may also be provided by proprietary drivers.
+# Known to cause issues if it's bundled.
# Workaround for:
# Fedora 23
# symbol lookup error: /lib64/libxcb-dri3.so.0: undefined symbol: xcb_send_fd
# Uncertain if this is required to be bundled for some distributions - if so we need to write a version check script and use LD_PRELOAD to load the system version if it is newer
+# Fedora 25:
+# undefined symbol: xcb_send_request_with_fds
+# https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/issues/128
# Workaround for:
# Workaround for:
# On Ubuntu, "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/modules/liboverlay-scrollbar.so: undefined symbol: g_settings_new"
-# Simply to reduce size - not known to cause issues
+# libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 # Missing on openSUSE-Tumbleweed-KDE-Live-x86_64-Snapshot20170601-Media.iso
+# libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 # Missing on openSUSE-Tumbleweed-KDE-Live-x86_64-Snapshot20170601-Media.iso
# Workaround for:
+# libgssapi_krb5.so.2 # Disputed, seemingly needed by Arch Linux since Kerberos is named differently there
# libgssapi.so.3 # Seemingly needed when running Ubuntu 14.04 binaries on Fedora 23
+# libhcrypto.so.4 # Missing on openSUSE LEAP 42.0
# libheimbase.so.1 # Seemingly needed when running Ubuntu 14.04 binaries on Fedora 23
# libheimntlm.so.0 # Seemingly needed when running Ubuntu 14.04 binaries on Fedora 23
+# libhx509.so.5 # Missing on openSUSE LEAP 42.0
+# libkrb5.so.26 # Disputed, seemingly needed by Arch Linux since Kerberos is named differently there. Missing on openSUSE LEAP 42.0
+# libkrb5.so.3 # Disputed, seemingly needed by Arch Linux since Kerberos is named differently there
+# libkrb5support.so.0 # Disputed, seemingly needed by Arch Linux since Kerberos is named differently there
-# libpcre.so.3 # Missing on Fedora 24 and on SLED 12 SP1
+# libpcre.so.3 # Missing on Fedora 24, SLED 12 SP1, and openSUSE Leap 42.2
+# libroken.so.18 # Mission on openSUSE LEAP 42.0
# libsasl2.so.2 # Seemingly needed when running Ubuntu 14.04 binaries on Fedora 23
+# libwind.so.0 # Missing on openSUSE LEAP 42.0
-# Remove these libraries, we need to use the system versions;
-# this means that Ubuntu 11.04 is not supported (making 12.04 is our baseline)
# Potentially dangerous libraries
+# Workaround for:
+# Rectangles instead of fonts
+# https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/issues/240
# Workaround for:
# e.g., Spotify
# relocation error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcrypt.so.20:
# and https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/pull/114
# libnss3.so
-# Workaround for:
-# Fedora 25:
-# undefined symbol: xcb_send_request_with_fds
-# https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/issues/128
# The following cannot be excluded, see
# https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/commit/6c7473d8cdaaa2572248dcc53d7f617a577ade6b
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32644157/forcing-a-binary-to-use-a-specific-newer-version-of-a-shared-library-so
# This file is supposed to be sourced by each Recipe
# that wants to use the functions contained herein
# like so:
-# wget -q https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/raw/master/functions.sh -O ./functions.sh
+# wget -q https://github.com/AppImage/AppImages/raw/master/functions.sh -O ./functions.sh
# . ./functions.sh
# RECIPE=$(realpath "$0")
-o APT::Install-Suggests=0
+# Detect system architecture to know which binaries of AppImage tools
+# should be downloaded and used.
+case "$(uname -i)" in
+ x86_64|amd64)
+# echo "x86-64 system architecture"
+ SYSTEM_ARCH="x86_64";;
+ i?86)
+# echo "x86 system architecture"
+ SYSTEM_ARCH="i686";;
+# arm*)
+# echo "ARM system architecture"
+ unknown)
+# uname -i not answer on debian, then:
+ case "$(uname -m)" in
+ x86_64|amd64)
+# echo "x86-64 system architecture"
+ SYSTEM_ARCH="x86_64";;
+ i?86)
+# echo "x86 system architecture"
+ SYSTEM_ARCH="i686";;
+ esac ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unsupported system architecture"
+ exit 1;;
