Gnuplot doesn't have any "official" file name extension(s). It uses
(at least) two different types of files basically:
- "control files": These can have many different somewhat commonly
used extensions such as .gpi, .gnu, .gnuplot, .gp, .plt, .gih,
others. These files don't contain data, only Gnuplot commands such
as 'set yrange [75:105]', 'set ylabel "foo" offset 1', and so on.
- "data files": This is what libsigrok reads and writes. These files
contain actual data to be graphed by Gnuplot (with the help of a
specially-crafted control file, see above). The data is usually in
a tab-separated format. The common file extension is usually .dat,
though many others are possible as well.
SR_PRIV struct sr_output_module output_gnuplot = {
.id = "gnuplot",
.name = "Gnuplot",
- .desc = "Gnuplot file format",
- .exts = (const char*[]){"pl", NULL},
+ .desc = "Gnuplot data file format",
+ .exts = (const char*[]){"dat", NULL},
.options = NULL,
.init = init,
.receive = receive,