# Either get the file from remote or from a static place.
# critical for builds without network access like in Open Build Service
# Download AppRun and make it executable
- # wget -c https://github.com/probonopd/AppImageKit/releases/download/5/AppRun -O ./AppRun # 64-bit
- wget -c https://github.com/probonopd/AppImageKit/releases/download/6/AppRun_6-x86_64 -O AppRun # 64-bit
+ wget -c https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/AppRun-${TARGET_ARCH} -O AppRun
chmod a+x AppRun
# Delete blacklisted files
- BLACKLISTED_FILES=$( cat_file_from_url https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/raw/master/excludelist | sed '/^\s*$/d' | sed '/^#.*$/d')
+ BLACKLISTED_FILES=$(cat_file_from_url https://github.com/AppImage/AppImages/raw/master/excludelist | sed 's|#.*||g')
- FOUND=$(find . -xtype f -name "${FILE}" 2>/dev/null)
- if [ ! -z "$FOUND" ] ; then
- echo "Deleting blacklisted ${FOUND}"
- rm -f "${FOUND}"
- fi
+ FILES="$(find . -name "${FILE}" -not -path "./usr/optional/*")"
+ for FOUND in $FILES ; do
+ rm -vf "$FOUND" "$(readlink -f "$FOUND")"
+ done
# Do not bundle developer stuff
rm -rf usr/include || true
rm -rf usr/lib/cmake || true
REALBIN=$(grep -o "^Exec=.*" *.desktop | sed -e 's|Exec=||g' | cut -d " " -f 1 | head -n 1)
- cat_file_from_url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/probonopd/AppImageKit/master/desktopintegration > ./usr/bin/$REALBIN.wrapper
+ cat_file_from_url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/master/desktopintegration > ./usr/bin/$REALBIN.wrapper
chmod a+x ./usr/bin/$REALBIN.wrapper
sed -i -e "s|^Exec=$REALBIN|Exec=$REALBIN.wrapper|g" $1.desktop
# Generate AppImage; this expects $ARCH, $APP and $VERSION to be set
+ # Download AppImageAssistant
+ URL="https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/6/AppImageAssistant_6-${SYSTEM_ARCH}.AppImage"
+ wget -c "$URL" -O AppImageAssistant
+ chmod a+x ./AppImageAssistant
# if [[ "$RECIPE" == *ecipe ]] ; then
# echo "#!/bin/bash -ex" > ./$APP.AppDir/Recipe
# echo "# This recipe was used to generate this AppImage." >> ./$APP.AppDir/Recipe
exit 1
- wget -c "https://github.com/probonopd/AppImageKit/releases/download/6/AppImageAssistant_6-x86_64.AppImage" -O AppImageAssistant # (64-bit)
- chmod a+x ./AppImageAssistant
mkdir -p ../out || true
- rm ../out/$APP"-"$VERSION"-x86_64.AppImage" 2>/dev/null || true
- ./AppImageAssistant ./$APP.AppDir/ ../out/$APP"-"$VERSION"-"$ARCH".AppImage"
+ rm ../out/$APP"-"$VERSION".glibc"$GLIBC_NEEDED"-"$ARCH".AppImage" 2>/dev/null || true
+ GLIBC_NEEDED=${GLIBC_NEEDED:=$(glibc_needed)}
+ ./AppImageAssistant ./$APP.AppDir/ ../out/$APP"-"$VERSION".glibc"$GLIBC_NEEDED"-"$ARCH".AppImage"
# Generate AppImage type 2
# Get the ID of the last successful build on Travis CI
- # ID=$(wget -q https://api.travis-ci.org/repos/probonopd/appimagetool/builds -O - | head -n 1 | sed -e 's|}|\n|g' | grep '"result":0' | head -n 1 | sed -e 's|,|\n|g' | grep '"id"' | cut -d ":" -f 2)
+ # ID=$(wget -q https://api.travis-ci.org/repos/AppImage/appimagetool/builds -O - | head -n 1 | sed -e 's|}|\n|g' | grep '"result":0' | head -n 1 | sed -e 's|,|\n|g' | grep '"id"' | cut -d ":" -f 2)
# Get the transfer.sh URL from the logfile of the last successful build on Travis CI
# Only Travis knows why build ID and job ID don't match and why the above doesn't give both...
# URL=$(wget -q "https://s3.amazonaws.com/archive.travis-ci.org/jobs/$((ID+1))/log.txt" -O - | grep "https://transfer.sh/.*/appimagetool" | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's|\r||g')
# if [ -z "$URL" ] ; then
# URL=$(wget -q "https://s3.amazonaws.com/archive.travis-ci.org/jobs/$((ID+2))/log.txt" -O - | grep "https://transfer.sh/.*/appimagetool" | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's|\r||g')
# fi
- URL="https://github.com/probonopd/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage"
+ URL="https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/appimagetool-${SYSTEM_ARCH}.AppImage"
wget -c "$URL" -O appimagetool
chmod a+x ./appimagetool
set +x
if ( [ ! -z "$KEY" ] ) && ( ! -z "$TRAVIS" ) ; then
- wget https://github.com/probonopd/AppImageKit/files/584665/data.zip -O data.tar.gz.gpg
+ wget https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/files/584665/data.zip -O data.tar.gz.gpg
( set +x ; echo $KEY | gpg2 --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --skip-verify --output data.tar.gz --decrypt data.tar.gz.gpg )
tar xf data.tar.gz
sudo chown -R $USER .gnu*
mv $HOME/.gnu* $HOME/.gnu_old ; mv .gnu* $HOME/
- VERSION=$VERSION ./appimagetool -n -s --bintray-user $BINTRAY_USER --bintray-repo $BINTRAY_REPO -v ./$APP.AppDir/
+ GLIBC_NEEDED=${GLIBC_NEEDED:=$(glibc_needed)}
+ VERSION=$VERSION.glibc$GLIBC_NEEDED ./appimagetool -n -s --bintray-user $BINTRAY_USER --bintray-repo $BINTRAY_REPO -v ./$APP.AppDir/
- VERSION=$VERSION ./appimagetool -n --bintray-user $BINTRAY_USER --bintray-repo $BINTRAY_REPO -v ./$APP.AppDir/
+ GLIBC_NEEDED=${GLIBC_NEEDED:=$(glibc_needed)}
+ VERSION=$VERSION.glibc$GLIBC_NEEDED ./appimagetool -n --bintray-user $BINTRAY_USER --bintray-repo $BINTRAY_REPO -v ./$APP.AppDir/
set -x
mkdir -p ../out/ || true
# Generate status file for use by apt-get; assuming that the recipe uses no newer
-# ingredients than what would require more recent dependencies than what we assume
+# ingredients than what would require more recent dependencies than what we assume
# to be part of the base system
mkdir -p ./tmp/archives/
mkdir -p ./tmp/lists/partial
touch tmp/pkgcache.bin tmp/srcpkgcache.bin
- wget -q -c "https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/raw/master/excludedeblist"
+ wget -q -c "https://github.com/AppImage/AppImages/raw/master/excludedeblist"
rm status 2>/dev/null || true
for PACKAGE in $(cat excludedeblist | cut -d "#" -f 1) ; do
printf "Package: $PACKAGE\nStatus: install ok installed\nArchitecture: all\nVersion: 9:999.999.999\n\n" >> status
find usr/share/applications -iname "*${LOWERAPP}.desktop" -exec cp {} . \; || true
+fix_desktop() {
+ # fix trailing semicolons
+ for key in Actions Categories Implements Keywords MimeType NotShowIn OnlyShowIn; do
+ sed -i '/'"$key"'.*[^;]$/s/$/;/' $1
+ done
# Find the icon file and copy it to the AppDir
if [ -z "$THEDEB" ] ; then
echo "Version could not be determined from the .deb; you need to determine it manually"
- VER1=$(echo $THEDEB | cut -d "~" -f 1 | cut -d "_" -f 2 | cut -d "-" -f 1 | sed -e 's|1%3a||g' | sed -e 's|+dfsg||g' )
- GLIBC_NEEDED=$(glibc_needed)
+ VERSION=$(echo $THEDEB | cut -d "~" -f 1 | cut -d "_" -f 2 | cut -d "-" -f 1 | sed -e 's|1%3a||g' | sed -e 's|+dfsg||g' )
# transfer.sh
-transfer() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/test.md\ncat /tmp/test.md | transfer test.md"; return 1; fi
+transfer() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/test.md\ncat /tmp/test.md | transfer test.md"; return 1; fi
tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX ); if tty -s; then basefile=$(basename "$1" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/-/g'); curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$1" "https://transfer.sh/$basefile" >> $tmpfile; else curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "https://transfer.sh/$1" >> $tmpfile ; fi; cat $tmpfile; rm -f $tmpfile; }
# Patch binary files; fill with padding if replacement is shorter than original
# http://everydaywithlinux.blogspot.de/2012/11/patch-strings-in-binary-files-with-sed.html
# Example: patch_strings_in_file foo "/usr/local/lib/foo" "/usr/lib/foo"
-function patch_strings_in_file() {
+patch_strings_in_file() {
local FILE="$1"
local PATTERN="$2"
local REPLACEMENT="$3"
- # Find all unique strings in FILE that contain the pattern
+ # Find all unique strings in FILE that contain the pattern
STRINGS=$(strings ${FILE} | grep ${PATTERN} | sort -u -r)
if [ "${STRINGS}" != "" ] ; then
echo "File '${FILE}' contain strings with '${PATTERN}' in them:"
while [ ${#NEW_STRING_HEX} -lt ${#OLD_STRING_HEX} ] ; do
- # Now, replace every occurrence of OLD_STRING with NEW_STRING
+ # Now, replace every occurrence of OLD_STRING with NEW_STRING
echo -n "Replacing ${OLD_STRING} with ${NEW_STRING}... "
hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' ${FILE} | \
sed "s/${OLD_STRING_HEX}/${NEW_STRING_HEX}/g" | \